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103 Journal of Buddhist Ethics<br />

---. “The Story of the Hunted Deer: The Messenger of Renunciation.”<br />

Trans. Lama Kunzang Dorjée and Jeffrey Wenger. Shabkar.org. 2006.<br />

Web. 24 Sept. 2012.<br />

Jigme Lingpa and Kangyur Rinpoche Longchen Yeshe Dorje. Treasury of<br />

Precious Qualities. Trans. Padmakara Translation Group. Boston:<br />

Shambhala, 2010.<br />

Khenpo Ngawang Pelzang. A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher.<br />

Trans. Padmakara Translation Group. Boston: Shambhala, 2004.<br />

Kieschnick, John. “Buddhist Vegetarianism in China.” Of Tripod and Pal-<br />

ate: Food, Politics, and Religion in Traditional China. Ed. Roel Sterckx.<br />

New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. 186–212.<br />

Mochizuki, Kaie. “On the Scriptures Introducing the Prohibition of Meat<br />

and Alcohol by Dol Po Pa.” Acta Tibetica Et Buddhica 2. Ed. Kaie Mo-<br />

chizuki. Minobu: Department of Tibetan Studies, Faculty of Buddhism,<br />

Minobusan University, 2009.<br />

Nyala Pema Duddul. “Song of Advice for Giving Up the Eating of Meat.”<br />

Trans. Adam Pearcy. LotsawaHouse.org. Web. 24 Sept. 2012.<br />

Patrul Rinpoche. The Words of My Perfect Teacher. Trans. Padmakara<br />

Translation Group. Boston: Shambhala, 1998.<br />

Phelps, Norm. The Great Compassion: Buddhism and Animal Rights.<br />

Lantern Books, 2004.<br />

Prasad, Chandra Shekhar. “Meat-Eating and the Rule of Tikoṭiparisud-<br />

dha.” Studies in Pali and Buddhism: A Memorial Volume in Honor of<br />

Bhikkhu Jagdish Kashyap. Ed. A. K Narain. Delhi: B. R. Pub. Corp, 1979.<br />

289–295.<br />

Rahula, Telwatte. “Buddhist Attitude Toward Meat-Eating and Non-<br />

Violence.” Religions and Comparative Thought: Essays in Honour of the

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