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comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...

comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...


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to perceive s'apercevoir<br />

over par-dessus<br />

shoulder 1'epaule, f.<br />

to add aj outer<br />

behind derriere<br />

XLVIL b.<br />

le revenant the ghost, spectre<br />

tourner to turn<br />

s'engager a to pledge one's<br />

self<br />

1'acquittement, m. acquittal<br />

d.<br />

difficulty (table p. 129)<br />

not in the least pas le moins<br />

du monde<br />

incredulous incredule<br />

to strike a bargain faire un<br />

marche"<br />

snow -clad convert de neige<br />

in the distance au lointain<br />

XLYIII. b.<br />

mal a la gorge sore throat<br />

ge*mir to groan<br />

envisager to view, consider<br />

hautement openly<br />

le charbon coals<br />

C.<br />

rejoin dre to overtake<br />

le couvre-feu curfew<br />

le romancier novelist<br />

les moeurs manners, customs<br />

le montagnard Highlander<br />

d.<br />

candle la chandelle<br />

of itself d'elle-mgme<br />

him who (187, Obs.)<br />

sword I'e'pe'e, f.<br />


XLIX. b.<br />

se repugner to clash<br />

intercaler to insert<br />

le cours lecture<br />

la lecture reading<br />

un ourlet hem<br />

moulin a bras hand-mill<br />

la chemise (L. camisia) shirt<br />

le sel salt<br />

la societ^ de commerce the<br />

firm<br />

ecendre to stretch<br />

d.<br />

fine fin<br />

seam la couture<br />

button le bouton<br />

here you are again ! vous<br />

voici encore!<br />

literally litteralement<br />

intriguer intrigant<br />

grasp all, lose all = who<br />

embraces too much, badly-<br />

grasps (e*treindre)<br />

L b<br />

de nom by name<br />

assurance contre 1'incendie<br />

fire - insurance<br />

rac outer to relate<br />

avoir affaire a to have to<br />

deal with<br />

la livraison number<br />

1'aspect, m. sight<br />

la de*esse ( 26) goddess<br />

incommode cumbersome<br />

bizarre whimsical<br />

Prote'e Proteus<br />

knight le chevalier<br />

to jump out of sauter de<br />

leg la Pliny Pline<br />

naturalist le naturaliste<br />

I famous (table p. 134)<br />

eruption une Eruption<br />

jambe<br />

|<br />

I to take place avoir lieu<br />

Eugene, French- Engl. Studies.<br />

whole towns des villes en-<br />

tieres<br />

torrent le torrent<br />

lava la lave<br />

comet la comete<br />

LI. b.<br />

une feiame du peuple a<br />

working woman<br />

la blanchisseuse laundress<br />

le me'tier (L. ministerium)<br />

trade (loom)<br />

le dimanche (dies dominica)<br />

Sunday<br />

le petit -fils grand -son<br />

mettre les pieds , fig. to<br />

set one's foot<br />

unephore ephor (magistrate)<br />

la trahison treason<br />

le traitre traitor<br />

la grace mercy<br />

un avocat barrister<br />

(un avoue, 13. Introd.<br />

attorney)<br />

interrompre to interrupt<br />

au lieu de instead of<br />

en plein midi in broad day-<br />

light<br />

e*clairer v. a. to shine upon<br />

(to enlighten)<br />

cavalry la cavalerie<br />

Democrit De'mocrite<br />

Heraclit Heraclite<br />

philosopher le philosophy<br />

manner la maniere, la fa

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