Stom infektsioonide lab diagnostika ja ravi.pdf

Stom infektsioonide lab diagnostika ja ravi.pdf

Stom infektsioonide lab diagnostika ja ravi.pdf


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<strong>Stom</strong>atoloogiliste <strong>infektsioonide</strong><br />

<strong>lab</strong>oratoorne <strong>diagnostika</strong> <strong>ja</strong> <strong>ravi</strong><br />

T.Brilene<br />

11.03.2010<br />

Anaeroobne k¸lv (haavaeritis,<br />

punktaadid, hambajuurekanali<br />

mater<strong>ja</strong>l, koet¸kid)<br />

N‰idustused:<br />

ï anaeroobse infektsiooni kahtlus (ebameeldiva<br />

lıhnaga eritis haavast; kudede nekroos; abstsessid;<br />

gaasi teke kahjustatud kudedes)<br />

ï infektsiooni allumatus <strong>ravi</strong>le ainult aeroobidele<br />

toimivate antibiootikumidega;<br />

ï infektsiooni tekkekoht l‰hedal normaalselt<br />

anaeroobidega koloniseeritud limaskestadele,<br />

ï mikroskoopia leius erineva morfoloogiaga<br />

mikroobid, mis aeroobselt v‰l<strong>ja</strong> ei kasva.<br />

T‹ Kliinikum ‹hend<strong>lab</strong>ori k‰siraamat

Abstsessid, punktaadid:<br />

ï desinfitseerida punktsioonikoha nahk.<br />

ï Punkteerida, aspireerida mater<strong>ja</strong>l s¸stlasse.<br />

ï Kui abstsessi punkteerimisel on m‰daeritus v‰hene,<br />

s¸stida sinna steriilset f¸sioloogilist lahust ning<br />

aspireerida see tagasi s¸stlasse.<br />

ï Eemaldada katsutilt kork, s¸stida mater<strong>ja</strong>l<br />

katsutisse.<br />

ï Mida suurem on mater<strong>ja</strong>li hulk, seda suurem on<br />

anaeroobide s‰ilimise <strong>ja</strong> isoleerimise tıen‰osus.<br />

T‹ Kliinikum ‹hend<strong>lab</strong>ori k‰siraamat<br />

M‰da, haavaeritis:<br />

ï haava pind puhastada steriilse f¸sioloogilise<br />

lahusega, eemaldada nekrotiseerunud kude<br />

(sisaldab leukots¸¸tide poolt juba surmatud<br />

mikroobe <strong>ja</strong> detriiti).<br />

ï Parimaks mater<strong>ja</strong>liks haavast on s¸stlaga<br />

aspireeritud m‰da vıi koet¸kid.<br />

ï Kui nimetatud mater<strong>ja</strong>li pole vıimalik saada, vıtta<br />

proov tampooniga haavast vıimalikult s¸gavalt.<br />

ï Suruda tampoon katsutisse nii, et vatiosa ulatuks<br />

sˆˆtmesse.<br />

T‹ Kliinikum ‹hend<strong>lab</strong>ori k‰siraamat

ï Hambajuurekanali m‰da: sondi abil vıtta mater<strong>ja</strong>l<br />

juurekanalist vıimalikult s¸gavalt, suruda sond<br />

otsapidi transportsˆˆtmesse.<br />

ï Koet¸kid: suruda steriilsete pintsettidega<br />

transportsˆˆtmesse.<br />

ï NB! Anaeroobsete tingimuste s‰ilitamiseks hoida<br />

katsutit kogu aeg vertikaalasendis, et CO2, mis on<br />

ıhust raskem, ei voolaks katsutist v‰l<strong>ja</strong>.<br />

ï S‰ilitamine <strong>ja</strong> transport: toatemperatuuril (+20-25 C)<br />

¸ks ˆˆp‰ev.<br />

T‹ Kliinikum ‹hend<strong>lab</strong>ori k‰siraamat<br />

ï Anal¸¸simeetod: k¸lv Wilkins-Chalgreni agarile <strong>ja</strong><br />

selektiivsele Wilkins-Chalgreni agarile.<br />

ï Kultiveerimine anaeroobses keskkonnas.<br />

ï Tekita<strong>ja</strong> isoleerimine, samastamine <strong>ja</strong><br />

<strong>ravi</strong>mtundlikkuse m‰‰ramine.<br />

ï Lıplik vastus: negatiivne 5.-6. p‰eval, positiivne<br />

koos tundlikkusega 7. p‰eval (Actinomyces spp.<br />

korral kuni 2 n‰dalat).<br />

ï Vıimalikud vead: proovi vıtmine antibakteriaalse<br />

<strong>ravi</strong> foonil, vead s‰ilitamisel <strong>ja</strong> transpordil.<br />

