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comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...

comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...


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LXXII. b.<br />

touffu leafy<br />

vicieux (vicious) wrong,<br />

le marteau hammer<br />

1'enclume, m. (L. incudinem)<br />

anvil<br />

left, gauche, to the , a<br />

to accuse accuser<br />

to blame blamer<br />

to prefer preferer<br />

corpse le cadavre<br />

stormy orageux<br />

agreement un accord<br />

nacked, bare nu ( 180)<br />

LXXIIL b.<br />

le rapport (ralationship)<br />

yield, income<br />

une araignee (L. aranea)<br />

spider<br />

tirer (0. G. zeran;<br />

to draw<br />

tear)<br />

E. to<br />

le fil thread<br />

un aimant (L. adam ant em)<br />

loadstone<br />

le Lap on Laplander<br />

la Laponie Lapland<br />

repugnance la repugnance<br />

intact intact<br />

to renounce renoncer<br />

complaint le mal<br />

ferocious feroce<br />

to subdue soumettre, sub-<br />

juguer<br />

splendour (table p. 129)<br />

to degenerate (table p. 129)<br />

event un e'venement<br />

to expect attendre<br />

to cease cesser, discontinue!<br />

hardly ne . . . guere<br />


bed le lit<br />

wide large<br />

deep profond<br />

taken from pris dans<br />

cannot help je ne puis<br />

m'empecher de<br />

to report rapporter<br />

suspension bridge pont suspendu<br />

clever habile, adroit<br />

rope-dancer danseur de<br />

corde<br />

LXXIV. b.<br />

un orphelin (L. orphaninus)<br />

orphan<br />

le ddbris ruin, fragment<br />

1'amour-propre, m. self-love<br />

le del'aut /0wft, defect<br />

lutter (L. luctari) to struggle<br />

le sot fool<br />

reellement really<br />

la dure*e duration<br />

C. donner lieu a to give<br />

rise to<br />

un Equivoque equivocation<br />

seriously se*rieusement<br />

dissimulation (table p. 129)<br />

disposed dispose"<br />

to strike frapper<br />

to rise se lever<br />

midst, middle le milieu<br />

assembly 1'assemble'e, f.<br />

manner la maniere<br />

extravagant extravagant<br />

expensive cher, dispendieux<br />

LXXV. b.<br />

NS. In (a) read 'quelquesuns*<br />

instead of 'quelques<br />

uns'.<br />

une aveline filbert<br />

entreprendre to undertake<br />

marchander to bargain, to<br />

haggle<br />

de'mesure' exessive, immo-<br />

La politesse politeness<br />

Le crayon lead pencil<br />

egal equal<br />

cela m'est egal it * all the<br />

same to me<br />

un auteur author<br />

se dire des sottises to abuse<br />

each other<br />

d.<br />

property la proprie'te', qua-<br />

lite*<br />

wisdom la sagesse<br />

foundation la base<br />

instruction (table p. 129)<br />

inattentive (table p. 129)<br />

LXXVI. b.<br />

un elat (state) profession,<br />

calling<br />

se manger, fig. to squander,<br />

to spend<br />

le sort fate, lot<br />

mince thin<br />

le cheveu (L. capillum)<br />

the hair<br />

(la chevelure, collect, hair)<br />

te'moigner to testify, to show<br />

blesser to wound<br />

le vainqueur conqueror<br />

la bizarrerie oddity<br />

cell cellule<br />

to persuade persuader<br />

merit le merite<br />

luck la chance<br />

neither . . . nor ni . . . ni<br />

polite poli<br />

to revere re've'rer<br />

la memoire<br />


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