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162<br />

Franks and Seiberling<br />

the number of sprays required for proper coverage of simple vessels. As spray<br />

cleaning was applied to dryers and evaporators, other configurations including<br />

tubes with bubbles and small half-spheres were developed. These have been further<br />

refined to provide the pinpoint coverage to address the numerous issues found in<br />

biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical process equipment. This chapter can<br />

address only the most basic aspects of design and application.<br />

Coverage Criteria<br />

The early users of tank CIP quickly learned that it was easier to pump water into a<br />

tank than to remove it, reliably,under automatic control. Field experience suggested<br />

that horizontal, cylindrical, and rectangular tanks could be effectively cleaned at<br />

flow rates of 0.2 to 0.3 gpm/sq ft (30–35 Lpm) of the upper third ofthe surface<br />

for vessels in general and for all other applications of permanent spray devices.<br />

Other criteria include (1) run agitators and (2) spray both sides of all baffles. The<br />

advent of the large dairy silo in the early 1960s resulted in findings that 2.0 gpm/ft<br />

(25 Lpm/m) of circumference for vertical vessels, applied to the dish head only,<br />

would clean vessels of nearly any size, if the tank head contained no nozzles. When<br />

spray CIP was applied to biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical industry vessels<br />

in the late 70s and early 80s, it was quickly discovered that standard spray designs<br />

used successfully in dairy, beverage, brewing, and food facility vessels would not<br />

work, primarily because of the number of head nozzles and other interruptions to a<br />

continuous surface. Directionally drilled sprays became the solution, by addition of<br />

streams to specifically target nozzles, manway and agitator collars, dip tubes, etc.<br />

Successful experience suggests the need for 1.0 to 1.5 gpm (3.8–5.7 Lpm) being<br />

required for each head nozzle and that the 2.0 gpm/ft (25 Lpm/m) of circumference<br />

based on diameter is needed for manway and agitator collars in addition to the<br />

2.0 gpm/ft (25 Lpm/m) of vessel circumference. The total flow rate for vessels<br />

using this approach typically averages close to 3.0 gpm/ft (38 Lpm/m)<br />

of circumference.<br />

Fixed spray devices have been found to perform very effectively at 25 psi<br />

providing good spray ricochet and coverage while avoiding excessively high<br />

system pressure requirements.<br />

Flow Rate and Turbulence Considerations<br />

When cleaning pipelines, the recommended velocity of 5ft/sec (1.5 m/sec) is to<br />

assure afull line in horizontal runs and this velocity provides Reynolds numbers<br />

( Re) well above that required for Turbulent flow ( ReO 2100). The velocity of afilm<br />

passing down the sidewall of avessel is governed only by gravity,but Re is affected<br />

by viscosity and temperature. Hyde (1) calculated the Re of turbulent falling films at<br />

2.5 gpm/ft (38 Lpm/m) of circumference as 2060 for ambient water (208C), 4360 for<br />

acaustic wash at 608 C, and 5668 for awater-for-injection (WFI) rinse at 808 C. Greene<br />

(2) previously cited areference to Principles of Chemical Engineering (3) as the means<br />

of determining the Re for afilm running down the sidewall of atank and noted that<br />

temperature, via it’s impact on viscosity,affected Re significantly.Hesuggested that<br />

for a7.5-in. (2.3 m) diameter tank, aflow rate of 75 gpm (17 m 3 /hr) would be<br />

required for acold rinse as compared to only 25 gpm (5.5 m 3 /hr) for ahot (808 Cor<br />

1808 F) wash to achieve the Re of O 2100 considered adequate for turbulent flow.The<br />

higher flow in avessel of this diameter would equate to approximately 3.0 gpm/ft<br />

(38 Lpm/m) of circumference suggested above as the average design flow rate, and

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