Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians

Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians

Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians


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Comm <strong>on</strong> Phil, Col, Thes<br />

but <strong>on</strong> me also, lest I should have sorrow up<strong>on</strong> solum, sed etiam mei; ut ne tristitiam super<br />

sorrow.<br />

tristitiam haberem.<br />

28. I sent him therefore the more carefully, 28. Studiosius itaque misi illum, ut eo viso<br />

that, when ye see him again, ye may rejoice, <strong>and</strong> rursus gaudeatis, et ego magis vacem dolore.<br />

that I may be the less sorrowful.<br />

29. Receive him therefore in the Lord with 29. Excipite ergo illum in Domino cum omni<br />

all gladness; <strong>and</strong> hold such in reputati<strong>on</strong>: gaudio: et qui tales sunt, in pretio habete:<br />

30. Because for the work of Christ he was 30. Quia propter opus Christi usque ad<br />

nigh unto death, not regarding his life, to supply mortem accessit, exp<strong>on</strong>ens periculo animam, ut<br />

your lack of service toward me. sufficeret quod deerat vestro erga me ministerio,<br />

(vel, officio.)<br />

25 I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus. After having encouraged them by the<br />

promise of his own coming <strong>and</strong> that of Timothy, he fortifies them also for the present, by sending<br />

previously Epaphroditus, that in the mean time, while he waited the issue of his own affairs, (for<br />

this was the cause of his delay,) they might not be in want of a pastor who should take care that<br />

matters were properly managed. Now, he recommends Epaphroditus by many distincti<strong>on</strong>s — that<br />

he is his brother, <strong>and</strong> helper in the affairs of the gospel — that he is his fellow-soldier, by which<br />

term he intimates what is the c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> of the ministers of the gospel; that they are engaged in an<br />

incessant warfare, for Satan will not allow them to promote the gospel without maintaining a<br />

c<strong>on</strong>flict. Let those, then, who prepare themselves for edifying the Church, know that war is<br />

denounced against them, <strong>and</strong> prepared. This, indeed, is comm<strong>on</strong> to all Christians — to be soldiers<br />

in the camp of Christ, 150 for Satan is the enemy of all. It is, however, more particularly applicable<br />

to the ministers of the word, who go before the army <strong>and</strong> bear the st<strong>and</strong>ard. Paul, however, more<br />

especially might boast of his military service, 151 inasmuch as he was exercised to a very miracle<br />

in every kind of c<strong>on</strong>test. He accordingly commends Epaphroditus, because he had been a compani<strong>on</strong><br />

to him in his c<strong>on</strong>flicts.<br />

The term Apostle here, as in many other passages, is taken generally to mean any evangelist,<br />

152 unless any <strong>on</strong>e prefers to underst<strong>and</strong> it as meaning an ambassador sent by the <strong>Philippians</strong>, so<br />

that it may be understood as c<strong>on</strong>joining these two things — an ambassador to afford service to<br />

Paul. 153 The former significati<strong>on</strong>, however, is in my opini<strong>on</strong> more suitable. He menti<strong>on</strong>s also,<br />

am<strong>on</strong>g other things, to his praise, that he had ministered to him in pris<strong>on</strong> — a matter which will be<br />

treated of more fully ere l<strong>on</strong>g.<br />

26. He l<strong>on</strong>ged after you. It is a sign of a true pastor, that while he was at a great distance, <strong>and</strong><br />

was willingly detained by a pious engagement, he was nevertheless affected with c<strong>on</strong>cern for his<br />

flock, <strong>and</strong> a l<strong>on</strong>ging after them; <strong>and</strong> <strong>on</strong> learning that his sheep were distressed <strong>on</strong> his account, 154<br />

150 “De batailler sous l’enseigne de Christ;” — “To fight under Christ’s banner.”<br />

151 “S. Paul pouuoit se vanter plus que pas <strong>on</strong> des autres, que sa c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> estoit semblable a celle d’vn gendarme;” — “St.<br />

Paul might boast more than any other that his c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> resembled that of a soldier.”<br />

152 “Pour tous prescheurs de l’euangile;” — “For all preachers of the gospel.”<br />

153 “Ambassade pour administrer a Sainct Paul en sa necessite;” — “An ambassador to minister to St. Paul in his necessity.”<br />

154 “Pour l’amour de luy;” — “From love to him.”<br />

48<br />

John Calvin

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