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ResearchNewsletter - Archive Server

ResearchNewsletter - Archive Server


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In the past, using computers to work at home was limited to executives and the<br />

professions, but more and more employees are now taking work home, and a small but<br />

growing number of employees actually work at home. Links between the office and the<br />

"home office" are thus likely to become much more widespread with die development of<br />

networking and communications in workplaces, and as these home-to-work links become<br />

effective and affordable. With job mobility also tending to increase and employees having<br />

to learn new work skills, home-based computerized adult education is also likely to<br />

experience renewed growth. This formal instruction dimension also seems a prerequisite for<br />

the success of joint employer-employee financed schemes such as tiie Private Computer<br />

Projects which, altiiough they have become a major driving force of die Dutch PC market,<br />

are increasingly criticized for their lack of effectiveness. Without appropriate software and<br />

a high level of formalized training, many of these PCs are collecting dust in cupboards.<br />

The commercial applications in the home market are likely to assume significant<br />

proportions in the coming years. The scope of this market ranges from traditional uses,<br />

such as word processing, accounting and filing, to the integrated computerization of homes'<br />

The French have termed this latter concept "Domotique." It entails cabling houses and<br />

apartment blocks during their construction to allow for die computerized control of heating,<br />

lighting, security systems, and audio/visual and kitchen appliances. No reference point<br />

exists at present and die market is wide open.<br />

Figure 3 shows 1988 shipments in the European market by both product type and<br />

application.<br />

Non Comp.$2000 5.2% '^^^^^^^^k / Commercial 16.5%<br />

Education 34.5%<br />

Total 1988 Market Total 1988 Market<br />

1.2 Million Units 1.2 Million Units<br />

Source: Dataquest<br />

September 1989<br />

1989 Dataquest U.K. Limited September ESAM<br />


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