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Outline Conditional Statements • if • if-else • switch Logical Operators More Operators Repetition Statements • while • do • for Flow of Control Flow of Control Original Authors: John Lewis and William Loftus Modified by Patrawadee Tanawongsuwan 2 Conditional Statements Conditional Statements Flow of Control Flow of Control A conditional statement lets us choose which statement will be executed next Unless specified otherwise, the order of statement execution through a method is linear: one statement after the other in sequence Java's conditional statements are • the if statement • the if-else statement • the switch statement Some programming statements modify that order, allowing us to: • decide whether or not to execute a particular statement, or • perform a statement over and over, repetitively The order of statement execution is called the flow of control 4 3

Outline<br />

Conditional Statements<br />

• if<br />

• if-else<br />

• switch<br />

Logical Operators<br />

More Operators<br />

Repetition Statements<br />

• while<br />

• do<br />

• for<br />

Flow of Control<br />

Flow of Control<br />

Original Authors: John Lewis and William Loftus<br />

Modified by Patrawadee Tanawongsuwan<br />

2<br />

Conditional Statements<br />

Conditional Statements<br />

Flow of Control<br />

Flow of Control<br />

A conditional statement lets us choose which<br />

statement will be executed next<br />

Unless specified otherwise, the order of statement<br />

execution through a method is linear: one statement<br />

after the other in sequence<br />

Java's conditional statements are<br />

• the if statement<br />

• the if-else statement<br />

• the switch statement<br />

Some programming statements modify that order,<br />

allowing us to:<br />

• decide whether or not to execute a particular statement, or<br />

• perform a statement over and over, repetitively<br />

The order of statement execution is called the flow of<br />

control<br />

4<br />


The if Statement<br />

The if Statement<br />

The if Statement<br />

The if Statement<br />

An example of an if statement:<br />

The if statement has the following syntax:<br />

if (sum < 0)<br />

System.out.print (“less”);<br />

System.out.println (“ OK”);<br />

The condition<br />

must be a boolean<br />

expression. It<br />

must evaluate to<br />

either true or false.<br />

if is a Java<br />

reserved word<br />

if ( condition )<br />

statement;<br />

The condition sum < 0 is evaluated.<br />

If the condition is true, less OK is printed.<br />

If it is not, OK is printed.<br />

If the condition is true, the statement is executed.<br />

If it is false, the statement is skipped.<br />

6<br />

5<br />

The if-else if else Statement<br />

Boolean Expressions<br />

Boolean Expressions<br />

An else clause can be added to an if statement to<br />

make an if-else statement<br />

A condition often uses one of Java's equality<br />

operators or relational operators, which all return<br />

boolean results:<br />

if ( condition )<br />

statement1;<br />

else<br />

statement2;<br />

== equal to<br />

!= not equal to<br />

< less than<br />

> greater than<br />

= greater than or equal to<br />

If the condition is true, statement1 is executed; if<br />

the condition is false, statement2 is executed<br />

One or the other will be executed, but not both<br />

Note the difference between the equality operator<br />

(==) and the assignment operator (=)<br />

8<br />


Block Statements<br />

Block Statements<br />

The if-else if else Statement<br />

Several statements can be grouped together into a<br />

block statement<br />

A block is delimited by braces : { … }<br />

if (sum < 0)<br />

System.out.print (“less”);<br />

else<br />

System.out.print (“more”);<br />

System.out.println (“ OK”);<br />

When the value of sum is -99 , it prints less OK<br />

When the value of sum is 23 , it prints more OK<br />

10<br />

9<br />

Nested if Statements<br />

Nested if Statements<br />

Block Statements<br />

Block Statements<br />

There could be an if statement within another if or<br />

an else clause<br />

Example<br />

These are called nested if statements<br />

if (sum < 0)<br />

System.out.print (“less”);<br />

System.out.println (“ OK”);<br />

An else clause is matched to the last unmatched if<br />

(no matter what the indentation implies)<br />

Braces can be used to specify the if statement to<br />

which an else clause belongs<br />

if (sum < 0) {<br />

System.out.print (“less”);<br />

System.out.println (“ OK”);<br />

}<br />

When the value of sum is 5,<br />

The 1st prints OK.<br />

The 2nd prints nothing at all.<br />

12<br />


The switch Statement<br />

The switch Statement<br />

Nested if Statements<br />

Nested if Statements<br />

The switch statement evaluates an expression, then<br />

attempts to match the result to one of several<br />

