THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...


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What I am proposing here is that humanity reaches sustainability<br />

within a time span of one generation, rather than later (see sidebar).<br />

The monetary component of such a strategy aims at unleashing the<br />

extraordinary creativity of which humans are capable, and tapping<br />

the capacities of the technologies of abundance that are now<br />

becoming available. The strategy proposed would also avoid the<br />

massive suffering that a monetary collapse would entail. Taking<br />

some precautionary measures now will be infinitely cheaper than<br />

trying to repair damages later. A spare tyre may look useless most of<br />

the time, until one has a puncture in an awkward place ...<br />

Many people/organisations focus on either sustainability (e.g. the<br />

ecological movement) or abundance (e.g. the corporate world), but<br />

not both. Of course there are many activities where sustainability and<br />

abundance are genuinely in conflict. If you want an abundance of<br />

timber, you will have to cut more trees; if you have an abundance of<br />

cars, expect pollution and traffic jams. However, such intrinsic<br />

conflict is fortunately not valid in all domains. Specifically, the three<br />

waves described by the Stanford professor of 2020 happen to be<br />

activities where sustainability and abundance are not only<br />

compatible but synergistic.<br />

That is why I became so curious to discover what is already visible<br />

now of what the Stanford professor of 2020 credited for the shift<br />

towards Sustainable Abundance. Here is a synthesis of the evidence I<br />

have found so far.<br />

Towards an Integral Economy?<br />

To begin, we should clarify some cryptic notions such as a Yin,<br />

Yang or an Integral Economy casually referred to by the professor of<br />

2020. What can we discover now about these concepts?

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