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PIJANT NOTES, ETC., FOR, 1924. 439<br />

Beaulllont, .Tersey (1906), which Professor GlUck said were probably<br />

dehih, have wider leaves and more spreading inflorescences than the<br />

St Brela(]e plant. I nallle,] them, [u1 interim, forma angustijoliuml<br />

of U. palustl'e. There is another slllall-leaved plant, microlJhyll'UllI<br />

Lange, which is common in Zetland and which I have seen at Dal'ka(]ale<br />

in the Orkneys, but this differs in its firmer texture, by the<br />

leaves being less truly linear alt.hough quite small, and by the more<br />

open panicle with very few flowers. G. IJalv8t1'e and dern:Ze<br />

(Efier in a somewhat analagous way to that of G. ilfollugo and<br />

G. erect1fm. Whether the asperities (pa]Jillose-grarw,zm") on the fruit<br />

are constant (lifferences I am unable at present to say. NYlllan<br />

(Comp. 327) divides the palllstre set into four species-(I) de bile {)f<br />

Hofflll1lnsegg' awl Link, confined to Portugal and Galicia, which is<br />

an untenable name owing to debile of Desf. being two years earlier;<br />

(2) c01/strictWI1 Chaub., umler which is put de bile of Desf., which is<br />

f0l<strong>11</strong>1(l from Spain and Fl'ance along the Mediterranean as far east<br />

as Euhaea : (3) G. elongatvm. Presl, which they make synonymous<br />

with G. m(J..rim7lm Moris, and (4) G. palustre L. The European distrj1mtion<br />

is not antagonistic to dl'hile being a native of t.he Channel<br />

lRJeR and south-western England.<br />

1207 (2). RUDBECKIA AMPLEXICAULIS Vahl in Skriv. Nat. Selsk.<br />

KjRet. ii., 2-29. 1703. R. amp,ze.rilolia Jacq. le. Pl. Rar. iii., 16, t.<br />

;\92. Alien, Southern U.S. and Mexico. Waste places at Bent-hall<br />

House, Broseley, Mr G. POTTS, ex J. C. MELVILL in lit. See Jovrn.<br />

Hot., Aug. 1924.<br />

1304 (5). SPILANTHES DECU<strong>MB</strong>ENS (Sm.) Moore (S. ARNICIOIDES<br />

Dr..), 1 var. MACROPODA (DC.) Moore in Proc. Am. Acad. Art.s & Se.<br />

yiii., n. 20, G!iO, H107. Alien, Brazil; TTruguay; adv. in France ani!<br />

Holland. Paradis, Guernsey, 1923, C. G. TR.APNELL, Mrs HICHl'JNS,<br />

Mr TOMLINRON, eic. See RI"p. B.E.C. v., 33, 1917, when Mrs San(lwith<br />

found the var. leptop.hylla at St Philip's, BriswL Mr F. Robin­<br />

Ron also sent to the Bot.anical Exchange Club the same plant labelled<br />

IJuphthalm1f.m an

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