Absorbency Under Load (AUL) - BADA Absorbency Under Load (AUL) - BADA Absorbency Under Load (AUL) - BADA


The swollen crosslinked polymer may be called a gel, but if the gel particles are very small (300- 1000 μ), they are called microgels that act as strongly packed spheres can be suspended in solvents, so they have interested with development of solid-phase synthesis and techniques for immobilizing catalysts in recent years*. There are two categories for crosslinking which is described in following: 1- Physical crosslinking 2- Chemical crosslinking Polymer chains doesn’t join together *www.chemheritage.org Polymer chains joined together by crosslinking agent (shown in red) to form a single molecule Figure 8. Schematic structure of crosslinked and uncrosslinked polymers 19

1.7.1. Physical Crosslinking of Proteins Physical hydrogels have three dimensional networks in absent of chemical cross- linking agent. High energy irradiations can separate electrons from atoms or molecules to form a free radical as an active initiator for crosslinking reaction. Many soluble proteins with this configuration can build physical hydrogels, but the weaknesses of such gels are low mechanically strength.In order to increase the mechanical strength, the protein should modify with chemical crosslinkers (see section 1.7.2). In this overview, some different physical crosslinking methods used for the purpose of biodegradable hydrogels are summarized as fallow. Crosslinking by Thermal Method Thermal denaturation has been used to crosslink proteins. Albumin and some other proteins such as collagen can crosslink by heating. The proteins become coagulate and insoluble by formation of inter-reaction between chains due to amide bond. By this way proteins are usually heated at a high temperature (around 140 o C) for a day and dehydrated at greater than 100 o C for a few days [30] . The albumin hydrogel microspheres are a good example for heat crosslinking method. The extent of crosslinking of albumin hydrogel depends on the temperature and time. These thermal denaturized albumin microspheres were used to deliver various drugs including anticancer agent such as fluorouracil or mitomycin [31] . Also thermal decomposed gelatin causes water-insoluble, although it still swells to a certain extent [32] . Crosslinking by Ultrasound Method Ultrasound was employed to make protein hydrogel microspheres. At the first ultrasound separates small droplets of oil or other non-polar organic liquids containing protein in water, similar to emulsification process used to produce mayonnaise. This method creates cavitation which cause to homolysis of water molecules due to produce radicals (H • and OH • ) [33] . 20

The swollen crosslinked polymer may be called a gel, but if the gel particles are very small (300-<br />

1000 μ), they are called microgels that act as strongly packed spheres can be suspended in<br />

solvents, so they have interested with development of solid-phase synthesis and techniques for<br />

immobilizing catalysts in recent years*. There are two categories for crosslinking which is<br />

described in following:<br />

1- Physical crosslinking<br />

2- Chemical crosslinking<br />

Polymer chains doesn’t join together<br />

*www.chemheritage.org<br />

Polymer chains joined together by<br />

crosslinking agent (shown in red)<br />

to form a single molecule<br />

Figure 8. Schematic structure of crosslinked and uncrosslinked polymers<br />


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