THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...

THE FUTURE OF MONEY Bernard A. Lietaer - library.uniteddiversity ...


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street in our cities could become a work of beauty? What if the<br />

limitations arise when we change 'work' into 'jobs', i.e. when we need<br />

to exchange our work for an artificially scarce currency? Why could<br />

we not design a money system that works for us, rather than having<br />

us work for it? Walter Wriston, ex-Chairman of Citibank, defined<br />

money as information. Why should information be scarce,<br />

particularly at a time when the technologies of the information Age<br />

are spreading like wildfire all over the world?<br />

Yes, I'll concede to you that it is not quite that simple. Before you<br />

conclude that I have gone completely crazy, I ask you to hear me out,<br />

to accompany me in exploring some new possibilities. I hope you will<br />

find them as surprising and as much fun as I do.<br />

Your friend,<br />

<strong>Bernard</strong><br />

For starters, a definition of the term Sustainable Abundance may be<br />

useful.<br />

Of all the definitions of Sustainability, the one I prefer is the<br />

instruction of my scoutmaster whenever we arrived at a new<br />

campsite: 'Leave the place in better shape than you found it.' A more<br />

formal definition is the one used by the Gro Brundlandt Report for<br />

the United Nations (1987): Sustainability is characteristic of a society<br />

that 'satisfies its needs without diminishing the prospects of future<br />

generations'. Such a society, I believe, should also respect the needs<br />

and diversity of other life forms in the process,<br />

Abundance does not refer to a mechanical accumulation of more<br />

stuff, or a Porsche in every garage. Abundance is what provides<br />

enough freedom of choice in the material domain to as many people<br />

as possible, so that they can express their passion and creativity. Such

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