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xxii GLOSSARY<br />

Rhagadiose, deeply chinked, 74 ; cf. rimose.<br />

Rhizina, attaching "rootlet," 92-94.<br />

Rimose, Rimulose, cleft or chinked into areolae, 73.<br />

Rimose-diffract, widely cracked or chinked, 74.<br />

Scutellate, shaped like a -platter, 156.<br />

Scyphus, cup-like dilatation of the podetium, in, 117.<br />

Signature, a term in ancient medicine to signify the resemblance of a plant to any part<br />

of the human body, 406, 409.<br />

Soralium, group of soredia surrounded by a definite margin, 144.<br />

Soredium, minute separable particle arising from the gonidial tissue of the thallus, and<br />

consisting of algae and hyphae, 141.<br />

Spermatium, spore-like body borne in the spermogonium, regarded as a non-motile male<br />

cell or as a pycnidiospore, 201.<br />

Spermogonium, roundish closed receptacle containing spermatia, 192.<br />

Sphaeroid-cell, swollen hyphal cell, containing fat globules, 215.<br />

Squamule, a small thalline lobe or scale, 74 et passim.<br />

Sterigma, Nylander's term for the spermatiophore, 197.<br />

Stratose thallus, where the tissues are in horizontal layers, 70.<br />

Stratum, a layer of tissue in the thallus, 70.<br />

Symbiont, one of two dissimilar organisms living together, 32.<br />

Symbiosis, a living together of dissimilar organisms, also termed commensalism, 31, 32<br />

et seq.<br />

Tegulicolous, living on tiles, 369.<br />

Terebrator, boring apparatus, term used by Lindau for the lichen " trichogyne," 179.<br />

Thalline margin, an apothecial margin formed of and usually coloured like the thallus ;<br />

cf. amphithecium.<br />

Thallus, vegetative body or soma of the lichen plant, 11,421. Endogenous thallus in which<br />

the alga predominates, 68. Exogenous thallus in which the fungus predominates, 69.<br />

Theca, enlarged cell containing spores ; cf. ascus.<br />

Thecium, layer of tissue in the apothecium consisting of asci and paraphyses ; cf.<br />

hymenium, 157.<br />

Trichogyne, prolongation of the egg-cell in Florideae which acts as a receptive tube ;<br />

septate hypha in lichens arising from the ascogonium, 160, 177-181, 273.<br />

Woronin's hypha, a coiled hypha occurring in the centre of the fruit primordium, 1 59, 163.<br />

ERRATA<br />

p. 24. For Baranetsky razaTB<br />

p. 277. For Ascolium read Acolium.<br />

p. 318. For Lepolichen coccophora read coccophorus.

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