Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians

Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians

Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians


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Comm <strong>on</strong> Phil, Col, Thes<br />

When he speaks of the Church which was in the house of Nymphas, let us bear in mind, that,<br />

in the instance of <strong>on</strong>e household, a rule is laid down as to what it becomes all Christian households<br />

to be — that they be so many little Churches. 480 Let every <strong>on</strong>e, therefore, know that this charge is<br />

laid up<strong>on</strong> him — that he is to train up his house in the fear of the Lord, to keep it under a holy<br />

discipline, <strong>and</strong>, in fine, to form in it the likeness of a Church.<br />

16. Let it be read in the Church of the Laodiceans. Hence, though it was addressed to the<br />

<strong>Colossians</strong>, it was, nevertheless, necessary that it should be profitable to others. The same view<br />

must also be taken of all the Epistles. They were indeed, in the first instance, addressed to particular<br />

Churches, but, as they c<strong>on</strong>tain doctrine that is always in force, <strong>and</strong> is comm<strong>on</strong> to all ages, it is of<br />

no importance what title they bear, for the subject matter bel<strong>on</strong>gs to us. It has been groundlessly<br />

supposed that the other Epistle of which he makes menti<strong>on</strong> was written by Paul, <strong>and</strong> those labor<br />

under a double mistake who think that it was written by Paul to the Laodiceans. I have no doubt<br />

that it was an Epistle that had been sent to Paul, the perusal of which might be profitable to the<br />

<strong>Colossians</strong>, as neighboring towns have usually many things in comm<strong>on</strong>. There was, however, an<br />

exceedingly gross imposture in the circumstance that some worthless pers<strong>on</strong>, I know not who, had<br />

the audacity to forge, under this pretext, an Epistle, that is so insipid, 481 that nothing can be c<strong>on</strong>ceived<br />

to be more foreign to Paul’s spirit.<br />

17 Say to Archippus. So far as I can c<strong>on</strong>jecture, this Archippus was, in the mean time, discharging<br />

the office of pastor, during the absence of Epaphras; but perhaps he was not of such a dispositi<strong>on</strong><br />

as to be sufficiently diligent of himself without being stirred up. Paul, accordingly, would have him<br />

be more fully encouraged by the exhortati<strong>on</strong> of the whole Church. He might have adm<strong>on</strong>ished him<br />

in his own name individually; but he gives this charge to the <strong>Colossians</strong> that they may know that<br />

they must themselves employ incitements, 482 if they see their pastor cold, <strong>and</strong> the pastor himself<br />

does not refuse to be adm<strong>on</strong>ished by the Church. For the ministers of the word are endowed with<br />

signal authority, but such at the same time as is not exempt from laws. Hence, it is necessary that<br />

they should shew themselves teachable if they would duly teach others. As to Paul’s calling attenti<strong>on</strong><br />

again 483 to his b<strong>on</strong>ds, he intimates by this that he was in no slight degree afflicted. For he was<br />

mindful of human infirmity, <strong>and</strong> without doubt he felt some twinges of it in himself, inasmuch as<br />

he was so very urgent that all pious pers<strong>on</strong>s, should be mindful of his distresses. It is, however, no<br />

evidence of distrust, that he calls in from all quarters the helps that were appointed him by the Lord.<br />

The subscripti<strong>on</strong>, with his own h<strong>and</strong>, means, as we have seen elsewhere, that there were even then<br />

spurious epistles in circulati<strong>on</strong>, so that it was necessary to provide against impositi<strong>on</strong>. 484<br />



480 See Calvin <strong>on</strong> the Corinthians, vol. 2, p. 78.<br />

481 “C<strong>on</strong>trefaire et mettre en auant vne lettre comme escrite par sainct Paul aux Laodiciens, voire si sotte et badine;” — “To<br />

forge <strong>and</strong> put forward a letter as if written by St. Paul to the Laodiceans, <strong>and</strong> that too so foolish <strong>and</strong> silly.”<br />

482 “Qu’eux — mesmes aussi doyuent faire des rem<strong>on</strong>strances et inciter leur pasteur;” — “That they must themselves employ<br />

rem<strong>on</strong>strances <strong>and</strong> stir up their pastor.”<br />

483 Paul had previously made menti<strong>on</strong> of his b<strong>on</strong>ds, in the 3rd verse of the chapter. — Ed.<br />

484 “Que des lors <strong>on</strong> faisoit courir des epistres a faux titre, et sous le nom des seruiteurs de Dieu: a laquelle meschancete il leur<br />

estoit force de remedier par quelque moyen;” — “That even then they put into circulati<strong>on</strong> epistles under a false title, <strong>and</strong> in the<br />

name of the servants of God: to which wickedness he was under the necessity of employing a remedy by some means.”<br />

143<br />

John Calvin

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