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12 Recent Advances in Angiogenesis and Antiangiogenesis, 2009 Leali and Naldini OPN acts also as a substrate for matrix metalloproteases MMP-3 and MMP-7, and the cleaved fragments enhanced adhesion and migration in vitro through ligation of receptors including 1integrin [54]. Indeed, there are two different binding sites for 41 integrin present in a 38-amino acid domain within the N-terminal thrombin fragment, corresponding to both 162 SVVYGLR 168 and 131 ELVTDFPTDLPAT 143 motifs [55]. Furthermore, the sequence 43 WLNPDP 48 has been recently described as a novel functional motif of OPN, involved in migration and survival of human lymphocyte, although the corresponding interacting receptor has not been identified [56]. A 17 HN 2 N-terminus 131 ELVTDFPTDLPAT 143 a1b1 158 168 GRGDSVVYGLR a1b1, a1b1 a1 b1, a1 b1 a b a b 1 1, 1 1 Thrombin 168 169 R a1b1 a1b1 a b 1 1 C-terminus CD44v6, CD44v6-v7, CD44v3, (heparin bridge) MMP-3,7 1 MRIAVICFCLLGITCAIPVKQADSGSSEEKQLYNKYPDAV 41 ATWLNPDPSQKQNLLAPQNAVSSEETNDFKQETLPSKSNE Fig. (1). OPN protein structure. (A) Schematic representation of the human OPN protein. OPN contains a thrombin cleavage site that separates the Nterminus/integrin binding and the C-terminus/CD44v binding domains (amino acid residues 17-168 and 169- 314, respectively). Conserved regions involved in receptor interactions are indicated. (B) Amino acid sequence (single letter code) of the human OPN protein (GenBank accession number: J04765). The N-terminus and C-terminus domains are underlined and shown as dotted line, respectively. The signal sequence (amino acid residues 1-16) is in Italics. Arrow indicates the thrombin cleavage site. In keeping with its ability to associate with different ECM proteins, such as collagen and fibronectin [57,58], a novel functional domain, spanning both the SK 314 COOH 81 SHDHMDDMDDEDDDDHVDSQDSIDSNDSDDVDDTDDSHQS 121 DESHHSDESDELVTDFPTDLPATEVFTPVVPTVDTYDGRG 161 DSVVYGLRSKSKKFRRPDIQYPDATDEDITSHMESEELNG 201 AYKAIPVAQDLNAPSDWDSRGKDSYETSQLDDQSAETHSH 241 KQSRLYKRKANDESNEHSDVIDSQELSKVSREFHSHEFHS 281 HEDMLVVDPKSKEEDKHLKFRISHELDSASSEVN B NH2-terminal and the C-terminal regions of the protein, has been recently identified as “collagen binding motif”, corresponding to the 166 GLRSKSKKFRRPDIQYPDATDEDITSHM 193 sequence in human OPN [59]. The C-terminal fragment of OPN contains a conserved calcium binding site and interacts directly with CD44v6- and v7-containing isoforms [44,60], although CD44v3 might indirectly bind OPN through a heparin bridge [52]. This RGD-independent interaction appears to require the presence of 1 integrins [61]. It has been recently proposed a model for human OPN structure in which a sequence in the C-terminal region forms a -sheet structure with the RGDSVVYGLR domain in the N-terminus, thus interfering with RGD-integrin interaction [46]. This model might explain the ability of monoclonal antibody against the C-terminus domain to inhibit cell adhesion to OPN, thus suggesting the possibility that CD44/OPN interaction modulates the cells’ capacity to recognize the RGD sequence [62]. Although expressed as a ~ 33 kDa nascent protein, extensive posttranslational modifications (PTMs) such as Ser/Thr phosphorylation, O-linked/N-linked glycosylation, sialylation, Tyr sulfation and enzymatic cleavage, increase its apparent molecular weight, thus determining a protein migration in SDS-PAGE gels in the range of 44-80 kDa depending on conditions [24,63]. Polymeric form of OPN has been recently reported which produces a band around 200 kDa that is mediated by transglutaminase [64,65]. Many sites of PTMs are conserved across species; however, the degree of modification of the protein varies depending on the source tissue and cell type or differentiation stage [66-68] and influence OPN function [46]. Phosphorylation of OPN appears necessary for various physiological functions, including migration of cancer cells [69], adhesion and bone resorption by osteoclasts [70], inhibition of smooth muscle cell calcification [71] and regulation of mineralization [72]. The phosphorylation of OPN is usually heterogeneous, and it is not known whether certain specific sites are critical for a given function; furthermore, it is possible that differences in OPN post-translational modification status, together with variations in the target cell receptor repertoire, modulate OPN’s functions or the cellular response to OPN [46]. 4. OPN SIGNALING The role of both secreted and intracellular OPN in cell signaling has been recently reviewed in the context of cancer progression and immune response [40,73]. Many of the signaling pathways mediated by secreted OPN are activated by ligation of the integrin and CD44 families of receptors. OPN signaling through