T‹ Kliinikum ‹hend<strong>lab</strong>ori k‰siraamat

Transportsˆˆde<br />

Parodontiidi mikrobioloogiline<br />

<strong>diagnostika</strong><br />

N‰idustused: parodontiit, <strong>ravi</strong>le allumatu parodontiit<br />

ï Proovide vıtmine<br />

ï Eelneb lokaalanesteesias mehaaniline biokile<br />

eemaldamine ning juurepindade silestamine ¸le<br />

kogu hammaskonna.<br />

ï Igemetasku kaabe vıetakse kuuest s¸gavamast<br />

igemetaskust hambapindadelt steriilse k¸retiga <strong>ja</strong><br />

kantakse <strong>lab</strong>oris valmistatud anaeroobsesse<br />

transportsˆˆtmesse<br />

ï S‰ilitamine <strong>ja</strong> transport: toatemperatuuril<br />

(anaeroobid), mater<strong>ja</strong>l peab <strong>lab</strong>orisse jıudma<br />

proovi vıtmise p‰eval.<br />

T‹ Kliinikum ‹hend<strong>lab</strong>ori k‰siraamat

Metoodika<br />

ï Esmask¸lvid<br />

ï Transportsˆˆtmest tehakse 5 j‰rjestikust lahjendust <strong>ja</strong><br />

k¸lvatakse Brucella agarile ning<br />

ï A. actinomycetemcomitansíi isoleerimiseks TSBV<br />

Tryptic Soy Serum Bacitracin Vancomycin Agar<br />

ï Lıplik vastus: 7.-10. p‰eval.<br />

ï Tılgendus<br />

ï Parodontiidi tekita<strong>ja</strong>te samastamine<br />

(A. actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas<br />

gingivalis, Bacteroides forsythus, Fusobacterium<br />

nucleatum, Prevotella intermedia/nigrescensíi grupp,<br />

Peptostreptococcus micros, Campylobacter rectus,<br />

enterokokid <strong>ja</strong> enterobakterid) <strong>ja</strong> patogeeni(de)<br />

protsendi arvutamine kogu mikrofloora kasvutiheduse<br />

suhtes.<br />

ï Vıimalikud vead: vead mater<strong>ja</strong>li vıtmisel (aeroobne<br />

katsut) <strong>ja</strong> transpordil (pikk transpordiaeg).<br />

TSBV agar<br />

Tryptic Soy Serum Bacitracin<br />

Vancomycin agar (TSBV) is an<br />

enriched selective medium for the<br />

isolation and presumptive<br />

identification of A. actinomycetemcomitans.<br />

ïTSBV medium contains bacitracin<br />

and vancomycin at a concentration<br />

that inhibits most gram-positive and<br />

most gram-negative anaerobes,<br />

except for A. actinomycetemcomitans<br />

among others.<br />

ïThis medium is prepared,<br />

dispensed and packaged under<br />

oxygen-free conditions to prevent<br />

the formation of oxidized products<br />

prior to use.



