comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...

comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...

comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...


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EN,<br />

T. 75<br />

(d) 1. You may tell them that I shall not visit them to-day, "but that I<br />

shall write to them to-morrow. 2. If you see my sister, do not forget<br />

to tell her what I have told you, but do not show her the letter; I<br />

shall send it to her to-morrow. 3. Have I already told you that I have<br />

told it to me. 4. I have<br />

gained my lawsuit? No, you have not yet<br />

bought a very interesting book; I will lend it to you when I have read<br />

it ( 140. Except.). 5. You have already lent it to me before you read<br />

( 152) it yourself. 6. Did I not give it to her? No, it is to me<br />

that you gave it ( 137. Obs.). 7. Would you have the kindness to lend<br />

me this umbrella? I shall send it back to you this evening. 8. You<br />

must return it to me at noon, I shall want it myself. 9. Do you think<br />

he will give us this fishing rod? If you are good, no doubt he will<br />

give it to you. 10. My friend, I ask you to accompany me to-morrow<br />

to the country, promise it to me. 11. You have an excellent dictionary,<br />

lend it me. I shall not lend it to you, because I want it myself.<br />

12. Alexander said one day to Diogenes: 'I see that you want (rnanquer<br />

de) many things: I should be glad to assist you: ask of me ( 130. a)<br />

anything you like ( 140. Except.). Draw a little aside, replied the<br />

philosopher, you prevent me from enjoying the sun.<br />

LXVIP legon: en, y. 50. 190. 193 195.<br />

(a) Paries -tu de Louis? Oui, je parle de lui. (Person.)<br />

Parles-tu dii theatre? Oui, j'en parle. (Thing.)<br />

Ke"pondras - tu a ma tante? Je lui r^pondrai. (Person.)<br />

Be'pondras-tu a ma lettre?<br />

J'y rdpondrat. (Thing.)<br />

Est-ce qu'on parle de la revolution?<br />

Oui, on en parle. .... Yes, they speak of It.<br />

Est-il content de ce travail?<br />

II en est content. .... He is satisfied with it.<br />

Je suis afflige" de cet accident.<br />

Moi aussi , j'en suis afflige*. .... 1 too am grieved at it.<br />

Es-tu faclie" de cette faute ? J'en suis fache" J am sorry for it.<br />

Avez-vous du pain? Oui, j'en ai. .... Yes, I have some.<br />

Mais Henri n'en a point. But Henry has not any,<br />

II a des amis; en avez-vous? .... Have you any?<br />

Oui, j'en ai beaucoup. .... Yes, I have many (of them).<br />

Ce train vient-il de Paris? Oui, il en vient Yes, it has just come from there<br />

Consens-tu a cet arrangement? J'y consens 1 consent to it.<br />

Penseras-tu a cette affaire?<br />

J'y penserai I shall think of it.<br />

Est-il au bain? II n'y est pas. .... He M not there. *<br />

(to) 1. Doutez-vous de mon succes? Mais non, je n'en doute pas du tout<br />

2. Prendrez - vous un verre de vin ? Non, ne m'cn donnez pas. 3. Venez

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