20 Recent Advances in Angiogenesis and Antiangiogenesis, 2009, 20-29 CHAPTER 3 The Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Angiogenesis Lizzia Raffaghello and Vito Pistoia Laboratory of Oncology, G. Gaslini Children Hospital, Genova, Italy Address correspondence to:Lizzia Raffaghello, Ph.D; Laboratory of Oncology, G. Gaslini Institute, Largo G. Gaslini 5, 16148 Genova, Italy; Phone and fax: +39-010-3779820; e-mail: Abstract: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are a heterogeneous subset of stromal stem cells that can be isolated from many adult tissues. They can differentiate into cells of the mesodermal lineage, such as adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes, providing a promising tool for tissue repair. MSC can interact with cells of both the innate and adaptive immune systems, leading to the modulation of several effector functions. The immunoregulatory functions of human MSC, coupled with their low immunogenicity, provide a rationale for the use of allogeneic MSC to treat severe graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) and, possibly, autoimmune disorders. In addition, MSC exhibit tropism for sites of tissue damage as well as for the tumor microenvironment, where they integrate into the tumor-associated stroma supporting cancer growth. However, studies investigating the in vivo and in vitro effects mediated by MSC on tumor growth provided conflicting results, depending on the experimental model tested. This chapter reviews the role of MSC in different angiogenic processes and underlying mechanisms. In particular, we discuss the involvement of MSC in angiogenesis in ischemic brain and heart after stroke, wound healing, tumor angiogenesis and maintenance of hematopoietic stem cell niche. 1. MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS: FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS About 40 years ago Friedestein first identified multipotent stromal cells in the bone marrow. These cells were spindle shaped, adhered to plastic, and proliferated to form colonies representing the progenies of single colony forming units-fibroblastic (CFU-F) [1]. CFU-F derived stromal cells differentiated under defined in vitro conditions into multiple cell types including osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes [1]. Later on, the definition of bone marrow-derived stromal cells as mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) was proposed [2]. Although the bone marrow represents the most common site from which MSC are isolated, these cells have also been found in many other human tissues (Fig. 1A) [3]. MSC are able to self renew and to differentiate towards mesodermal lineages in vivo, representing a promising tool for tissue repair. Moreover, MSC can differentiate into cells of other lineages in vitro (muscle cells, hepatocytes, endothelial cells, and neurons), through a process called trans-differentiation (Fig. 1B) [4]. MSC cultured in vitro lack specific and unique markers. There is now consensus agreement MSC express variable levels of CD105 (endoglin), CD73 (ecto-5’-nucleotidase), CD44, CD90, CD71 (transferring receptor), the ganglioside GD2 and CD271 (low affinity nerve growth factor receptor), and lack expression of hematopoietic markers Domenico Ribatti (Ed.) All rights reserved - © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. CD45, CD34, CD14 or costimulatory molecules CD40, CD80, CD86 [as reviewed in 1]. One of most the most intriguing features of MSC is their ability to escape immune recognition and inhibit immune responses [1,5,6]. Specifically, MSC mediate immunoregulatory activities by inhibiting the functions of different immune cells including T and B lymphocytes, Natural Killer (NK) cells and dendritic cells (DC) [7-17]. MSC were found to inhibit CD4 + and CD8 + T-cell proliferation and functions, induce anergy in naïve T cells, and promote expansion of immunosuppressive regulatory T cells [6-8]. Inhibition of T cell proliferation by MSC appears to depend on both cell-to-cell interaction and the release of soluble factors. In this respect, transforming growth factor-1 (TGF-1) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), indoleamine 2,3dioxygenase (IDO) and prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2) represent the main MSC-derived molecules that have been proposed to exert immunomodulatory activity on CD4 + T cells [6, 8,18]. Inhibition of CD8 + T-cell cytotoxicity and induction of T regulatory cell differentiation are partly related to the release of soluble (s) HLA-G [19]. The second cell type involved in adaptive immune responses is the B cell, whose proliferation and differentiation are inhibited by MSC [17]. These effects seem to be related to cell-cell contact and soluble factors, but the exact mechanism is still not