ï Candida perekonna p‰rmseened<br />

pıhjustavad pindmisi <strong>ja</strong> invasiivseid,<br />

lokaalseid <strong>ja</strong> s¸steemseid infektsioone.<br />

ï Tısise immuunsupressiooniga patsientidel<br />

(n‰it. hematoloogiliste kasva<strong>ja</strong>tega<br />

patsiendid, HIV-positiivsed) on n‰idustatud<br />

uuringud Candida-kolonisatsiooni<br />

selgitamiseks, et va<strong>ja</strong>dusel saaks teostada<br />

kandidoosi prof¸laktikat.<br />

T‹ Kliinikum ‹hend<strong>lab</strong>ori k‰siraamat<br />



Proovinıu<br />

ï aeroobne transpordisˆˆtmega katsuti;<br />

ï Bactec MYC pudel;<br />

ï steriilne proovitops vıi<br />

koonuspıh<strong>ja</strong>ga katsuti (15 mL)<br />

T‹ Kliinikum ‹hend<strong>lab</strong>ori k‰siraamat

ï S‰ilivus<br />

ï Veri <strong>ja</strong> punktsioonimater<strong>ja</strong>lid<br />

transportida vıimalikult kiiresti<br />

<strong>lab</strong>orisse!<br />

ï Tampooniga vıetud mater<strong>ja</strong>l, +4 C<br />

¸ks p‰ev<br />

T‹ Kliinikum ‹hend<strong>lab</strong>ori k‰siraamat<br />

ï Suu limaskesta kandidoos - tampooniga<br />

hıırutakse suu limaskestal asuvaid koldeid.<br />

ï Haavadñ parimaks proovimater<strong>ja</strong>liks on koet¸kk<br />

transpordisˆˆtmes.<br />

ï S¸steemne kandidoos (Candida-sepsis) -<br />

uurimiseks sobivad veri, aspiraadid (pleura-,<br />

peritoneaal-, perikardiıınest), liikvor. Veri,<br />

aspiraadid <strong>ja</strong> liikvor s¸stitakse BACTEC MYC<br />

pudelisse (rohelise korgiga) sarnaselt verek¸lviga<br />

mikrobioloogiliseks uuringuks.<br />

ï Anal¸¸simeetod: k¸lv Sabouraudí agarile,<br />

p‰rmseente samastamine. Tundlikkuse m‰‰ramine<br />

minimaalse inhibeeriva kontsentratsiooni meetodil<br />

(E-test). Positiivne vastus 2.-7. p‰eval, negatiivne 7.<br />

p‰eval.<br />

T‹ Kliinikum ‹hend<strong>lab</strong>ori k‰siraamat

N‰idustus <strong>ja</strong> kliiniline t‰hendus<br />

ï Kahtlus Candida-infektsioonile.<br />

ï P‰rmseente hulk v‰l<strong>ja</strong>k¸lvis sıltub eelkıige<br />

proovivıtu kvaliteedist, mitte niivırd patogeeni<br />

tegelikust arvukusest haiguskoldes.<br />

ï Seetıttu tuleb seenevastase <strong>ravi</strong> m‰‰ramisel<br />

arvestada patsiendi kliinilist tausta <strong>ja</strong> s¸mptomeid.<br />

ï S¸steemse kandidoosi kahtluse korral tuleks<br />

vıimalusel anal¸¸sida ka punktsioonimater<strong>ja</strong>li, sest<br />

verek¸lv vıib j‰‰da negatiivseks.<br />

ï Candida krusei, Candida g<strong>lab</strong>rata <strong>ja</strong> Candida<br />

