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comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...

comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...


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70 ADJECTIFS.<br />

than the days. 3. Plato and Aristotle are the greatest of all Greek philosophers.<br />

4. The Spaniards are not so rich as they might be ( 192;<br />

b, 2). 5. Actions are more sincere than words. 6. Anger is at the same<br />

time the most blind, the most violent, the most vile of all advisers.<br />

7. The most useful insects are the silkworm and the bee. 8. (The) great<br />

reputations are not always those (= the) best established. 9. The remedy<br />

is often worse than the evil. 10. The worst of enemies are the flatterers.<br />

11. Friendship renders prosperity more complete and adversity more<br />

endurable. 12. Still waters run deep. 13. The reading of good books<br />

is equal to a conversation with the most witty men of antiquity.<br />

LXIV e<br />

legon: Adjectifs numeraux. 4244.<br />

A quarter of a year; half a year.<br />

Three quarters of a year; a year and a<br />

A year and a half. [quarter.<br />

A week; a fortnight.<br />

To-day week.<br />

(a) Trois mois; six mois.<br />

Neuf mois; quinze<br />

At twelve o'clock (noon) ; at midnight.<br />

At one o'clock in the morning.<br />

At two o'clock in the afternoon.<br />

At a quarter past three.<br />

At ten minutes past eight.<br />

mois.<br />

Dix -huit mois.<br />

Huit jours; quinze jours.<br />

D'aujourd'hui en huit.<br />

Ily a aujourd'huihuit (quinze) jours.<br />

De demain en huit (quinze) jours.<br />

A raidi; a minuit*<br />

A une heure du matin.<br />

A deux heures dli soir.<br />

A trois heures (et) un quart.<br />

A huit heures et dix minutes.<br />

A week (a fortnight) ago.<br />

To-morrow week (fortnight).<br />

(a 8 heures 10).<br />

A quatre heures et demie (180). At half -past four.<br />

A midi et demi. 12. 30 p. m.<br />

A cinq heures moins un quart.<br />

At a quarter to five.<br />

A six heures moins cinq minutes. At jive minutes to six.<br />

Neuf heures viennent de sonner. It has just struck nine.<br />

D e deux j oursl'un. Tousles deux jours. Every other day.<br />

Un a un. Deux a deux. One by one. Two by two.<br />

Quelage avez-vous? Quel est votre Sow old are you?<br />

age?<br />

J'ai quatre -vingts ans. Je suis age* I am eighty.<br />

de quatre - vingts ans.<br />

Un sexage'naire; un septuage"naire ; A<br />

un octogenairej un nonage'naire;<br />

un centenaire.<br />

man sixty, seventy years old.<br />

eighty, ninety<br />

a hundred<br />

* Douze heures ne peut signifier que 'twelve hours 1<br />

.<br />

(b) 1. Six personnes peuvent s'arranger autour d'une table de 720 fagons<br />

differentes; sept, de 5040; huit, de 40,320; neuf, de 362,880; et dix, de<br />

3,628,800 manieres, sans que la meme figure soit jamais repetee. 2. Quand<br />

est-ce que Cortes debarqua au Mexique? L'an 1519. 3. Combien

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