journal of linguistic studies

journal of linguistic studies journal of linguistic studies


REFERENCES Actualités en Afrique. En ligne : Amanda. Traduit librement par En ligne: Arland, M. (1929). L’Ordre. Paris : Gallimard. Balzac, H. de. (1830). Gobseck. Paris : Furne. Bernanos, G. (1935). Un crime. Paris : Plon. Billy, A. (1939). Introïbo. Paris: Anthropos. Braun, M.-G. (1962). Apôtres de la violence. Paris : Fleuve Noir. Camus, A. (1947). La Peste. Paris : Gallimard. Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales. En ligne : Chartrand, Lili. (2010). Mission royale pour Rouge-Babine. En ligne : Dittrich, G. (2010). Belgian by design. En ligne : Eicker, D. (2005). L’enfant de la mort. Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt : Iceberg Editions. Gide, A. (1919). La Symphonie pastorale. Paris : NRF. Gozlan, L. (1836). Le Notaire de Chantilly. Gracq, J. (1951). Le Rivage des Syrtes. Paris : José Corti. Haigneré, C. (2009). Conference in Geneva, March 7th, 2009. En ligne : Jaxel-Truer, P. (2010). Hervé Morin prépare-t-il sa sortie du gouvernement ? En ligne : Leroux, G. (1912). Rouletabille chez le Tsar. Maillard, S. (2010). Paul Collowald, dans le souvenir du 9 mai. En ligne: Mallarmé, St. La Dernière Mode (1874). Maurois, A. (1918). Les Silences du colonel Bramble. Missionnaire à New York... (2010). En ligne : Montherlant, H. de. (1939). Les Lépreuses. Ponson du Terrail, P.-A. (1859). Le Club des Valets de cœur. Proust, M. (1921). Guermantes 2. Rolland, R. (1904). Jean Christophe. Paris : L'Aube. San-Antonio. (1960). Du brut pour les brutes. Paris : Fleuve Noir. San-Antonio. (1967). Faut être logique. Paris : Fleuve Noir. San-Antonio. (1974). Le coup du Père François. Paris : Fleuve Noir. San-Antonio. (1983). Les vacances de Bérurier. Paris : Presses Pocket. San-Antonio. (1991). Têtes et sacs de nœud. Paris : Fleuve Noir. San-Antonio. (1993). Foiridon à Morbac City. Paris : Fleuve Noir. Theuriet, A. (1875). Le Mariage de Gérard. Zola, E. (1877). L’Assommoir. Paris : G. Charpentier. GEORGETA RAŢĂ 119, Calea Aradului, Timişoara – 300645, Romania 16

ANGLICISMS IN THE MONTENEGRIN LANGUAGE WITHIN COMPUTER CONTEXT IGOR IVANOVIĆ University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro ABSTRACT This paper deals with acquisition of lexical elements from English into Montenegrin. The scope of our analysis is limited to computer-related discourse where the abovementioned acquisition in the Montenegrin language is the most obvious one. The paper is methodologically and conceptually based on the Anglicism adaptation theory of Rudolf Filipović. The main portion of our paper deals with the corpus analysis, where we have given statistical overview of translated, adopted and model words. Additionally, we will offer general statistics related to the current situation in the Montenegrin language when it comes to the frequency of Anglicisms from the computer-related discourse. Keywords: Anglicisms; Lexical Borrowing; Computer Discourse; Contact Linguistics 1. INTRODUCTION Information revolution took place in the 20 th century and directed the world into a new dimension which will be of essential importance for its further development. Furthermore, the revolution “deleted” most of the elements that were not in accordance to its maxims, and accordingly, promoted elements that were in line to its principles. It has introduced new standards, and all of the abovementioned changes were put forward through the most prominent tools of the revolution: Internet (i.e. computers). It has also created an “independent”, virtual reality with its own rules. All of these observations are fully applicable to the linguistic reality, and their impact on different languages is more than clear. As we have already stated, the new reality is set into motion, and that requires a number of new words which will be used in order to mirror the new reality. Since most of this reality is taking place in English speaking countries, consequently, we are witnesses to the surge of lexical elements originating from English. Numerous English words were created (and still are) and they spread throughout the world together with the products bearing such words as their names. Through their daily use (computers, mail, attachments), they have become an inextricable part of our languages. Our paper is based on the hypothesis the Montenegrin language has acquired a large number of lexical elements directly related to the field of computers. Some of these elements went through the process of primary of secondary adaptation, and a part of them remained in the form of model word. In the context of such an extensive acquisition the following observations are hard to believe in. The first observation is related to the fact the influence of English on other languages, prior to 1900, was a relatively moderate one (Sapir 1921): 17


Actualités en Afrique. En ligne : www.k<strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>fi/recherche.<br />

Amanda. Traduit librement par En ligne:<br /><br />

Arland, M. (1929). L’Ordre. Paris : Gallimard.<br />

Balzac, H. de. (1830). Gobseck. Paris : Furne.<br />

Bernanos, G. (1935). Un crime. Paris : Plon.<br />

Billy, A. (1939). Introïbo. Paris: Anthropos.<br />

Braun, M.-G. (1962). Apôtres de la violence. Paris : Fleuve Noir.<br />

Camus, A. (1947). La Peste. Paris : Gallimard.<br />

Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales. En ligne :<br /><br />

Chartrand, Lili. (2010). Mission royale pour Rouge-Babine. En ligne :<br /><br />

Dittrich, G. (2010). Belgian by design. En ligne :<br /><br />

Eicker, D. (2005). L’enfant de la mort. Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt : Iceberg Editions.<br />

Gide, A. (1919). La Symphonie pastorale. Paris : NRF.<br />

Gozlan, L. (1836). Le Notaire de Chantilly.<br />

Gracq, J. (1951). Le Rivage des Syrtes. Paris : José Corti.<br />

Haigneré, C. (2009). Conference in Geneva, March 7th, 2009. En ligne :<br /><br />

Jaxel-Truer, P. (2010). Hervé Morin prépare-t-il sa sortie du gouvernement ? En ligne :<br /><br />

Leroux, G. (1912). Rouletabille chez le Tsar.<br />

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Maurois, A. (1918). Les Silences du colonel Bramble.<br />

Missionnaire à New York... (2010). En ligne :<br /><br />

Montherlant, H. de. (1939). Les Lépreuses.<br />

Ponson du Terrail, P.-A. (1859). Le Club des Valets de cœur.<br />

Proust, M. (1921). Guermantes 2.<br />

Rolland, R. (1904). Jean Christophe. Paris : L'Aube.<br />

San-Antonio. (1960). Du brut pour les brutes. Paris : Fleuve Noir.<br />

San-Antonio. (1967). Faut être logique. Paris : Fleuve Noir.<br />

San-Antonio. (1974). Le coup du Père François. Paris : Fleuve Noir.<br />

San-Antonio. (1983). Les vacances de Bérurier. Paris : Presses Pocket.<br />

San-Antonio. (1991). Têtes et sacs de nœud. Paris : Fleuve Noir.<br />

San-Antonio. (1993). Foiridon à Morbac City. Paris : Fleuve Noir.<br />

Theuriet, A. (1875). Le Mariage de Gérard.<br />

Zola, E. (1877). L’Assommoir. Paris : G. Charpentier.<br />


119, Calea Aradului, Timişoara – 300645, Romania<br />


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