tropicalis on sageli flukonasool-resistentsed<br />

T‹ Kliinikum ‹hend<strong>lab</strong>ori k‰siraamat<br />



ñ Antibiootikumi (ab) optimaalne kasutamine<br />

(empiiriline, prof¸laktiline, esmavaliku<br />

preparaadid <strong>ja</strong> reserv) resistentsuse<br />

v‰ltimiseks<br />

ñ Ab kasutamise piiramine<br />

ñ Kitsa toimespektriga ab eelistamine<br />

ñ Antibiootikumide rotatsioon<br />

ñ Kombineeritud ab <strong>ravi</strong> kasutamine<br />

ñ Resistentsuse j‰lgimine<br />

ñ Hea infektsioonikontroll, k‰tepesu<br />



ï Pulpiit<br />

ï Streptokokiline<br />

gingiviit<br />

ï Periodontiit<br />

ï Abstsessid<br />

ï Perikoroniit<br />

ï Periimplantiit<br />

Tısised sised fastsia <strong>ja</strong><br />

kaela infektsioonid<br />

ƒge ge Herpes simplex<br />

infektsioon<br />

Candida infektsioon


ï Hambajuure kaaries<br />

ï Dry socket s¸ndroom s ndroom<br />

ï Gingiviit<br />

1. Penitsilliinid<br />

Esimene valik odontogeensete<br />

<strong>infektsioonide</strong> puhul<br />

ï G(+) kokkid, batsillid,spiroh<br />

batsillid, spiroheedid did, , anaeroobid<br />

anaero id<br />

ï 0.7~10% h¸persensiti<br />

h persensitiivsus sus<br />

ï Penicillin enicillin G (IV), Penicillin enicillin V (PO)<br />

ï Penicillinaas-resist<br />

Penicillina resistentsed entsed: : oxacillin, dicloxacillin<br />

ï Extended spectrum: ampicillin, amoxicillin<br />

ï Kombineeritud ‚-la laktama tamaas inhibiitor inhibi toriga iga :<br />


2. Cephalosporin<br />

ï V‰hemtundlik penicillinaasi suhtes<br />

ï G(+) kokk , suurem osa G(-) bakteritest<br />

ï 3 generatioon: Pseudomonas aeruginosa<br />

ï Teine valik (v‰hem efektiivne anaeroobidele<br />

First generation Second generation Third generation Forth generation<br />

Cefazolin<br />

U-SAVE-A<br />

Tydine<br />

Keflor<br />

Ucefaxim<br />

3. Clindamycin<br />

ï G(+) kokid<br />

Claforan Cefepime<br />

ï Bakteriostaatiline -> bakteritsiidne<br />

ï Teise rea preparaat : reserv AB<br />

resistentsete anaeroobide <strong>ravi</strong>ks

4. Aminoglycoside (Gentamicin,<br />

Amikacin, Amikin)<br />

ï G(-) aeroobid, mıned G(+) aeroobid (S.<br />

aureus)<br />

ï Halvasti imendub seedetraktist<br />

ï Annuste reguleerimine neeru<br />

puudulikusega patsiendil<br />

ï Kombineeritud penitsilliiniga vıi<br />

tsefalosporiinidega<br />

5. Metronidazole*(Anegyn, Flagyne)<br />

ï Ainult obligaatsed anaeroobid<br />

ï L‰bib hematoentsefaaset barj‰‰ri<br />

ï Tısiste <strong>infektsioonide</strong> <strong>ravi</strong>ks kombineeritud<br />

‚-laktaam A/B<br />

ï Efektiivne Bacteroides spp., vastu eriti<br />

periodontaalsete <strong>infektsioonide</strong> suhtes<br />

ï V‰l<strong>ja</strong> arvatud raseduse aeg

6. Vancomycin<br />

ï G(+), suurem osa anaeroobe, mıned G(-)<br />

kokid (Neisseria)<br />

ï Intravenoosne,<br />

ï Annuste reguleerimine neeru puudulikusega<br />

patsiendil<br />

ï Kasutatakse kui penitsilliini aseaine<br />

prof¸laktiliselt s¸damerikke puhul<br />

7. Chloramphenicol<br />

ï Laia spektri, efektiivne anaeroobidele<br />

ï Piiratud kasutamine raskete<br />

odontogeensete silma /aju<br />

<strong>infektsioonide</strong> puhul<br />

ï Toksiline

8. Erythromycin<br />

ï G(+) kokk, suu anaeroobid<br />

ï Bakteriostaatiline<br />

ï Teine valik odontogeensete<br />

<strong>infektsioonide</strong> <strong>ja</strong>oks<br />

ï Kergematele ambulatoorsetele<br />

<strong>infektsioonide</strong>le<br />

ï Resistentsus:<br />

50% S. aureus, S.viridans t¸vedest<br />

ï Side Effect of Commonly Used Antibiotics<br />

1. Penicillin hypersensitivity<br />

2. Cephalosporin hypersensitivity<br />

3. Clindamycin diarrhea, pseudomembrane colitis<br />

4. Aminoglycoside damage to kidney, 8th neurotoxicity<br />

5. Metronidazole* GI disturbance, seizures<br />

6. Vancomycin 8th neurotoxicity, thrombophlebitis<br />

7. Chloramphenicol bone marrow suppression<br />

8. Erythromycin mild GI disturbance<br />

9. Tetracyclin* tooth discoloration, photosensitivity<br />




ï Kitsa toimespektriga<br />

pen, amoxi, cephalexin, makroliidid<br />

(erythro-, (erythro , clarithro-,azitromycin).<br />

clarithro ,azitromycin).<br />

NB! Piiratud aktiivsus.<br />

ï Laia toimespektriga- toimespektriga Clindamycin<br />

ï Eelistatud on kombineeritud metronidazole +<br />

amoxi- amoxi vıi i makroliidi <strong>ravi</strong><br />

ï Clindamyciníil<br />

Clindamycin il <strong>ja</strong> Augmentiníil Augmentin il on paremad<br />

farmokokineetilised <strong>ja</strong><br />

farmakod¸naamilised farmakod naamilised n‰ita<strong>ja</strong>d n ita<strong>ja</strong>d<br />