20 <strong>Recent</strong> <strong>Advances</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Angiogenesis</strong> <strong>and</strong> Antiangiogenesis, 2009, 20-29<br />

CHAPTER 3<br />

The Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells <strong>in</strong> <strong>Angiogenesis</strong><br />

Lizzia Raffaghello <strong>and</strong> Vito Pistoia<br />

Laboratory of Oncology, G. Gasl<strong>in</strong>i Children Hospital, Genova, Italy<br />

Address correspondence to:Lizzia Raffaghello, Ph.D; Laboratory of Oncology, G. Gasl<strong>in</strong>i Institute, Largo G.<br />

Gasl<strong>in</strong>i 5, 16148 Genova, Italy; Phone <strong>and</strong> fax: +39-010-3779820; e-mail: lizziaraffaghello@ospedalegasl<strong>in</strong><br />

Abstract: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are a heterogeneous subset of stromal stem<br />

cells that can be isolated from many adult tissues. They can differentiate <strong>in</strong>to cells of the<br />

mesodermal l<strong>in</strong>eage, such as adipocytes, osteocytes <strong>and</strong> chondrocytes, provid<strong>in</strong>g a<br />

promis<strong>in</strong>g tool for tissue repair. MSC can <strong>in</strong>teract with cells of both the <strong>in</strong>nate <strong>and</strong><br />

adaptive immune systems, lead<strong>in</strong>g to the modulation of several effector functions. The<br />

immunoregulatory functions of human MSC, coupled with their low immunogenicity,<br />

provide a rationale for the use of allogeneic MSC to treat severe graft-versus-host disease<br />

(GvHD) <strong>and</strong>, possibly, autoimmune disorders. In addition, MSC exhibit tropism for sites<br />

of tissue damage as well as for the tumor microenvironment, where they <strong>in</strong>tegrate <strong>in</strong>to the<br />

tumor-associated stroma support<strong>in</strong>g cancer growth. However, studies <strong>in</strong>vestigat<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong><br />

vivo <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong> vitro effects mediated by MSC on tumor growth provided conflict<strong>in</strong>g results,<br />

depend<strong>in</strong>g on the experimental model tested. This chapter reviews the role of MSC <strong>in</strong><br />

different angiogenic processes <strong>and</strong> underly<strong>in</strong>g mechanisms. In particular, we discuss the<br />

<strong>in</strong>volvement of MSC <strong>in</strong> angiogenesis <strong>in</strong> ischemic bra<strong>in</strong> <strong>and</strong> heart after stroke, wound<br />

heal<strong>in</strong>g, tumor angiogenesis <strong>and</strong> ma<strong>in</strong>tenance of hematopoietic stem cell niche.<br />



About 40 years ago Friedeste<strong>in</strong> first identified<br />

multipotent stromal cells <strong>in</strong> the bone marrow. These<br />

cells were sp<strong>in</strong>dle shaped, adhered to plastic, <strong>and</strong><br />

proliferated to form colonies represent<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

progenies of s<strong>in</strong>gle colony form<strong>in</strong>g units-fibroblastic<br />

