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Dedication_and_Introduction<br />

spent millions of dollars studing Voodoo, witchcraft, and psychics.<br />

On August 3, 1977, at a Senate hearing the then CIA director<br />

Admiral Stansfield Turner disclosed that the CIA had been<br />

conducting <strong>mind</strong> <strong>control</strong> on countless numbers of unsuspecting<br />

victims for years, without their knowledge or consent. These CIA<br />

<strong>mind</strong>-<strong>control</strong> operations were carried out with the participation of a<br />

least 185 scientists and at least 80 American institutions, including<br />

prisons, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and 44 medical<br />

colleges & universities. Many of America’s most prestigious<br />

institutes of medical research, had cooperated with the CIA. as well<br />

as numerous big name corporations. Casey admitted that day that<br />

the CIA did <strong>mind</strong>-<strong>control</strong> consisting of drugs, hypnosis &<br />

electro-shock. A few of the victims of the <strong>Monarch</strong> Project were<br />

even awarded financial compensation for their misery.<br />

But what was admitted was admitted in the spirit of covering up the<br />

extent of the full truth. The compensation was actually hush money,<br />

because victims were given "gag orders" by judges not to talk about<br />

what had happened to them. It’s been a disaster for <strong>Monarch</strong><br />

victims that so many ministers have ignored those words of their<br />

Scripture, "For we are not ignorant of the devil’s devices." 2 COR<br />

2:11 This book is a must for those ministers who seriously believe<br />

"Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse<br />

ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting<br />

holiness in the fear of God." 2 COR 7:1. In 2 TIM 2: 19-21,<br />

believers who "nameth the name of Christ" are asked to purge<br />

themselves of their uncleanliness ( unclean spirits).<br />

There are many top notch Christians in the churches today who are<br />

under <strong>mind</strong>-<strong>control</strong>, incl. many of the Christian leadership. I would<br />

like to re<strong>mind</strong> Christian ministers that Isaiah the great prophet said,<br />

"The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned that I<br />

should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he<br />

wakeneth morning by morning; he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the<br />

learned." Ignorance is not godliness. Isaiah learned to speak with<br />

the great learned men of his day, just as Paul the great apostle could<br />

speak to the learned men of his time. One of the character traits of<br />

http://mercury.spaceports.com/~persewen/fritz/fritz-intro.html (12 of 18) [7/15/2000 7:53:14 PM]

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