Primordial Black Holes and Cosmological Phase Transitions Report ...

Primordial Black Holes and Cosmological Phase Transitions Report ... Primordial Black Holes and Cosmological Phase Transitions Report ...


PBHs and Cosmological Phase Transitions 50 it turns out that particle and antiparticle have opposite values of µ. As a result, µ vanishes if the number density n of particles and the respective number density ¯n of antiparticles are equal. Otherwise, µ is determined by the imbalance n − ¯n (e.g. Lyth, 1993). If the charges are all zero then all of the chemical potentials are zero and (95) turns out to be some sort of generalized blackbody distribution (e.g. Lyth, 1993) f(p) =gi(T ) e E −1 T ± 1 . (96) The charge density of the Universe is zero to very high accuracy. If that was not the case then the expansion of the Universe would be governed by electrical repulsion instead of gravity. The net baryon number of the Universe is not zero but it is small in the sence that (e.g. Lyth, 1993) η = nB nγ ≪ 1 (97) where nB is the baryon density and nγ the photon density. Assuming that the same goes for the three lepton numbers (although we cannot measure them directly) it turns out that the generalized blackbody distribution is valid to great accuracy for all the relativistic species in equilibrium. Since there are (2π) −3d3pd3x states in a given volume of phase space, the particle number density n and the energy density ρ of particles of a particular species i are given by (e.g. Lyth, 1993) ni = gi(T ) (2π) 3 ∞ 0 ρi = gi(T ) (2π) 3 ∞ 0 f(p)4πp 2 dp (98) Ef(p)4πp 2 dp (99) If the mass m of the species in question is such that T ≫ m then one is on the relativistic regime and it is a good approximation to consider E = p. Taking this into account and inserting (96) into equations (98) and (99) we obtain, separately for fermions and bosons (e.g. Lyth, 1993) ρB,i = π2 30 gi(T )T 4 (100) ρF,i = 7 π 8 2 30 gi(T )T 4 (101) nB,i = ζ(3) π2 gi(T )T 3 (102) nF,i = 3 ζ(3) 4 π2 gi(T )T 3 (103) where ζ(3) ≈ 1.2021. According to the generalized blackbody distribution each relativistic species contributes with ∼ T 4 to ρ and ∼ T 3 to n. When T < m

PBHs and Cosmological Phase Transitions 51 we are in the non–relativistic regime and we have ρ and n falling rapidly. The reason is that the energy available in a collision is now insufficient to create the species (e.g. Lyth, 1993). As the temperature T falls below the mass m of a given species, particle– antiparticle pairs rapidly annihilate (according to the generalized blackbody distribution) and only one kind of particle of that species survives. The imbalance n − ¯n becomes significant and µ no longer vanishes. However, even if the surviving particles do not decay, their contribution to ρ and n during the radiation–dominated era are negligible (e.g. Lyth, 1993). If we are interested in the total energy density (i.e., in the energy density due to all the particle species for which m ≪ 3T ) then it may be useful to introduce the effective number of helicity degrees of freedom at a particular epoch (i.e., characterized by a given temperature T ) defined as (e.g. Liddle & Lyth, 1993) g(T )= bosons gi(T )+ 7 8 fermions gi(T ) (104) where the sum goes over all particle species with m ≪ 3T . Notice that the fermionic degrees of freedom are suppressed by a factor of 7/8 with respect to bosonic degrees of freedom. This is due to the difference between Fermi–Dirac statistics and Bose–Einstein statistics (e.g. Hands, 2001). We may write, with the help of equation (104), the total energy density for a radiation–dominated Universe as (e.g. Schwarz, 2003) ρ = π2 30 g(T )T 4 . (105) In particle physics helicity h is the projection of the angular momentum of the particle to the direction of motion. Because angular momentum with respect to an axis has discrete values, helicity is discrete too. For a relativistic particle (m ≪ 3T ) there are two possible helicity eigenstates usually referred to as left– handed and right–handed states 24 (e.g. Hands, 2001). For each quark flavour we have to count two electric charges (quark + anti–quark), two helicity states and three colour states. This gives a total of 2 × 2 × 3 = 12 degrees of freedom per quark. In the case of gluons we have to consider that each one of the eight colour charges could have one of two helicity states. Thus, gluons contribute with 2 × 8 = 16 degrees of freedom. Each neutral lepton (i.e. neutrino) contributes with two degrees of freedom corresponding to two possible helicity states. On the other hand each charged lepton contibutes with four degrees of freedom corresponding to two helicity states × two charges (lepton and anti–lepton). The photon contributes with two degrees of freedom corresponding to two possible helicity states. The Higgs boson contributes with 4 degrees of freedom corresponding to the two possible helicity states of the scalar doublet. The W ± and Z 0 bosons 24 The antineutrinos observed so far all have right–handed helicity, while the neutrinos are left–handed.

