Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians

Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians

Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians


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Comm <strong>on</strong> Phil, Col, Thes<br />

alleviate my miseries, fulfill ye my joy, etc. From this we may infer, how great a blessing unity in<br />

the Church is, <strong>and</strong> with what eagerness pastors should endeavor to secure it. 94 We must also at the<br />

same time take notice, how he humbles himself by beseechingly imploring their pity, while he<br />

might have availed himself of his paternal authority, so as to dem<strong>and</strong> respect from them as his s<strong>on</strong>s.<br />

95 He knew how to exercise authority when it was necessary, but at present he prefers to use<br />

entreaties, because he knew that these would be better fitted to gain an entrance into their affecti<strong>on</strong>s,<br />

96 <strong>and</strong> because he was aware that he had to do with pers<strong>on</strong>s who were docile <strong>and</strong> compliant. In this<br />

manner the pastor must have no hesitati<strong>on</strong> to assume different aspects for the sake of the Church.<br />

97<br />

2 Fulfil ye my joy. Here again we may see how little anxiety he had as to himself, provided <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

it went well with the Church of Christ. He was kept shut up in pris<strong>on</strong>, <strong>and</strong> bound with chains; he<br />

was reck<strong>on</strong>ed worthy of capital punishment — before his view were tortures — near at h<strong>and</strong> was<br />

the executi<strong>on</strong>er; yet all these things do not prevent his experiencing unmingled joy, provided he<br />

sees that the Churches are in a good c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>. Now what he reck<strong>on</strong>s the chief indicati<strong>on</strong> of a<br />

prosperous c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> of the Church is — when mutual agreement prevails in it, <strong>and</strong> brotherly<br />

harm<strong>on</strong>y. Thus the 137th Psalm teaches us in like manner, that our crowning joy is the remembrance<br />

of Jerusalem. (Psalm 137:6.) But if this were the completi<strong>on</strong> of Paul’s joy, the <strong>Philippians</strong> would<br />

have been worse than cruel if they had tortured the mind of this holy man with a twofold anguish<br />

by disagreement am<strong>on</strong>g themselves.<br />

That ye think the same thing. The sum is this — that they be joined together in views <strong>and</strong><br />

inclinati<strong>on</strong>s. For he makes menti<strong>on</strong> of agreement in doctrine <strong>and</strong> mutual love; <strong>and</strong> afterwards,<br />

repeating the same thing, (in my opini<strong>on</strong>,) he exhorts them to be of <strong>on</strong>e mind, <strong>and</strong> to have the same<br />

views. The expressi<strong>on</strong> τὸ αὐτὸ, (the same thing,) implies that they must accommodate themselves<br />

to each other. Hence the beginning of love is harm<strong>on</strong>y of views, but that is not sufficient, unless<br />

men’s hearts are at the same time joined together in mutual affecti<strong>on</strong>. At the same time there were<br />

no inc<strong>on</strong>sistency in rendering it thus: — “that ye may be of the same mind — so as to have mutual<br />

love, to be <strong>on</strong>e in mind <strong>and</strong> <strong>on</strong>e in views;” for participles are not unfrequently made use of instead<br />

of infinitives. I have adopted, however, the view which seemed to me less forced.<br />

3 Nothing through strife or vain-glory. These are two most dangerous pests for disturbing the<br />

peace of the Church. Strife is awakened when every <strong>on</strong>e is prepared to maintain pertinaciously his<br />

own opini<strong>on</strong>; <strong>and</strong> when it has <strong>on</strong>ce begun to rage it rushes headl<strong>on</strong>g 98 in the directi<strong>on</strong> from which<br />

it has entered. Vain-glory 99 tickles men’s minds, so that every <strong>on</strong>e is delighted with his own<br />

94 “Et que les pasteurs le doyuent procurer d’vne affecti<strong>on</strong> vehemente et zele ardent;” — “And that pastors should endeavor<br />

to procure it with intense desire <strong>and</strong> ardent zeal.”<br />

95 “Il peust vser d’authorite paternelle, et dem<strong>and</strong>er que pour la reuerence qu’ils luy deuoyent comme ses enfans, ils feissent<br />

ce qu’il enseigne yci;” — “He might have exercised paternal authority, <strong>and</strong> have dem<strong>and</strong>ed that in c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> of the respect<br />

which they owed him as his children, they should do what he here inculcates.”<br />

96 “Pour entrer dedans leurs cœurs, et es mouuoir leurs affecti<strong>on</strong>s;” — “For entering into their hearts, <strong>and</strong> moving their<br />

affecti<strong>on</strong>s.”<br />

97 “Ne doit faire difficulte de se transformer sel<strong>on</strong> qu’il cognoistra que ce sera le proufit de l’Eglise;” — “Should have no<br />

hesitati<strong>on</strong> in transforming himself according as he may perceive that this will be for the advantage of the Church.”<br />

98 “Sans pouuoir estre arrestee;” — “Without being capable of being arrested.”<br />

99 Κενοδόξοι pers<strong>on</strong>s whose object is to acquire power, <strong>and</strong> who, if they see others superior to themselves, are offended.<br />

(Galatians 5:26.) This κενοδοξία vain-glory, produces c<strong>on</strong>tenti<strong>on</strong>s of all kinds; <strong>and</strong> it produces this evil besides, that pers<strong>on</strong>s<br />

who have g<strong>on</strong>e wr<strong>on</strong>g, <strong>and</strong> who might have been restored to truth <strong>and</strong> virtue by humble, friendly adm<strong>on</strong>iti<strong>on</strong>, are often, by the<br />

30<br />

John Calvin

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