THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...


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other she wasn't. This amounted to a straight denial of the reality of<br />

the actual service rendered for free.<br />

'The old measures of GNP were still confusing crude growth with<br />

smart and wise growth. The Information Age objective of 'Full<br />

Potential" has now replaced the Industrial Age idea of “ full<br />

Employment". 'Full Potential" refers to the use of someone's leaning<br />

capacity end the opportunity fully to develop one’s gifts. Just as was<br />

the case with Full Employment, one can never reach 100% of the Full<br />

Potential for a population.<br />

'In retrospect, it was only by liberating me extraordinary potential<br />

of human creativity, of all humans, that then was any hope for Planet<br />

Earth. Human creativity " something, which in past generations was<br />

the privilege of only a tiny minority: a few artists, scientists and some<br />

other members or the intelligentsia. Even on the basis of me old<br />

narrow definition of "employment" at least 700 million adults were<br />

routinely 'jobless" on the planet in the 1990s. In terms of evaluating<br />

their 'Full Potential" at the same time, estimates by our economic<br />

historians say that less than one per thousand of humanity reached n.<br />

They were considered rare “geniuses". Add to this the extraordinary<br />

fact that only two of the nine forms of intelligence were being<br />

recognised, and therefore developed and measured in the education<br />

system; i.e. me verbal linguistic and the logical/mathematical both<br />

with a Yang bias. The other seven forms of intelligence used to be<br />

simply ignored. So it was very rare that the development of a child<br />

took into account these other seven modes of learning : i.e. the<br />

musical, spatial, bodily/kinesmetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal,<br />

pattern recognition and mystical."'<br />

'In short, human potentiall used to be dramatically underestimated,<br />

not to speak of developed and used to address our challenges, n is<br />

amazing that humanity made it as far as it did back in the 20 th<br />

century. From today's perspective it really looks as if our species was

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