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comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...

comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...


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(d) 1 Beraember the poor 2. You are too young to meddle with politics.<br />

3. We sincerely rejoice at your success. 4. Do you answer for his honesty?<br />

5. They have charged this officer with a serious offence. 6. Why<br />

does he refuse to acknowledge it? 7. We have agreed upon the price.<br />

8. Does he play the piano? No, but he plays the guitar. 9. What<br />

do you complain of? 10. One must never laugh at the unfortunate.<br />

11. Please to honour me with a reply by return of post. 12. These<br />

houses are very near each other. 13. That depends on circumstances.<br />

14. We want our dictionary, we cannot<br />

dp<br />

without it 15. You have<br />

had pity on me, may God reward you for it.<br />

LXXXVP legon: Verbes qui regissent differences prepositions.<br />

Voir la Grammaire, Appendice p. 144.<br />

(a & T>).<br />

Votre imagination vous abuse (to de- Vous abusez de ma patience (to misuse,<br />

fade, to deceive).<br />

Elle assiste les pauvres (to relieve).<br />

to<br />

overtax).<br />

Assister a une fete<br />

(to be present at;<br />

to<br />

attend).<br />

Changeons nos boucliers (to exchange). Changer sa maniere de voir (to alter).<br />

Changer de vetements (to change). Changer du tout au tout (to undergo a<br />

thorough change).<br />

Commander un habit (to order . . . Commander une forteresse (to be in corn-<br />

to be made). mand of).<br />

Commander a ses passions (to control). Je lui Commande de partir (to enjoin).<br />

Je conviens de mes torts (to own to, Votre proposition lui convient (to suit)<br />

to confess).<br />

On le demande (he is wanted). On lui en a demande cent francs (to<br />

charge . . . for).<br />

II a manque son but (to miss). L'entrepise a manque (to fail).<br />

II a manque a son pere (not to do Je ne manquerai pas de venir (to fait).<br />

one's duty to).<br />

Je m'en OCCUperai (to attend to, to Je suis occupe a lire (to be engaged in).<br />

look after).<br />

Je participe a votre joie (to share). Le pathe'tique particlpe du sublime (to<br />

be of the nature of).<br />

Je passerai mon habit (to put on). Passez-moi cela (to permit, to let pass).<br />

Je m'en passerai (to do without). || S'est passe bien des choses (to happen).<br />

Je lui repondrai demain (to reply to). Je reponds de sa conduite (to answer for).<br />

Etes-vous pourvu du n^cessaire? (to J'y ai pourvu (to provide for).<br />

provide with).<br />

II SOnge (reve) toujours de fetes, de Songez a vos affaires (to mind, to reflect<br />

chasses (to dream .<br />

of).<br />

on).<br />

Y songez-vous? Vous n'y songez pas. (You don't mean it).<br />

II a use ses bottes<br />

(to wear cut). User de son droit<br />

(to make use *<br />

of).<br />

N. . For the different constructions of appeler, croire, prendre, servir, tenir, venir,<br />

see the respective lessons on these Verbs in the Accidence.<br />

Bug fen e, French -Engl. Studios. 7

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