(CFU-F) [1]. CFU-F derived stromal cells<br />

differentiated under def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> vitro conditions <strong>in</strong>to<br />

multiple cell types <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g osteoblasts,<br />

chondrocytes, <strong>and</strong> adipocytes [1]. Later on, the<br />

def<strong>in</strong>ition of bone marrow-derived stromal cells as<br />

mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) was proposed [2].<br />

Although the bone marrow represents the most<br />

common site from which MSC are isolated, these<br />

cells have also been found <strong>in</strong> many other human<br />

tissues (Fig. 1A) [3]. MSC are able to self renew <strong>and</strong><br />

to differentiate towards mesodermal l<strong>in</strong>eages <strong>in</strong> vivo,<br />

represent<strong>in</strong>g a promis<strong>in</strong>g tool for tissue repair.<br />

Moreover, MSC can differentiate <strong>in</strong>to cells of other<br />

l<strong>in</strong>eages<br />

<strong>in</strong> vitro (muscle cells, hepatocytes,<br />

endothelial cells, <strong>and</strong> neurons), through a process<br />

called trans-differentiation (Fig. 1B) [4].<br />

MSC cultured <strong>in</strong> vitro lack specific <strong>and</strong> unique<br />

markers. There is now consensus agreement MSC<br />

express variable levels of CD105 (endogl<strong>in</strong>), CD73<br />

(ecto-5’-nucleotidase), CD44, CD90, CD71<br />

(transferr<strong>in</strong>g receptor), the ganglioside GD2 <strong>and</strong><br />

CD271 (low aff<strong>in</strong>ity nerve growth factor receptor),<br />

<strong>and</strong> lack expression of hematopoietic markers<br />

Domenico Ribatti (Ed.)<br />

All rights reserved - © 2009 <strong>Bentham</strong> <strong>Science</strong> Publishers Ltd.<br />

CD45, CD34, CD14 or costimulatory molecules<br />

CD40, CD80, CD86 [as reviewed <strong>in</strong> 1].<br />

One of most the most <strong>in</strong>trigu<strong>in</strong>g features of MSC is<br />

their ability to escape immune recognition <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>in</strong>hibit immune responses [1,5,6].<br />

Specifically, MSC mediate immunoregulatory<br />

activities by <strong>in</strong>hibit<strong>in</strong>g the functions of different<br />

immune cells <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g T <strong>and</strong> B lymphocytes,<br />

Natural Killer (NK) cells <strong>and</strong> dendritic cells (DC)<br />

[7-17]. MSC were found to <strong>in</strong>hibit CD4 + <strong>and</strong> CD8 +<br />

T-cell proliferation <strong>and</strong> functions, <strong>in</strong>duce anergy <strong>in</strong><br />

naïve T cells, <strong>and</strong> promote expansion of<br />

immunosuppressive regulatory T cells [6-8].<br />

Inhibition of T cell proliferation by MSC appears to<br />

depend on both cell-to-cell <strong>in</strong>teraction <strong>and</strong> the<br />

release of soluble factors. In this respect,<br />

transform<strong>in</strong>g growth factor-1 (TGF-1) <strong>and</strong><br />

hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), <strong>in</strong>doleam<strong>in</strong>e 2,3dioxygenase<br />

(IDO) <strong>and</strong> prostagl<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong> E-2 (PGE-2)<br />

represent the ma<strong>in</strong> MSC-derived molecules that<br />

have been proposed to exert immunomodulatory<br />

activity on CD4 + T cells [6, 8,18]. Inhibition of<br />

CD8 + T-cell cytotoxicity <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong>duction of T<br />

regulatory cell differentiation are partly related to<br />

the release of soluble (s) HLA-G [19].<br />

The second cell type <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> adaptive immune<br />

responses is the B cell, whose proliferation <strong>and</strong><br />

differentiation are <strong>in</strong>hibited by MSC [17]. These<br />

effects seem to be related to cell-cell contact <strong>and</strong><br />

soluble factors, but the exact mechanism is still not

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