1.Esimene valik (alati aktiivsed):<br />

metronidazole, imipenem, chloramphenicol,lactam/<br />

-lactamase inhibiitor<br />

2. Teine valik(variaabelselt aktiivsed):<br />

cefoxitin, clindamycin<br />

3. Reserv e. vastuolulise toimega:<br />

cefotetan,cefmetazole,ceftizoxime jne.<br />

4. Mitteaktiivsed:<br />

aminoglycosides,aztreonam,sulphonamides,<br />


Mikroobide AB tundlikkus I<br />


Main antibiotics used in dentistry, mechanism of action, their<br />

spectrum, and main bacterial resistance mechanisms<br />

involved.<br />

Drug Mechanism of<br />

action<br />

Phenoxymethyl<br />

penicillin<br />

Amoxicillin,<br />

Ampicillin<br />

inhibition of cell wall<br />

synthesis<br />

inhibition of cell wall<br />

synthesis<br />

Spectrum Main resistance<br />

mechanism(s)<br />

aerobic G+, anaerobic<br />

G+, anaerobic G ñ<br />

(narrow-spectrum<br />

as above plus<br />

haemophilus spp<br />

(broad-spectrum)<br />

Metronidazole inhibition of RNA synthesis strict anaerobic<br />

bacteria, some<br />

facultative anaerobes<br />

Erythromycin inhibition of protein<br />

synthesis<br />

Clindamycin<br />

inhibition of protein<br />

synthesis<br />

Tetracycline inhibition of protein<br />

synthesis<br />

enzymatic (‚-lactamases),<br />

alteration of the target site<br />

(mosaic PBP)<br />

as above<br />

enzymatic (5- nitroimidazole<br />

reductase)<br />

mainly G + target site modification,<br />

enzymatic inactivation,<br />

andactive efflux<br />

as above plus<br />

additional activity on<br />

anaerobes<br />

as above<br />

many G + and G ñ active efflux, enzymatic<br />

inactivation, ribosomal<br />

protection proteins<br />

Principles to choose Antibiotics<br />

ï Once the decision has been made to use<br />

antibiotics as an adjunct to treating<br />

infections the antibiotics should be properly<br />

selected.<br />

The following guide lines are useful<br />

1. Identification of causative organism<br />

2. Determination of antibiotic sensitivity<br />

3. Choice of antibiotics<br />

4. Method of administration

Identification of causative organism<br />

ï Causative organism can be isolated from<br />

pus blood, or tissue fluids.<br />

ï Based upon the knowledge of pathogenesis<br />

and clinical presentation of specific<br />

infection,antibiotic therapy will be either<br />

initial or definitive depending upon whether<br />

or not the organism is diagnosed previously<br />

Determination of antibiotic<br />

sensitivity<br />

When treating an infection that has not<br />

responded to initial antibiotic therapy or<br />

when treating a postoperative wound ,the<br />

causative agent must be previously<br />

identified and the antibiotic sensitivity must<br />

also be determined.

1. Patient`s history of allergy<br />

Allergic reaction to drugs should be considered<br />

first. When it exists, alternative drugs must be used.<br />

Example erythromycin or clindamycin is usually use if<br />

the patient is allergic to penicillin<br />

2. Antibiotics with narrow spectrum<br />

The only major indication for use of broad<br />

spectrum antibiotics coverage is in severe life<br />

threatening infection where identification of<br />

causative agent is obsure.<br />

Each time bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, the<br />

opportunity for development of resistant strains is<br />

present.<br />

If narrow spectrum antibiotics are used ,fewer<br />

organisms have the opportunity to become resistant.<br />

3. Drug that cause fewest adverse reactions<br />

The goal of antibiotic therapy is to provide an effective<br />

drug that causes least problem to the patient<br />

4. Drug which is least toxic<br />

Toxicity reactions are those that occur as a<br />

result of excessive dose or duration of therapy, but<br />

can occur in individual patients with normal doses<br />

5. The well established still effective antibiotics<br />

Since its initial avai<strong>lab</strong>ility, penicillin, has been<br />

used for oral infection and it has been very<br />

effective, with low incidence of adverse reaction.<br />

Newer antibiotics should be used only when they<br />

have proved advantage over the older ones .<br />

6. Bactericidal rather than bacteriostatic drug<br />

Bactericidal drugs are effective during the log<br />

phase of bacterial growth the time . If growth is<br />

slowed or brought to stop,cidal drugs have a<br />

greately diminished effect. As a result, in these<br />

situations, when combination drug therapy is to be<br />

used,cidal and static combination should not be<br />

used in combination.