possible cases<br />

Examples<br />

Each case contains a value and a list of statements<br />

The flow of control transfers to statement associated<br />

with the first value that matches<br />

if (sum < 10)<br />

myType = 1;<br />

else if (sum < 20)<br />

myType = 2;<br />

else if (sum < 30)<br />

myType = 3;<br />

else<br />

myType = 4;<br />

if (sum < 20)<br />

if (sum < 10)<br />

myType = 1;<br />

else<br />

myType = 2;<br />

else<br />

if (sum < 30)<br />

myType = 3;<br />

else<br />

myType = 4;<br />

14<br />

13<br />

The switch Statement<br />

The switch Statement<br />

The switch Statement<br />

The switch Statement<br />

switch (max) {<br />

case 10:<br />

System.out.println (“Ten");<br />

break;<br />

case 9:<br />

System.out.println (“Nine");<br />

break;<br />

case 8:<br />

System.out.println (“Eight");<br />

break;<br />

default:<br />

System.out.println (“Don’t know.");<br />

}<br />

The general syntax of a switch statement is:<br />

switch ( expression ) {<br />

case value1:<br />

statement-list1<br />

case value2:<br />

statement-list2<br />

case ...<br />

}<br />

If expression matches value2,<br />

control jumps to here<br />

16<br />


The switch Statement<br />

The switch Statement<br />

The switch Statement<br />

The switch Statement<br />

A switch statement can have an optional default<br />

case<br />

The expression of a switch statement must result in<br />

either int or char type<br />

The default case has no associated value and simply<br />

uses the reserved word default<br />

Often a break statement is used as the last statement<br />

in each case's statement list<br />

If the default case is present, control will transfer to it<br />

if no other case value matches<br />

A break statement causes control to transfer to the<br />

end of the switch statement<br />

Though the default case can be positioned anywhere<br />

in the switch, usually it is placed at the end<br />

If a break statement is not used, the flow of control<br />

will continue into the next case<br />

If there is no default case, and no other value<br />

matches, control falls through to the statement after<br />

the switch<br />

18<br />

17<br />

Logical NOT<br />

Logical NOT<br />

Logical Operators<br />

Logical Operators<br />

The logical NOT !<br />

Boolean expressions can use the following logical<br />

operators:<br />

if (!(x < 0))<br />

System.out.println (x);<br />

! Logical NOT<br />

&& Logical AND<br />

|| Logical OR<br />

They all take boolean operands and produce boolean<br />

results<br />

If x is not less than 0, x is printed.<br />

20<br />


Logical OR<br />

Logical OR<br />

Logical AND<br />

Logical AND<br />

The logical OR expression<br />

The logical AND expression<br />

a || b<br />

a && b<br />

is true if a or b or both are true, and false otherwise<br />

is true if both a and b are true, and false otherwise<br />

if ((x < 5) || (x > 100))<br />

System.out.println (x);<br />

if ((x >= 1) && (x MAX && count != 0)<br />

System.out.println ("Testing…");<br />

If condition1 is false, it ignores condition2.<br />

24<br />


Comparing Strings<br />

Comparing Strings<br />

Comparing Characters<br />

Comparing Characters<br />

Remember that a character string in Java is an object<br />

We can use the relational operators on character data<br />

We cannot use the relational operators to compare<br />

strings<br />

The results are based on the Unicode character set<br />

The equals method can be called with strings to<br />

determine if two strings contain exactly the same<br />

characters in the same order<br />

The following condition is true because the character<br />

+ (Unicode 43) comes before the character J<br />

(Unicode 74) in the Unicode character set:<br />

if ('+' < 'J')<br />

System.out.println ("+ is less than J");<br />

The String class also contains a method called<br />

compareTo to determine if one string comes before<br />

another (based on the Unicode character set)<br />

The uppercase alphabet (A-Z) followed by the<br />

lowercase alphabet (a-z) appear in alphabetical order<br />

in the Unicode character set<br />

26<br />

25<br />

More Operators<br />

More Operators<br />

Lexicographic Ordering<br />

Lexicographic Ordering<br />

In particular, we will examine<br />

• the increment and decrement operators<br />

Because comparing characters and strings is based<br />

on a character set, it is called a lexicographic<br />

ordering<br />

• the assignment operators<br />

This is not strictly alphabetical when uppercase and<br />

lowercase characters are mixed<br />

For example, the string “Box" comes before the<br />

string “art" because all of the uppercase letters<br />

come before all of the lowercase letters in Unicode<br />

Also, short strings come before longer strings with<br />

the same prefix (lexicographically)<br />

Therefore "book" comes before "bookcase"<br />

