Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians

Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians

Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians


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Comm <strong>on</strong> Phil, Col, Thes<br />

What we have rendered mild, the old translator renders Fuimus parvuli, (we have been little,)<br />

525 but the reading which I have followed is more generally received am<strong>on</strong>g the Greeks; but whichever<br />

you may take, there can be no doubt that he makes menti<strong>on</strong> of his voluntary abasement. 526<br />

As if a nurse. In this comparis<strong>on</strong> he takes in two points that he had touched up<strong>on</strong> — that he had<br />

sought neither glory nor gain am<strong>on</strong>g the Thessal<strong>on</strong>ians. For a mother in nursing her infant shews<br />

nothing of power or dignity. Paul says that he was such, inasmuch as he voluntarily refrained from<br />

claiming the h<strong>on</strong>or that was due to him, <strong>and</strong> with calmness <strong>and</strong> modesty stooped to every kind of<br />

office. Sec<strong>on</strong>dly, a mother in nursing her children manifests a certain rare <strong>and</strong> w<strong>on</strong>derful affecti<strong>on</strong>,<br />

inasmuch as she spares no labor <strong>and</strong> trouble, shuns no anxiety, is wearied out by no assiduity, <strong>and</strong><br />

even with cheerfulness of spirit gives her own blood to be sucked. In the same way, Paul declares<br />

that he was so disposed towards the Thessal<strong>on</strong>ians, that he was prepared to lay out his life for their<br />

benefit. This, assuredly, was not the c<strong>on</strong>duct of a man that was sordid or avaricious, but of <strong>on</strong>e that<br />

exercised a disinterested affecti<strong>on</strong>, <strong>and</strong> he expresses this in the close — because ye were dear unto<br />

us In the mean time, we must bear in mind, that all that would be ranked am<strong>on</strong>g true pastors must<br />

exercise this dispositi<strong>on</strong> of Paul—to have more regard to the welfare of the Church than to their<br />

own life, <strong>and</strong> not be impelled to duty by a regard to their own advantage, but by a sincere love to<br />

those to whom they know that they are c<strong>on</strong>joined, <strong>and</strong> laid under obligati<strong>on</strong>. 527<br />

1 Thessal<strong>on</strong>ians 2:9-12<br />

9. For ye remember, brethren, our labour <strong>and</strong> 9. Memoria enim tenetis, fratres, laborem<br />

travail: for labouring night <strong>and</strong> day, because we nostrum et sudorem: nam die ac nocte opus<br />

would not be chargeable unto any of you, we facientes, ne gravaremus quenquam vestrum,<br />

preached unto you the gospel of God. praedicavimus apud vos Evangelium Dei.<br />

10. Ye are witnesses, <strong>and</strong> God also, how 10. Vos testes estis et Deus, ut sancte, et iuste,<br />

holily <strong>and</strong> justly <strong>and</strong> unblameably we behaved et sine querela vobis, qui creditis, fuerimus.<br />

ourselves am<strong>on</strong>g you that believe:<br />

11. As ye know how we exhorted <strong>and</strong> 11. Quemadmodum nostis, ut unumquemque<br />

comforted <strong>and</strong> charged every <strong>on</strong>e of you, as a vestrum, quasi pater suos liberos,<br />

father doth his children,<br />

12. That ye would walk worthy of God, who 12. Exhortati simus, et m<strong>on</strong>uerimus et<br />

hath called you unto his kingdom <strong>and</strong> glory. obtestati simus, ut ambularetis digne Deo, qui<br />

vocavit vos in suum regnum et gloriam.<br />

9 For ye remember. These things tend to c<strong>on</strong>firm what he had stated previously — that to spare<br />

them he did not spare himself. He must assuredly have burned with a w<strong>on</strong>derful <strong>and</strong> more than<br />

525 The rendering of Wicliff (1380) is, as usual, in accordance with the Vulgate— “we weren made litil.” —Ed.<br />

526 “Abaissement et humilite;” — “Abasement <strong>and</strong> humility.”<br />

527 “Pour vne vraye amour et n<strong>on</strong> feinte qu’ils portent a ceux, ausquels ils scauent que Dieu les a c<strong>on</strong>i<strong>on</strong>ts et liez ou obligez;”<br />

— “From a true <strong>and</strong> unfeigned love which they bear to those, to whom they know that God has c<strong>on</strong>joined, <strong>and</strong> tied, or bound<br />

them.”<br />

156<br />

John Calvin

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