7. The less expensive still effective antibotic<br />

Most effective but less expensive drug should<br />

be considered first.<br />

8. Combination antibiotics<br />

There are situations in which the use of<br />

antibiotic combination is clearly indicated. Example<br />

is when it is necessary to increase the antibacterial<br />

spectrum in patients with life threatening sepsis of<br />

unknown cause.<br />

Imaging Studies<br />

ï Panorex and periapical dental films are used to<br />

identify involvement of tooth and surrounding bone<br />

in the infectious process.<br />

ï A limited facial series may also be performed to<br />

help visualize the offending area if these studies are<br />

not avai<strong>lab</strong>le; cooperation and communication<br />

with the radiology technician and radiologist is<br />

necessary.<br />

ï A soft-tissue radiograph of the neck can be used to<br />

identify gas-producing infections and determines<br />

any mass effect that may potentially compromise<br />

the airway.

ï CT scan may be used for severe fascial<br />

plane infections to determine the extent,<br />

size, and location of the infectious process.<br />

ñ Soft tissue planes may be seen; with<br />

increasing infection, inflammation, and fat<br />

streaking, the planes may be difficult to<br />

differentiate from ad<strong>ja</strong>cent muscle.<br />

ñ CT scan helps elucidate abscesses,<br />

venous thrombosis, and lymph node<br />

involvement.<br />

ï MRI is not yet favored because of cost and<br />

limited avai<strong>lab</strong>ility.<br />

ï CT scan is preferred for rapid visualization of<br />

odontogenic infections.<br />


Current recommendations<br />

by the American Heart Association 2007<br />

for dental, oral, respiratory tract, or<br />

esophageal procedures, if the patient has<br />

one of the following conditions<br />

Prophylactic regimens are for patients<br />

ï with prosthetic heart valves,<br />

ï previous bacterial endocarditis,<br />

ï congenital cyanotic heart disease,<br />

ï pulmonary shunt placement,<br />

ï cardiac myopathies,<br />

ï acquired valvular disease,<br />

ï and mitral prolapse with regurgitation<br />

ï Cardiac transplantation recipients who develop<br />

cardiac valvulopathy<br />

Only 25% of patients who should receive prophylactic<br />

antibiotics actually receive them.<br />

With 100% compliance, estimates suggest that the<br />

incidence of bacterial endocarditis would be<br />

reduced 3-6%.

ï For adults, administer<br />

amoxicillin 2 g PO 1 hour before procedure.<br />

Administer amoxicillin 50 mg/kg PO for pediatric<br />

patients.<br />

If by IV, administer ampicillin 2 g for adults and 50<br />

mg/kg for children within 30 minutes before the<br />

procedure.<br />

ï For patients allergic to penicillin,<br />

ï give clindamycin 600 mg PO/IV 1 hour before the<br />

procedure.<br />

ï For pediatric patients, administer clindamycin 20<br />

mg/kg PO/IV.<br />

ï Alternatively, azithromycin or clarithromycin 500 mg<br />

PO 1 hour before the procedure may be<br />

administered for adults and 15 mg/kg PO may be<br />

administered for pediatric patients.<br />

Medication<br />

ï The goals of therapy are to treat the<br />

dental infection and prevent further<br />

complications.<br />

ï Amoxicillin is still the first-line drug of choice<br />

but with 34% of Prevotella species resistant<br />

to amoxicillin, the alternatives of<br />

amoxicillin/clavulanate, clindamycin, and<br />

metronidazole need to be considered.