28<br />


Increment and Decrement<br />

Increment and Decrement<br />

Increment and Decrement<br />

Increment and Decrement<br />

The increment and decrement operators can be<br />

applied in prefix form (before the operand) or postfix<br />

form (after the operand)<br />

The increment operator (++) adds one to its operand<br />

The decrement operator (--) subtracts one from its<br />

operand<br />

When used alone in a statement, the prefix and<br />

postfix forms are functionally equivalent. That is,<br />

The statement<br />

count++;<br />

count++;<br />

is equivalent to<br />

is functionally equivalent to<br />

++count;<br />

count = count + 1;<br />

When used in a larger expression, the prefix and<br />

postfix forms have different effects<br />

30<br />

29<br />

Assignment Operators<br />

Assignment Operators<br />

Increment and Decrement<br />

Increment and Decrement<br />

Often we perform an operation on a variable, and<br />

then store the result back into that variable<br />

If count currently contains 45, then the statement<br />

total = count++;<br />

Java provides assignment operators to simplify that<br />

process<br />

assigns 45 to total and 46 to count<br />

For example, the statement<br />

If count currently contains 45, then the statement<br />

num += count;<br />

total = ++count;<br />

is equivalent to<br />

assigns the value 46 to both total and count<br />

num = num + count;<br />

32<br />


Assignment Operators<br />

Assignment Operators<br />

Assignment Operators<br />

Assignment Operators<br />

The right hand side of an assignment operator can be<br />

a complex expression<br />

There are many assignment operators, including the<br />

following:<br />

The entire right-hand expression is evaluated first,<br />

then the result is combined with the original variable<br />

Equivalent To<br />

Example<br />

Operator<br />

Therefore<br />

result /= (total-MIN) % num;<br />

is equivalent to<br />

x = x + y<br />

x = x - y<br />

x = x * y<br />

x = x / y<br />

x = x % y<br />

x += y<br />

x -= y<br />

x *= y<br />

x /= y<br />

x %= y<br />

+=<br />

-=<br />

*=<br />

/=<br />

%=<br />

result = result / ((total-MIN) % num);<br />

34<br />

33<br />

The for Statement<br />

The for Statement<br />

Repetition Statements<br />

Repetition Statements<br />

The for statement has the following syntax:<br />

Repetition statements allow us to execute a<br />

statement multiple times<br />

executed until the<br />

condition<br />

becomes false<br />

executed once<br />

before the<br />

loop begins<br />

Often they are referred to as loops<br />

Java has three kinds of repetition statements:<br />

for ( initialization ; condition ; update )<br />

statement;<br />

• the for loop<br />

• the while loop<br />

• the do loop<br />

Each kind of loop works slightly differently<br />

executed at the end<br />

of each iteration<br />

The condition-statement-update cycle is executed repeatedly<br />

36<br />


The for Statement<br />

The for Statement<br />

The for Statement<br />

The for Statement<br />

The condition of a for statement is tested prior to<br />

executing the loop body<br />

public class MyCounterFor {<br />

public static void main (String[] args) {<br />

If the condition is false initially, the statement is<br />

never executed<br />

final int LIMIT = 2;<br />

int count;<br />

Therefore, the body of a for loop will execute zero or<br />

more times<br />

for (count = 0; count

The while Statement<br />

The while Statement<br />

The while Statement<br />

The while Statement<br />

Note that if the condition of a while statement is<br />

false initially, the statement is never executed<br />

public class MyCounterWhile {<br />

public static void main (String[] args) {<br />

Therefore, the body of a while loop will execute zero<br />

or more times<br />

final int LIMIT = 2;<br />

int count = 0;<br />

while (count

The do Statement<br />

The do Statement<br />

Infinite Loops<br />

Infinite Loops<br />

The do statement has the following syntax:<br />

public class Forever {<br />

public static void main (String[] args) {<br />

int count = 1;<br />

do {<br />

statement;<br />

} while ( condition )<br />

while (count

Choosing a Loop Structure<br />

Choosing a Loop Structure<br />

Comparing while and do<br />

Comparing while and do<br />

When you can’t determine how many times you want<br />

to execute the loop body, use a while statement or a<br />

do statement<br />

• If it might be zero or more times, use a while statement<br />

while ( condition ) {<br />

statement;<br />

}<br />

• If it will be at least once, use a do statement<br />

If you can determine how many times you want to<br />

execute the loop body, use a for statement<br />

do {<br />

statement;<br />

} while ( condition );<br />

50<br />


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