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Curriculum Vitae Name: Eric Klinger - Personal Website Hosting ... Curriculum Vitae Name: Eric Klinger - Personal Website Hosting ...
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Eric Klinger’s Curriculum Vitae 9 Aug 2010 dreams (Interface, 1976). Contemporary Psychology, 22, 475. Klinger, E. (1977). Personology for beginners. Review of D. Diggins & J. Huber, The human personality (Little, Brown, 1976). Contemporary Psychology, 22, 904-905. Klinger, E. (1979). The expanding science of consciousness. Review of A.A. Sugerman & R. E. Tarter (Eds.), Expanding dimensions of consciousness (Springer, 1978). Contemporary Psychology, 24, 585- 586. Klinger, E. (1980). Imaginal processes: A glimpse of the promised land. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Psychotherapy process: Current issues and future directions. New York: Plenum. Klinger, E. (1980). AASMI: A vision of its future. Imagery: Bulletin of the American Association for the Study of Mental Imagery, 3, (3), 2-3. (Other) Klinger, E., & Kemble, E.D. (1982). Generality and specifics in psychobiological theory of emotions. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 5, 437-438. (Comment) Klinger, E. (1983). Foreword. In J. Shorr, Psychotherapy through imagery (2nd Ed.). New York: Thieme-Stratton. Klinger, E. (1983). Issues in learning theory and imagery: The Bugelski model. Journal of Mental Imagery, 6, 39-42. Klinger, E. (1984). Thinking about action. Review of M. von Cranach et al., Goal-directed action. (Academic Press, 1982). Contemporary Psychology, 29, 321-322. Klinger, E. (1985). Missing links in action theory. In M. Frese & J. Sabini (Eds.), Goal-directed behavior: The concept of action in psychology. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum. Klinger, E. (1985). An imagery sampler. Review of J. E. Shorr et al., Imagery: Theoretical and clinical applications, Vol. 3. (Plenum, 1982). Contemporary Psychology, 30, 59-60. Klinger, E. (1986, winter). Large lectures on a small campus: General psychology at UMM. Focus, 5. (Other) Klinger, E. (1989). Goal-orientation as psychological linchpin: A commentary on Cantor and Kihlstrom's "Social Intelligence and Cognitive Assessments of Personality." In T. K. Srull & R. S. Wyer, Jr. (eds.), Advances in Social Cognition (Vol. 2; pp. 123- 130). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Gollwitzer, P., Klinger, E., Schneider, K., & Weinert, F. (1990). Heinz Heckhausen (1926-1988). American Psychologist, 45, 1268. (Obituary) Klinger, E. (1992). Commentary on Kuhl's theory of self-regulation. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 41, 135- 138. 14

Eric Klinger’s Curriculum Vitae 9 Aug 2010 Klinger, E. (1993). The more things change... Psychological Inquiry, 4, 289-291. (Commentary on Caspi & Moffitt, "When do individual differences matter? A paradoxical theory of personality coherence.") Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., & Blount, J. P. (1995). The Motivational Structure Questionnaire. Appendix in J. P. Allen (Ed.), Assessing alcohol problems: A guide for clinicians and researchers (pp. 399- 411). NIAAA Treatment Handbook Series 4. NIH Publication N. 95-3745. Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Cox, W. M., Klinger, E., Fuhrmann, A., & de Jong-Meyer, R. (1995). Fragebogen zu gegenwärtigen Anliegen (FGA). German adaptation of the MSQ. Manuscript. University of Münster, Germany. Blount, J. P., Cox, W. M., Heinemann, A. W., Klinger, E., Langley, M., Miranti, V., Ridgely, M., & Schmidt, M. F. (1995). Substance abuse as a barrier to employment following traumatic brain injury. (Includes training manuals for Systematic Motivational Counseling and Skills Based Substance Abuse Prevention Counseling, as well as project final report.) Chicago: Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Klinger, E. (1996). Theories of thought flow: Points of kinship and fertile contrasts. In R. S. Wyer, Jr. (Ed.), Advances in social cognition (pp.107-120). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (A commentary on Martin, L. L., & Tesser, A. Some ruminative thoughts. Same volume.) Fadardi, J. S., Cox, W. M., & Klinger, E. (2006). Life Enrichment and Advancement Programme (LEAP): A Self-Help Manual for Reducing Your Need to Drink. University of Wales at Bangor: Unpublished treatment manual. Klinger, E. (2006). Conceptual framework and issues for a goals-oriented treatment perspective: A commentary on “Where do we go from here? The goal-perspective in psychotherapy.” Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 13, 371-375. Klinger, E. (2006-2007). Review of the book [McBride. D., & Schmorrow, D. (2005). Quantifying Human Information Processing (New York: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield)]. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 26, 163-166. Klinger, E. (2007). Class schedule study of UMM faculty teaching loads. Focus on Faculty, 9 (2), Web Publication at Klinger, E., & Cox, W. M. (2010). Vorwort (Foreword). In B. M. Schroer, A. Fuhrmann, & R. de Jong-Meyer, Zielaktivierung und Zielklärung im psychotherapeutischen Prozess (ZAK) (pp. 7- 8). (Goal activation and goal clarification in psychotherapeutic process (ZAK).) Tübingen, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie (German Society for Behavior Therapy). Conference Papers and Presentations Gee, H.H., & Klinger, E. (1960). Absence of a social desirability factor in the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. 15

