Henri Lefebvre: A Critical Introduction - autonomous learning

Henri Lefebvre: A Critical Introduction - autonomous learning Henri Lefebvre: A Critical Introduction - autonomous learning

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A Adorno, Theodor, 175n10 Allen, Woody, ix Althusser, Louis, xx, 49-50, 87, 101, 124, 178n8, 181n9 Anderson, Perry, 171n1 B Babel, Isaac, 173n19 Bachelard, Gaston (The Poetics of Space), 180n10, 184n12 Bakhtin, Mikhail (Rabelais and His World), 16 Bakunin, Mikhail, 48, 129 Bardot, Brigitte, ix Baudelaire, Charles, 96 Beat generation, 37 Becker-Ho, Alice (Les princes du jargon), 182n13 Benjamin, Walter, xv Bergson, Henri, 27–28 Berlin Wall (collapse of), xxi, 100, 118, 122, 163 Berman, Marshall, 175n12, 184n7 Blake, William, 178n7 Bourdieu, Pierre (Outline of a Theory of Practice), 184n13 Bové, José, 137–138 Brecht, Bertolt, 6, 29 Brenner, Neil, 103, 185n2 Breton, André, 3, 5 Bretton Woods (agreement), 82, 131 Brown, Norman O., xxv INDEX 191 Life Against Death, 178n7 Brueghel, Pieter, 14 Buddhism, xii–xiv Bush, George, Sr. (New World Order), 164–165, 189n5 Bush, George, W., 142, 143, 165 C Castells, Manuel, xxii, xxii, 101–102, 135, 183n1, 184n8 Céline, Louis-Ferdinand (Mort à Crédit), 182n13 Chaplin, Charlie, 6–7, 29 Chevalier, Louis, 174n1 Clinton administration, 137 Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 40, 177n1 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (The Rime of the Ancient Mariner), xxiii Corbusier, Le, 61, 91 D Debord, Guy, xi, xv, 21, 30–36, 59, 86, 121, 176n24, 176n30, 177n37, 177n40, 180n19, 182n13, 182n21, 183n5, 186n26; see also Situationists, the Debray, Régis (Revolution in the Revolution?), 95 Delanöe, Bertrand (Mayor of Paris), 174n1 Derrida, Jacques, xx

Dialectics, 28–29, 44, 86, 104, 130, 147, 153, 166 Diderot, Denis, 143, 173n11 Direct Action Network (DAN), 48, 55, 140; see also Seattle, WTO protests Dostoevsky, Fyodor, xxiii “Grand Inquisitor” (Brothers Karamazov, The), 153 E Elden, Stuart, 103 Engels, Frederick, 59, 79 Housing Question, The, 70–71, 179n6 Éspace et société (journal), 99, 183n1 F Faust (Goethe), 14, 33 Florence (Italy), 73–74, 180n19 Foucault, Michel, xx, 87 Freud, Sigmund, x, 25, 147, 175n10 Fukuyama, Francis, 164–166, 189n6 G Garaudy, Roger, 101 Giuliani, Rudy, x, 56–57 Global Exchange (San Francisco), 42, 55–56, 140 Globalization, 51, 57, 95–96, 118, 126– 127, 136–142, 168 Godard, Jean-Luc, ix Gottdiener, Mark, 102 Gramsci, Antonio, 80 Gregory, Derek, 102 Guigou, Jacques, 180n9 Gurvitch, Georges, 172n1 Guterman, Norbert, xxx, 72–73, 143– 144, 147–148, 187n10; see also Conscience Mystifiée, La Guterman Collection (Columbia University, New York), xxx–xxxi, 72, 188n22 H Habitat (United Nations), 75–77 i n d e x 192 Hardt, Michael and Negri, Antonio (Empire), 126–132, 135, 186n22, 187n17 Harvey, David, xv, 102, 180n10, 184n13 Social Justice and the City, 84–86 Haussmann, Baron Georges, 92–95 Hegel, George Wilhelm Friedrich, 29, 50, 61, 81, 101, 123, 178n7, 186n17 Phenomenology of Spirit, The, 147– 149, 157 unhappy consciousness, 147–150 Heidegger, Martin, 68, 180n10, 184n12 Hess, Rémi, 100, 178n8, 181n9 Hitler, Adolf, xxx, 3, 16, 17, 143–146, 156, 159, 167, 188n28 Hobsbawm, Eric, xxi Ages of Extremes, 171n5 Hölderlin, Friedrich, xxix Huizinga, Johan (Homo Ludens), 16 Hungary, Soviet invasion of, xxiii, 23 I Intellectuals, French, xix, 171n1 International Monetary Fund (IMF), 42, 55, 90, 96 J Jacobs, Jane, 91 Death and Life of Great American Cities, 64 Jameson, Fredric, 73, 102, 180n15 Jarry, Alfred (Ubu Roi), 18–19 Johnson, Philip, xii–xiii Joyce, James, xxviii–xxix, 99 Ulysses, 7–8 K Kafka, Franz, 44 Castle, The, 167–169 Trial, The, 168 Kierkegaard, Søren, xix, 148 Kipfer, Stefan, 103 Klein, Melanie, xi Kofman, Eleonore, 102, 179n9 Kojève, Alexandre, 148 Krauthammer, Charles, 166–167, 189n6 Kundera, Milan, 169

