Primordial Black Holes and Cosmological Phase Transitions Report ...

Primordial Black Holes and Cosmological Phase Transitions Report ... Primordial Black Holes and Cosmological Phase Transitions Report ...


PBHs and Cosmological Phase Transitions 120 6 PBH formation 6.1 The condition for PBH formation The collapse of an overdense region, forming a BH, is possible only if the root mean square of the primordial fluctuations, averaged over a Hubble volume, is larger than a threshold δmin. There is also an upper bound δmax corresponding to the case for which a separate Universe will form. Thus a PBH will form when the density contrast δ, averaged over a volume of the linear size of the Hubble radius, satisfies (Carr, 1975) δmin ≤ δ ≤ δmax. (244) The lower and upper bounds of δ can be determined following analytic arguments. Consider, for simplicity, a spherically–symmetric region with radius R and density ρ = ρc + δρ embedded in a flat Universe with the critical density ρc. Within spherical symmetry the inner region is not affected by matter in the surrounding part of the Universe. The expansion of this region will come to an halt, at some stage, followed by a collapse. In order to reach a complete collapse, the potential energy, V , at the time of maximal expansion (e.g. Kiefer, 2003) 2 GM V ∼ R ∼ Gρ2R 5 has to exceed the inner energy, U, given by (e.g. Kiefer, 2003) U ∼ pR 3 (245) (246) where p is the pressure. In the radiation–dominated era (which is the era of interest for PBH formation) an overdense region will collapse to a BH provided that the size of the region, when it stops expanding, is bigger than the Jeans Length 31 RJ (e.g. Kiefer, 2003) 1 R ≥ RJ = . (247) 3Gρ In order to prevent the formation of a separate Universe we must ensure, also, that the radius of the collapsing region, R, is smaller than the curvature radius of the overdense region at the moment of collapse (e.g. Kiefer, 2003) R< 1 √ Gρ . (248) One then has the condition 1 1 >R≥ , (249) 3 31 The Jeans Length is the critical radius of a region where thermal energy, which causes the region to expand, is counteracted by gravity; this causes the region to collapse.

PBHs and Cosmological Phase Transitions 121 which is evaluated at the time of collapse, for the formation of the PBH. In particular, when the fluctuation enters the horizon in a radiation–dominated Universe, one gets (e.g. Carr, 1975; Kiefer, 2003) δmin ≡ 1 3 ≤ δ< 1 ≡ δmax, (250) where the lower bound comes from condition (247) and the upper bound comes from condition (248). The extreme δmax corresponds to the situation for which a separate Universe forms and δmin corresponds to the threshold of PBH formation. If δ < δmin the fluctuation dissipates and there is no PBH formation (see Section 2.4.3 of Sobrinho & Augusto, 2007). The correct value of δmin has been a matter of discussion (see Table 3 of Sobrinho & Augusto, 2007). We have already seen that the value δmin =1/3 is suggested by analytic arguments. However, numerical simulations considering critical phenomena in the PBH formation (see Section 2.4.1 of Sobrinho & Augusto, 2007) reveal a higher value, δmin ≈ 0.7, which is almost twice the old value. Another study using peaks theory (Green et al., 2004) leads to δmin ≈ 0.3 − 0.5, which is in good agreement with the analytic approach (δmin =1/3). Taking into account that the threshold δmin arises from critical behaviour, we will refer to δmin in the rest of the text as δc. The value of the threshold δc is constant, with some exceptions, throughout the radiation–dominated Universe. Exceptions are phase transitions (Sections 2 and 3) and annihilation processes (Section 4). During these epochs the speed of sound vanishes or, at least, diminishes and, as a result, δc becomes smaller (Sections 7, 8 and 9). This is very important because a smaller δc will favour PBH production (Section 11). The condition for PBH formation is written as δc ≤ δ< 1. (251) For radiation domination (w =1/3), the size of the overdense region at turnaround (i.e. at the moment when the kinetic energy of the expansion is zero), its Schwarzschild radius, the Jeans length, and the cosmological horizon size are all of the same order of magnitude. On the contrary, for dust domination (w = 0), the Jeans length is much smaller than the horizon size. For an overdense region that experiences a radiation phase for much of its evolution and a dust–like phase for the rest we define an effective Jeans length (e.g. Cardall & Fuller, 1998) 1 RJ,eff = (1 − f) (252) 3Gρc where f denotes the fraction of the overdense region spent in the dust–like phase of the transition. 6.2 The mechanism of PBH formation The ultimate fate of an initially super–horizon density fluctuation, upon horizon crossing, is mainly determined by a competition between dispersing pressure

PBHs <strong>and</strong> <strong>Cosmological</strong> <strong>Phase</strong> <strong>Transitions</strong> 120<br />

6 PBH formation<br />

6.1 The condition for PBH formation<br />

The collapse of an overdense region, forming a BH, is possible only if the root<br />

mean square of the primordial fluctuations, averaged over a Hubble volume, is<br />

larger than a threshold δmin. There is also an upper bound δmax corresponding<br />

to the case for which a separate Universe will form. Thus a PBH will form when<br />

the density contrast δ, averaged over a volume of the linear size of the Hubble<br />

radius, satisfies (Carr, 1975)<br />

δmin ≤ δ ≤ δmax. (244)<br />

The lower <strong>and</strong> upper bounds of δ can be determined following analytic arguments.<br />

Consider, for simplicity, a spherically–symmetric region with radius R<br />

<strong>and</strong> density ρ = ρc + δρ embedded in a flat Universe with the critical density<br />

ρc. Within spherical symmetry the inner region is not affected by matter in<br />

the surrounding part of the Universe. The expansion of this region will come<br />

to an halt, at some stage, followed by a collapse. In order to reach a complete<br />

collapse, the potential energy, V , at the time of maximal expansion (e.g. Kiefer,<br />

2003)<br />

2 GM<br />

V ∼<br />

R ∼ Gρ2R 5<br />

has to exceed the inner energy, U, given by (e.g. Kiefer, 2003)<br />

U ∼ pR 3<br />

(245)<br />

(246)<br />

where p is the pressure. In the radiation–dominated era (which is the era of<br />

interest for PBH formation) an overdense region will collapse to a BH provided<br />

that the size of the region, when it stops exp<strong>and</strong>ing, is bigger than the Jeans<br />

Length 31 RJ (e.g. Kiefer, 2003)<br />

<br />

1<br />

R ≥ RJ = . (247)<br />

3Gρ<br />

In order to prevent the formation of a separate Universe we must ensure, also,<br />

that the radius of the collapsing region, R, is smaller than the curvature radius<br />

of the overdense region at the moment of collapse (e.g. Kiefer, 2003)<br />

R< 1<br />

√ Gρ . (248)<br />

One then has the condition<br />

<br />

1<br />

1 >R≥ , (249)<br />

3<br />

31 The Jeans Length is the critical radius of a region where thermal energy, which causes<br />

the region to exp<strong>and</strong>, is counteracted by gravity; this causes the region to collapse.

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