<strong>Eric</strong> <strong>Klinger</strong>’s <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong><br />

9 Aug 2010<br />

dreams (Interface, 1976). Contemporary Psychology, 22, 475.<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E. (1977). Personology for beginners. Review of D. Diggins & J. Huber,<br />

The human personality (Little, Brown, 1976). Contemporary Psychology, 22, 904-905.<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E. (1979). The expanding science of consciousness. Review of<br />

A.A. Sugerman & R. E. Tarter (Eds.), Expanding dimensions of consciousness (Springer, 1978).<br />

Contemporary Psychology, 24, 585- 586.<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E. (1980). Imaginal processes: A glimpse of the promised land. In M. Mahoney<br />

(Ed.), Psychotherapy process: Current issues and future directions. New York: Plenum.<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E. (1980). AASMI: A vision of its future. Imagery: Bulletin of the American<br />

Association for the Study of Mental Imagery, 3, (3), 2-3. (Other)<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E., & Kemble, E.D. (1982). Generality and specifics in psychobiological theory of<br />

emotions. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 5, 437-438. (Comment)<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E. (1983). Foreword. In J. Shorr, Psychotherapy through imagery (2nd Ed.).<br />

New York: Thieme-Stratton.<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E. (1983). Issues in learning theory and imagery: The Bugelski model.<br />

Journal of Mental Imagery, 6, 39-42.<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E. (1984). Thinking about action. Review of M. von Cranach<br />

et al., Goal-directed action. (Academic Press, 1982). Contemporary Psychology, 29, 321-322.<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E. (1985). Missing links in action theory. In M. Frese & J. Sabini (Eds.),<br />

Goal-directed behavior: The concept of action in psychology. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum.<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E. (1985). An imagery sampler. Review of J. E. Shorr et al.,<br />

Imagery: Theoretical and clinical applications, Vol. 3. (Plenum, 1982). Contemporary<br />

Psychology, 30, 59-60.<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E. (1986, winter). Large lectures on a small campus: General<br />

psychology at UMM. Focus, 5. (Other)<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E. (1989). Goal-orientation as psychological linchpin: A commentary on Cantor<br />

and Kihlstrom's "Social Intelligence and Cognitive Assessments of <strong>Personal</strong>ity." In T. K. Srull<br />

& R. S. Wyer, Jr. (eds.), Advances in Social Cognition (Vol. 2; pp. 123- 130). Hillsdale, NJ:<br />

Erlbaum.<br />

Gollwitzer, P., <strong>Klinger</strong>, E., Schneider, K., & Weinert, F. (1990). Heinz Heckhausen<br />

(1926-1988). American Psychologist, 45, 1268. (Obituary)<br />

<strong>Klinger</strong>, E. (1992). Commentary on Kuhl's theory of self-regulation.<br />

Applied Psychology: An International Review, 41, 135- 138.<br />


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