THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...


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Conclusion: complementary currencies as ‘Early Prototypes’.<br />

In conclusion, complementary currencies make sense socially,<br />

economically and from a business viewpoint. It should also be noted<br />

that many of the current complementary currency systems should be<br />

considered as being at the stage where aeronautical engineering was<br />

when the Wright Brothers made their first flying attempts. The<br />

remarkable feat of the Wright Brothers was that their contraption<br />

flew at all. But it was nevertheless their and their 'crazy' colleagues'<br />

pragmatic demonstrations that ultimately has made possible that we<br />

and our most perishable products today fly routinely around the<br />

world. It is also significant that The New York Times mentioned the<br />

Wright Brothers' achievement for the first time only four years after<br />

the fact, and then only because the President of the United States was<br />

present at such a demonstration The real understanding of the theory<br />

of why these contraptions could fly had to wait for many more years<br />

after that.<br />

There should be no shame attached to considering the current<br />

versions of complementary currencies as 'early prototypes'. Almost<br />

all of today's systems remain obviously marginal in terms of total<br />

economic volume, for instance, just like the Wright Brothers, they are<br />

typically being ignored, or when noticed sometimes ridiculed, by<br />

mainstream academic or media pundits. Most are still waiting to be<br />

recognized by some 'Presidential witness' to be taken seriously. But<br />

what matters for us here is that they have already proved that they<br />

can 'fly', that they actually produce the intended effects at the scale<br />

for which they were designed.<br />

Specifically, the following findings have already been demonstrated<br />

in practice:<br />

1. Complementary currencies make possible transactions and<br />

exchanges that otherwise would not occur. This means in practice

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