the cat - World eBook Library

the cat - World eBook Library the cat - World eBook Library
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Chaunged to a dere, The story doth appere, Was chaunged to an harte: So thou, foule eat that thou arte, The selfesame hounde Myght thee confounde, That his owne lord bote, Myght byte asondre thy throte Of Inde the gredy grypes Myght tere out all thy trypes Of Arcady the beares Myght plucke awaye thyne eares The wylde wolfe Lycaon Byte asondre thy backe bone Of Ethna the brennynge hyll, That day and nyghte brenneth styl, Set in thy tayle a blase, That all the world may gase And wonder upon thee From Ocyan the greate sea Unto the Isles of Orchady; From Tyllbery ferry To the playne of Salysbery! So trayterously my byrde to kyll, That never wrought thee evyll wyll! THE CAT The BoJee of Phylyp Sparowe, John Skelton. 48

THE CAT: False Gods Now shall ye see in Babylon gods of silver, and of gold, and of wood Their faces are blacked thorow the smoke that comes out of the temple. Upon their bodies and heads sit battes, swallowes, and birds, and the cats also. By this you may know that they are no gods ; therefore fear them not. 49 Baruch, Apocrypha.

Chaunged to a dere,<br />

The story doth appere,<br />

Was chaunged to an harte:<br />

So thou, foule eat that thou arte,<br />

The selfesame hounde<br />

Myght <strong>the</strong>e confounde,<br />

That his owne lord bote,<br />

Myght byte asondre thy throte<br />

Of Inde <strong>the</strong> gredy grypes<br />

Myght tere out all thy trypes<br />

Of Arcady <strong>the</strong> beares<br />

Myght plucke awaye thyne eares<br />

The wylde wolfe Lycaon<br />

Byte asondre thy backe bone<br />

Of Ethna <strong>the</strong> brennynge hyll,<br />

That day and nyghte brenneth styl,<br />

Set in thy tayle a blase,<br />

That all <strong>the</strong> world may gase<br />

And wonder upon <strong>the</strong>e<br />

From Ocyan <strong>the</strong> greate sea<br />

Unto <strong>the</strong> Isles of Orchady;<br />

From Tyllbery ferry<br />

To <strong>the</strong> playne of Salysbery!<br />

So trayterously my byrde to kyll,<br />

That never wrought <strong>the</strong>e evyll wyll!<br />

THE CAT<br />

The BoJee of Phylyp Sparowe, John Skelton.<br />


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