THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...


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we seek, reside within the architecture of our current monetary<br />

system and in our understanding of, and our agreements around,<br />

money.<br />

Fish to do not comprehend the nature of the water in which they<br />

live. Similarly, people have trouble understanding the nature of<br />

money. We allocate a great portion of our physical, emotional, and<br />

mental energy to getting, keeping, and spending money - but how<br />

many of us really know what money is or where it comes from?<br />

In pre-Victorian England the world was oblivious of pollution,<br />

greenhouse effects and overpopulation. Nationalism, competition,<br />

endless growth and colonisation were encouraged. These values are<br />

what shaped the monetary and banking systems we inherited.<br />

However, is this what best serves our world today? I submit that<br />

those aspects of our monetary system that met the objectives of<br />

another time and age are now inadequate for the challenges facing us<br />

during an Information Age. This is particularly true in light of the<br />

fact that working solutions are already underway, with thousands of<br />

communities around the world taking their own money initiatives.<br />

They are creating new wealth, while solving social problems<br />

without taxation or regulation. They are empowering self-organising<br />

communities, while increasing overall economic and social stability.<br />

Finally, they enable the creation of very necessary social capital<br />

without attaching the established capital formation process.<br />

Many attempts at money reform have failed in the past, because<br />

they were trying to attach or radically change the official money<br />

system itself. There are three reasons why I believe the current, ongoing<br />

monetary initiatives have a better chance of success than ever<br />


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