comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...

comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...

comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...


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do 1'Academie? ( 123. b.) En 1695, et la premiere livraison du grand<br />

voudrait vivre s'il<br />

dictionnaire de M. Littre parut en 1863. 10. Qui<br />

connaissait Tavenir? 11. L'aspect de ces sites fait naitre de tristes<br />

pensees. 12. Ceux qui se connaissent savent ce qui leur est utile.<br />

13. Je n'ai pas reconnu votre fils, tant il a cru (grandi). 14.<br />

Ayiezvous<br />

des connaissances dans cette ville? Non, nous n'y connumes<br />

personne. 15. Quand est-ce que les jours commencent a croitre? Us<br />

croissent au printemps, et decroissent en automne. 16. Nous naissons,<br />

nous croissons, nous mourons: voila notre vie.<br />

(c) 1. Connaissez-vous cet eleve et savez-vous s'il est applique? 2. Savezvous<br />

patiner? 3. Pouvez-vous patiner? 4. Connaissez-vous un bon<br />

endroitpour patiner? 5. Savez-vous les mathematiques? 6. Connaissezvous<br />

cette melodie? 7. Savez-vous cette melodic?<br />

(d) 1. Pliny the naturalist wished, as every body knows, to see in close<br />

proximity (de pres) the famous eruption of Mount Vesuvius which took<br />

place in 79; it was so violent that whole towns disappeared under torrents<br />

of lava. 2. Shakspeare will always be acknowledged<br />

(a)<br />

as the first<br />

poet of the English. 3. I should never have known you again. 4. You<br />

seem [to be] very sad, my triend, what ails you? 5. From what I can<br />

see , it is ( 207. a. 2) you who are wrong. 6. There are plants which<br />

grow upon the water. 7. Have you known my cousin? I have known<br />

him by (of) name, but not by sight. 8. Are you a good judge of horses?<br />

9. Do you know this gentleman? 10. Do you know Latin? 11. Do you<br />

know if he will come? 12. Does he know this plant? 13. Does he know<br />

where it grows? 14. A comet has appeared. 15. Shakspeare was born<br />

a ( 168) poet. 16. Men are born, they grow and die; such is their<br />

life.<br />

LP legon: Viyre, suivre, mettre. 99. D.<br />

II faut vivre avec les vivants. 1<br />

II faut que tout le monde vive. I<br />

Vivre au jour la journe'e.<br />

Qui vive! Etre sur le qui -vive.<br />

Vive la reine!<br />

II fait cher vivre dans cette ville.<br />

Mettre a profit, to turn to account.<br />

a la voile, to get sail.<br />

en train . . ., to set on; to put<br />

in spirits.<br />

au jour, to produce, to publish.<br />

en branle, to set going.<br />

Live and let live!<br />

To live from hand to mouth.<br />

Who goes tJiere? To be on the alert.<br />

Long live the Queen!<br />

Living is expensive in that town.<br />

Mettre le feu & . . ., to set . . . on fire.<br />

se mettre a . . . , to begin to . . . .<br />

en colfcre, to get angry.<br />

Mettre sa gloire a . . ., to ma/ce it one'<br />

glory<br />

to . . .

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