A<br />

Adorno, Theodor, 175n10<br />

Allen, Woody, ix<br />

Althusser, Louis, xx, 49-50, 87, 101,<br />

124, 178n8, 181n9<br />

Anderson, Perry, 171n1<br />

B<br />

Babel, Isaac, 173n19<br />

Bachelard, Gaston (The Poetics of<br />

Space), 180n10, 184n12<br />

Bakhtin, Mikhail (Rabelais and His<br />

World), 16<br />

Bakunin, Mikhail, 48, 129<br />

Bardot, Brigitte, ix<br />

Baudelaire, Charles, 96<br />

Beat generation, 37<br />

Becker-Ho, Alice (Les princes du<br />

jargon), 182n13<br />

Benjamin, Walter, xv<br />

Bergson, <strong>Henri</strong>, 27–28<br />

Berlin Wall (collapse of), xxi, 100, 118,<br />

122, 163<br />

Berman, Marshall, 175n12, 184n7<br />

Blake, William, 178n7<br />

Bourdieu, Pierre (Outline of a Theory of<br />

Practice), 184n13<br />

Bové, José, 137–138<br />

Brecht, Bertolt, 6, 29<br />

Brenner, Neil, 103, 185n2<br />

Breton, André, 3, 5<br />

Bretton Woods (agreement), 82, 131<br />

Brown, Norman O., xxv<br />

INDEX<br />

191<br />

Life Against Death, 178n7<br />

Brueghel, Pieter, 14<br />

Buddhism, xii–xiv<br />

Bush, George, Sr. (New World Order),<br />

164–165, 189n5<br />

Bush, George, W., 142, 143, 165<br />

C<br />

Castells, Manuel, xxii, xxii, 101–102,<br />

135, 183n1, 184n8<br />

Céline, Louis-Ferdinand (Mort à Crédit),<br />

182n13<br />

Chaplin, Charlie, 6–7, 29<br />

Chevalier, Louis, 174n1<br />

Clinton administration, 137<br />

Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 40, 177n1<br />

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (The Rime of<br />

the Ancient Mariner), xxiii<br />

Corbusier, Le, 61, 91<br />

D<br />

Debord, Guy, xi, xv, 21, 30–36,<br />

59, 86, 121, 176n24,<br />

176n30, 177n37, 177n40,<br />

180n19, 182n13, 182n21,<br />

183n5, 186n26; see also<br />

Situationists, the<br />

Debray, Régis (Revolution in the<br />

Revolution?), 95<br />

Delanöe, Bertrand (Mayor of Paris),<br />

174n1<br />

Derrida, Jacques, xx

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