THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...


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Such a strategy can be initiated as a small-scale Internet-based pilot<br />

project among a core group of multinational corporations. It can be<br />

expanded to include more participants into the Alliance when the<br />

system has proved its operational value, and if the international<br />

monetary conditions warrant it. It would be a significant contribution<br />

that a business initiative can make to make this planet more<br />

prosperous, more stable and more sustainable.<br />

Business and the environment: A business viewpoint<br />

A Global Business Network special report on Sustainability<br />

concluded that:<br />

Industry and environment can no longer be compartmentalised.<br />

The global environment system and the socio-economic system are<br />

now coupled - the fate of one is tied to the fate of the other. If<br />

conventional industrialisation keeps growing, it risks bringing down<br />

the ecosystem; if the ecosystem crashes, it will bring down the<br />

economy.<br />

The industrial system is highly vulnerable if there is a serious<br />

ecological breakdown. Multinational companies are tuned like Grand<br />

Prix racing cars for better and better lap times. They assume the<br />

racetrack will be perfectly smooth, without obstructions. Industrial<br />

installations, buildings, plant, energy transmission lines, are all<br />

designed for a narrow set of climatic and ecosystem assumptions -<br />

conservative maximum wind loading, moderate earthquake<br />

resistance, a steady flow of resources. But we now know, from<br />

studies of such thing as Arctic ice cores, that nature is certainly<br />

capable of far more severe disturbances than the recent, relatively<br />

narrow range of climatic variation has led us to assume. This puts the<br />

operational basis of today's industrial society directly at risk from

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