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comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...

comparative french-english studies, ninth edition - World eBook ...


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back to England in half a year. 2. In what part of Germany is Hamburg<br />

situated? In Northern Germany. 3. I shall go there in spring,<br />

and return in autumn. 4. Come into the dining-room. 5. He was thrown<br />

into prison. 6. The earth revolves round the sun, and the moon round<br />

the earth. 7. The ant gathers during the summer the provisions which<br />

it will need in winter. 8. Poverty follows on the steps of idleness,<br />

and idleness on those of intemperance. 9. There were two footmen behind<br />

the carriage. 10. The cock crows before daybreak. 11. He stands before<br />

the door. 12. He swears before God and men to tell the truth. 13. He<br />

lived in the reign of James H. 14. The thermometer is below zero.<br />

15. The balloon passed over the town. 16. I will call on you about one<br />

o'clock. 17. That is between ourselves. 18. The city is within the walls,<br />

and the boulevards are around the town. 19. I shall finish within a<br />

fortnight. 20. There is a pleasant shade jbeneath these trees. 21. Be<br />

obliging to every one. 22. Where does he come from? He comes<br />

from your house.<br />

LXXIX 6<br />

Conjonctions.<br />

lec,on: Conjonctions. 110.<br />

(a) ObS. Distinguez Us prepositions et les adverbes suivants des Conjonctions qui en<br />

sont derivees:<br />

Before: adv. Un mois auparavant; (bien avant en mer, far out at tea.)<br />

pre"p. Avant huit heures. Devant la raaison.<br />

conj. J'etais parti avant que vous fussiez arrive".<br />

Re'ne'chissez avant de parler.<br />

After; Afterwards: adv. Vous irez devant, et lui ira apres.<br />

prep. L'un apres 1'autre. ApPCS diner.<br />

conj. Apres que j'eus dine*.<br />

f During: pr^p. Pendant la re*colte.<br />

I While, whilst: conj. Pendant que nous jouons.<br />

f Meanwhile: adv. Nous nous amusons, et Dependant la nnit vient.<br />

\ Yet, however: conj. On disait qu'il ne viendrait pas , Dependant le voicL<br />

f Immediately: adv. Aussitot dit, auSSitot fait. No sooner said than doge.<br />

\ As soon as: conj. Aussitot qiT (des qu') il sera venu. As soon as he has come.<br />

iAs far as, Until:<br />

pre"p. Jusqu'a Paris. Depuis Noel jusqu'a la S* Jean.<br />

\ Until: conj. Jusqu'a ce que vous ayez fini.

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