Antibiotics<br />

ï Therapy must cover all likely<br />

pathogens in the context of the clinical<br />

setting.<br />

Penicillin<br />

ï Inhibits biosynthesis of cell wall mucopeptide and is<br />

effective during active replication.<br />

ï Inadequate concentrations may produce only<br />

bacteriostatic effects.<br />

ï Adult<br />

ï 250-500 mg PO q 6h<br />

ï Pediatric<br />

ï 50 mg/kg/d PO divided qid<br />

ï Interactions: Probenecid may increase<br />

effectiveness by decreasing clearance;<br />

tetracyclines are bacteriostatic, causing a<br />

decrease in the effectiveness of penicillins when<br />

administered concurrently

Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid<br />

(Augmentin)<br />

ï Drug combination that extends the antibiotic<br />

spectrum of this penicillin to include<br />

bacteria normally resistant to beta-lactam<br />

antibiotics. Indicated for skin and skin<br />

structure infections caused by betalactamaseñproducing<br />

strains of<br />

Staphylococcus aureus.<br />

ï Administer for a minimum of 10 d.<br />

ï Adult<br />

ï 500/125 mg PO tid<br />

ï Pediatric<br />

ï 40 mg/kg/d PO divided tid<br />

ï Coadministration with warfarin or heparin<br />

increases risk of bleeding

Erythromycin (EES, E-Mycin, Ery-Tab<br />

ï DOC in patients who are allergic to<br />

penicillin.<br />

ï Inhibits RNA-dependent protein synthesis,<br />

possibly by stimulating dissociation of<br />

peptidyl tRNA from ribosomes, inhibiting<br />

bacterial growth.<br />

ï Adult<br />

ï 250-500 mg PO q6h<br />

ï Pediatric<br />

ï 30-50 mg/kg/d PO divided qid<br />

ï Coadministration may increase toxicity of<br />

theophylline, digoxin, carbamazepine, and<br />

cyclosporine; may potentiate anticoagulant<br />

effects of warfarin; coadministration with<br />

lovastatin and simvastatin increases risk of<br />


Clindamycin (Cleocin)<br />

ï Lincosamide useful to treat serious skin and<br />

soft tissue infections caused by most<br />

staphylococci strains.<br />

ï Effective against aerobic and anaerobic<br />

streptococci, except enterococci.<br />

Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by<br />

inhibiting peptide chain initiation at the<br />

bacterial ribosome, where it preferentially<br />

binds to the 50S ribosomal subunit, causing<br />

bacterial growth inhibition.<br />

ï Adult<br />

ï 600-900 mg IV q8h<br />

ï Pediatric<br />

ï 20-40 mg/kg/d IV divided q6-8h<br />

ï Interactions:Increases duration of<br />

neuromuscular blockade induced by<br />

tubocurarine and pancuronium;<br />

erythromycin may antagonize effects of<br />

clindamycin; antidiarrheals may delay<br />

absorption of clindamycin

Ampicillin and sulbactam<br />

(Unasyn)<br />

ï Combination antimicrobial agent that utilizes a<br />

beta-lactamase inhibitor with ampicillin. Gives<br />

better anaerobic coverage.<br />

ï Adult<br />

ï 1.5-3 g IV q6h<br />

ï Pediatric<br />

ï 12 years: Administer as in adults; not to exceed 4<br />

g/d sulbactam or 8 g/d ampicillin<br />

ï Probenecid and disulfiram elevate ampicillin<br />

levels;<br />

ï allopurinol decreases ampicillin effects and<br />

has additive effects on ampicillin rash;<br />

ï may decrease effects of PO contraceptives

Ticarcillin and clavulanate<br />

(Timentin)<br />

ï Used for deep space infections.<br />

ï Inhibits biosynthesis of cell wall<br />

mucopeptide and is effective during stages<br />

of active growth.<br />

ï Antipseudomonal penicillin plus a betalactamase<br />

inhibitor that provides coverage<br />

against gram-positive, gram-negative, and<br />

anaerobic organisms.<br />

ï Adult<br />

ï 3.1 g IV q6h<br />

ï Pediatric<br />

ï 75 mg/kg IV q6h<br />

ï Interactions: Tetracyclines may decrease<br />

effects of ticarcillin; high concentrations of<br />

ticarcillin may physically inactivate<br />

aminoglycosides if administered in same IV<br />

line; effects when administered concurrently<br />

