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96<br />

Seiberling<br />

provided, generally on the skid. Some designers provide a separate supply<br />

reservoir for each flush, wash, and rinse solution required by the CIP program.<br />

Presented in Figure 1isacomposite design of all the components required to<br />

configure aone-tank or two-tank skid to operate in three different manners. The<br />

circled numbers 1–20 arereferenced in parentheses in the following paragraphs that<br />

explain each component’s function.<br />

Major Components<br />

ACIP recirc tank, sometimes used also as the only water tank, is apart of all CIP<br />

skids (1).The combination of aconical (or dish) bottom tank and outlet leg provides<br />

adequate net positive suction head (NPSH) for the CIP pump with aminimal<br />

volume of water in the tank. Atank outlet valve (TOV) (2) controls supply to the CIP<br />

pump (3). Acasing drain on this pump is at the lowest point on the skid and will<br />

fully drain the complete skid at the end of the program. Ashell and tube heat<br />

exchanger (4) is shown vertically mounted for space considerations and drainability<br />

is provided by installation of atangentially drilled restrictor between the inlet and<br />

outlet tees. Heat exchangers may also be mounted horizontally,apreferred practice<br />

for large units. Steam supply and temperature controlisdiscussed in Chapter 7. The<br />

CIPS piping on the skid includes the conductivity sensor,pump discharge pressure<br />

sensor,and CIPS temperature sensor,all near (5), and the flow continues to the flow<br />

element (generally avortex meter, mass flow meter, orturbine meter) and aflow<br />

control valve (6). The choice of athrottling-type valve or apump with avariable<br />

frequency drive for flow rate control inturn based on the meter analog output is<br />

described in Chapter 7. The two close coupled valves (7) are optional and will be<br />

discussed as part of three differentconfiguration scenarios. The CIPS then continues<br />

to the process and the circuits.<br />

ACIPR manifold on the skid is the general location for areturn-flow probe<br />

(discrete), return-temperature probe, and resistivity probe, all (8). Areturn flow<br />

hold-back valve (HBV) (9) is optional. The means of establishing recirculation<br />

through the tank or around the tank will be discussed as part of the<br />

configuration scenarios.<br />

Single- or Multi-Tank Variation<br />

Asingle-tank skid would require the provision of the water supply to the CIP<br />

recirc tank. Asingle ambient water for injection (AWFI) source is shown via valve<br />

(14) to aspray device (12). Two waters of different quality, ortemperature, are<br />

commonly used, and both are supplied through individual spray devices.<br />

A multi-tank CIP skid may be fitted with one or more water tanks to<br />

accommodate the different water qualities or temperatures. The hot water for<br />

injection (HWFI) TANK (16) is shown as an American Society of Mechanical<br />

Engineers (ASME) vessel equipped with a rupture disc and is supplied with<br />

HWFI by valve (18) through aspray to flush the tank head and sidewalls, under<br />

control of alevel probe. Avent filter is shown and atemperaturesensor and sample<br />

valve are indicated (19). If this tank is intended to be SIP’d it would be insulated.<br />

Chemical supply to the skid is shown by means of achemical loop that<br />

originates at optional valve (20), with arestrictor adjacent downstream to control<br />

flow through the loop (see Chapter 8). The return connection for this chemical loop<br />

is optional and will vary with the operating scenario.

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