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PLANT NUTES, ETC., FOR 1924. 445<br />

Gavery by Miss Knowles uf a note by the late J ames Britten III J OU1'­<br />

Jluj of jJotany 2G, 1872, calling attention to the remark in DC. Prod.<br />

vii., 656, that the plant's distribution is " in lIlontibus Corsicae,<br />

Sal'diniae, et Hispaniae australis (Boiss. 1), etiarn in Hibermia boreuli<br />

(Lloyd in Herb. Hooker 1)" Mr Britten added that the spec:men<br />

was in the Kew Herbarium, and that there was no doubt of its identity<br />

with B. stricta; it is labelled in Sir W. J. Hooker's hand, "North<br />

of Ireland! Dr Lloyd, 1834." Dr Praeger now hopes that the plant<br />

may prove to be actually indigenous in the north-east of Ireland, as<br />

one of the species of the" Mediterranean element," on the an8,iogy<br />

of Glyceria festu).weformis, This analogy ho,wever is based on the<br />

ueduction that the Strangford Lough plant is G. jestucaejormis, but<br />

Hackel and other distinguished critical botanists decline to accept<br />

that suggestion and to me it is only a variety of the polymorphic<br />

UZyce1'iu maritima which I named var. hibernica. It is closely allied<br />

to G. F01JJcaudii (Hackel). H. te'rminalis Salisb. is a most unlikely<br />

Hibcrnian plant. One might as well claim E. <strong>11</strong>.sitanica, for Dorset.<br />

1706. RHODUDENDIWN PONTICUM L. Mr W. B. Tun-ill gives<br />

(Gard. Chron. :378 (1), 1921) an account of this popular species,<br />

which is now so cOlllpletely naturalised in the warm sandy soils of<br />

south-west Britain, where it seeds frequently. He says it occurs<br />

in the south-western Caucasus (Colchis or Pontic region) frOll! the<br />

sea-coast to 1800 metres, hence its specific name. Noe collecie(l it un<br />

the Bithynian Olympus, ",yhere I failed t() find it in the spring. It<br />

',Isu occurs in Azerbaijan and in the Lebanon from 1000 to 2000 m.<br />

as a form called brachycarpwn. There is another widely separated<br />

area in the south of the province of Cadiz, in N. W. Portugal, and in<br />

Northern Portugal, Beira, etc. The evidence of Rhododen(ln)l1 remains<br />

in the Tertiary beds is discussed. The Hottinger breccia near<br />

Innsbruck yields plant-remains which were described by Wettstein,<br />

antI in the Isle of Skyros in the Aegean Sea leaves have been discovered<br />

in tufa of a Quaternary age, Our honal'ary member, Professor<br />

Domin, has (lescribed a variety 81wrpil'ii, differing from the<br />

type in having long persistent flower-bracts, from oakwoods at MalbJ<br />

Tirnovo at 400 metres, just on the Bulgarian side .of the Thracian<br />

frontier,<br />

1717. LIMONIUM TRANSWALLIANA Pugsl. See lou({''n. Bot. 129,

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