with aminoglycosides are synergistic;<br />

probenecid may increase penicillin levels

Metronidazole (Flagyl)<br />

ï An imidazole ring-based antibiotic active<br />

against various anaerobic bacteria and<br />

protozoa.<br />

ï Usually used in combination with other<br />

antimicrobial agents except when used for<br />

Clostridium difficile enterocolitis in which<br />

monotherapy is appropriate.<br />

ï An addition for treating Ludwig angina.<br />

ï Adult<br />

ï 1 g loading dose IV; then 500 mg IV q6h<br />

ï Pediatric<br />

ï 15 mg/kg loading dose IV; then 7.5 mg/kg q6h<br />

ï Interactions: May increase toxicity of<br />

anticoagulants, lithium, and phenytoin; cimetidine<br />

may increase toxicity of metronidazole; disulfiram<br />

reaction may occur with orally ingested ethanol

ï Systemic therapy:<br />

Actinomycosis<br />

ï penicillin or tetracycline in large doses for<br />

3ñ6 mo<br />

ï Wide excision of infected tissue<br />

ï Systemic therapy<br />

Acute Herpetic<br />

Gingivostomatitis<br />

Valacyclovir 500 mg; 1 tablet twice daily 10 d<br />

Acyclovir 400 mg; 1 tablet 5 times daily 10 d<br />

ï Fluids<br />

ï Analgesia

Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative<br />

Gingivitis<br />

ï DÈbridement of necrotic tissue<br />

ï Aggressive oral hygiene and plaque control<br />

ï Metronidazole 250 mg; 1- 4 times daily 10 d<br />

Bechetís Disease<br />

ï Treat as for aphthosis<br />

ï Refer to a dermatologist, a rheumatologist,<br />

or an ophthalmologist,<br />

ï depending on organ involvement, for<br />

ongoing care,which may include systemic<br />

immunosuppressive and/or antiinflammatory<br />


Candidiasis<br />

ï Identify and correct provocative factors.<br />

ï Topical therapy<br />

ï Nystatin oral suspension (100,000 units/mL);<br />

rinse 5 mL and swallow 4 times/d<br />

ï Clotrimazole solution 1%; rinse 5 mL and<br />

swallow 4 times/d<br />

ï Clotrimazole troches (Mycelex) 10 mg; dissolve 1<br />

troche in mouth 5 times/d<br />

ï Systemic therapy<br />

ï Fluconazole (Diflucan) 100 mg;<br />

ï 2 tablets on the first day,<br />

ï 1 tablet days 2ñ7, 1 tablet every other day for days<br />

8ñ21<br />

ï Ketoconazole (Nizoral) 200 mg; 1 tablet every day<br />

with breakfast 21 d<br />

ï Itraconazole (Sporanox) 200 mg; 1 tablet every day<br />

with breakfast 21 d<br />

ï May use shorter duration for less severe infections

Herpes Zoster<br />

ï Topical therapy<br />

ï ï Calamine lotion for wet, oozing cutaneous<br />

lesions<br />

ï ï Doxepin cream for pain relief of acute<br />

lesions<br />

ï ï Systemic therapy<br />

ï ï Acyclovir 400 mg tablets; 2 tablets 5 times<br />

daily 7ñ10 d<br />

ï ï Famciclovir 500 mg tablets; 1 tablet 3<br />

times daily 7 d<br />

ï ï Valacyclovir 500 mg tablets; 2 tablets 3<br />

times daily 7 d<br />

Impetigo<br />

ï Topical therapy: mupirocin ointment applied<br />

twice daily<br />

ï ï Systemic therapy<br />

ï ï Penicillin V potassium 250 mg tablets; 1<br />

tablet 4 times<br />

ï daily 10 d<br />

ï ï Erythromycin base 250 mg tablets; 1 tablet<br />

4 times daily 10 d<br />

ï ï Dicloxacillin 250 mg tablets; 1 tablet 4<br />

times daily 10 d

tselluliit<br />

Impetigo and Cellulitis<br />

Cellulitis due to Hemophilus<br />

influenza.<br />

Prominent edema of the<br />

upper and lower eyelids with<br />

faint erythema.<br />

Ill-defined erythema on the<br />

cheek of an infant

Clint's abscess - with light reflecting<br />

off of it<br />

Post-surgical<br />

complications!<br />

An abscess formed<br />

within a month of gettng<br />

gum cyst removed.<br />

It was painful,<br />

swelleding up to over the<br />

size of a pea in just a<br />

few hours.<br />

Gingival abscess: A tender erythematous<br />

fluctuant gingival enlargement is present<br />

facial to the maxillary first and second<br />


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