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REPORT FOR 1924. 429<br />

Barry and Cardiff were explored. They are rich in Mediterranean<br />

s]Jecies, and it is SUlllewhat difficult to decide in what manner they<br />

are brought to uur shores. Later on 1'<strong>11</strong>' R. Smith and 1'<strong>11</strong>' VVade<br />

will publish an account of them in one of our Supplements. r1'hey<br />

showed me uver 70 adventive species in situ, and Miss Vachell kindly<br />

directed me tu Victuria. Park where the sweet-scented Guscuta<br />

suaveolens was parasitic un N epda MU8sini.<br />

We offer to Mr J. H. Maiden our hearty good wishes· on his retirement<br />

frum the directorship uf the Sydney Butanic Gardens, a<br />

post which he has uccupied with distinguished success since 1896.<br />

His important wurk, " A Critical lievisiono! the Genus Eucalyptus<br />

" is now in the seventh vulume. It is illustrated by 225 plates.<br />

Eight more parts will complete this gigantic work. His" Forest<br />

Flura of New South WaleH ,. ill eight volumes with 29 quarto plates<br />

is now completed. 1Ir Maiden filled the office of President of the<br />

lluyal Suciety of New South Wales in 1896-7 and again in 19<strong>11</strong>-12.<br />

He received the Linnean Gold Medal in 1915, and was elected into<br />

the Royal Society in 1916. A portrait of this distinguished worker<br />

at the Australian Flora appeared in the Gardeners' Chronicle 400,<br />

1924. We wish him long years of happiness in his new home.<br />

We cungratulate Dr DrullllllOnd on his appointment to the chair<br />

of Butany at Glasgow University and we hope his genial and able<br />

predecessor, Dr Bower, lIlay have a long period to enjoy the honour<br />

uf Emeritus Prufess·or. We note with pleasure that Mr J ames Jack,<br />

whu has done llluch goud algolugical work, has been co-opted on the<br />

Cuuncil of the Pharmaceutical Sueiety of Great Britain, and that<br />

Mr IL H. and <strong>11</strong>1"s Williamsun of Seascale have generously presented<br />

to Seascale " St CuthLert's Church Hall," a handsome and<br />

lllost useful building. Our best wishes are offered to Mr A. Bruce<br />

J ackson, une of our Distributurs and Editors of the Exchange Club<br />

Heport, un his receiving the Veitch Memorial Medal of the Horticultural<br />

Suciety. '1'he1'e is an urticle and portrait of him in the<br />

Gardeners' Chronicle 44, 1924. We are also very glad to see that<br />

Dr M. C. Rayner, the joint author with her husband, Prof. W.<br />

Neilson-Jones, has been awarded a " Theresa Seesel Research Fellowship<br />

" in the Graduate School of Yale University of the value ·,f<br />

1500 dollars. It was founded to promote original research in biological<br />

studies. Dr J. Burtt, the well-known worker at the South

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