THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...


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If Toffler is right, and if a monetary system compatible with this<br />

view is allowed to manifest, then Sustainable Abundance is our<br />

future.<br />

Conclusion<br />

We are not dealing with a traditional economic, financial or<br />

monetary crisis. We are living through a major mutation of the socioeconomic<br />

fabric of our global civilisation. This mutation can lead to<br />

several outcomes, and it is not preordained which one we will finally<br />

experience. The quicker we realise that the traditional solutions will<br />

not be appropriate for our current situation, the faster we can create<br />

the emotional, political and intellectual framework where<br />

appropriate solutions may emerge.<br />

A post-industrial mutation is upon us in any case, and I believe that<br />

the best way for us deal with it is by consciously uncentralizing and<br />

empowering human creativity at all levels. The three waves to<br />

Sustainable Abundance would enable this to happen.<br />

As Sir Eric Tilgner put it: 'Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a<br />

matter ofchoice.'<br />

Just remember that we are doing: the choosing for your children,<br />

for your children's children, and for a significant part of the<br />

biosphere as well.<br />

Epilogue<br />

'The great challenge of the Modem Age is not to remake our world.<br />

but to remake ourselves.<br />

Be the change you wish to see for the world' - Mahatma Gandhi

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