PBHs <strong>and</strong> <strong>Cosmological</strong> <strong>Phase</strong> <strong>Transitions</strong> 51<br />

we are in the non–relativistic regime <strong>and</strong> we have ρ <strong>and</strong> n falling rapidly. The<br />

reason is that the energy available in a collision is now insufficient to create the<br />

species (e.g. Lyth, 1993).<br />

As the temperature T falls below the mass m of a given species, particle–<br />

antiparticle pairs rapidly annihilate (according to the generalized blackbody<br />

distribution) <strong>and</strong> only one kind of particle of that species survives. The imbalance<br />

n − ¯n becomes significant <strong>and</strong> µ no longer vanishes. However, even if<br />

the surviving particles do not decay, their contribution to ρ <strong>and</strong> n during the<br />

radiation–dominated era are negligible (e.g. Lyth, 1993).<br />

If we are interested in the total energy density (i.e., in the energy density due<br />

to all the particle species for which m ≪ 3T ) then it may be useful to introduce<br />

the effective number of helicity degrees of freedom at a particular epoch (i.e.,<br />

characterized by a given temperature T ) defined as (e.g. Liddle & Lyth, 1993)<br />

g(T )= <br />

bosons<br />

gi(T )+ 7<br />

8<br />

<br />

fermions<br />

gi(T ) (104)<br />

where the sum goes over all particle species with m ≪ 3T . Notice that the<br />

fermionic degrees of freedom are suppressed by a factor of 7/8 with respect to<br />

bosonic degrees of freedom. This is due to the difference between Fermi–Dirac<br />

statistics <strong>and</strong> Bose–Einstein statistics (e.g. H<strong>and</strong>s, 2001).<br />

We may write, with the help of equation (104), the total energy density for<br />

a radiation–dominated Universe as (e.g. Schwarz, 2003)<br />

ρ = π2<br />

30 g(T )T 4 . (105)<br />

In particle physics helicity h is the projection of the angular momentum of the<br />

particle to the direction of motion. Because angular momentum with respect<br />

to an axis has discrete values, helicity is discrete too. For a relativistic particle<br />

(m ≪ 3T ) there are two possible helicity eigenstates usually referred to as left–<br />

h<strong>and</strong>ed <strong>and</strong> right–h<strong>and</strong>ed states 24 (e.g. H<strong>and</strong>s, 2001).<br />

For each quark flavour we have to count two electric charges (quark +<br />

anti–quark), two helicity states <strong>and</strong> three colour states. This gives a total of<br />

2 × 2 × 3 = 12 degrees of freedom per quark. In the case of gluons we have to<br />

consider that each one of the eight colour charges could have one of two helicity<br />

states. Thus, gluons contribute with 2 × 8 = 16 degrees of freedom.<br />

Each neutral lepton (i.e. neutrino) contributes with two degrees of freedom<br />

corresponding to two possible helicity states. On the other h<strong>and</strong> each charged<br />

lepton contibutes with four degrees of freedom corresponding to two helicity<br />

states × two charges (lepton <strong>and</strong> anti–lepton). The photon contributes with<br />

two degrees of freedom corresponding to two possible helicity states.<br />

The Higgs boson contributes with 4 degrees of freedom corresponding to<br />

the two possible helicity states of the scalar doublet. The W ± <strong>and</strong> Z 0 bosons<br />

24 The antineutrinos observed so far all have right–h<strong>and</strong>ed helicity, while the neutrinos are<br />


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