Glacial history and dispersal patterns north of Wager Bay, Nunavut

Glacial history and dispersal patterns north of Wager Bay, Nunavut

Glacial history and dispersal patterns north of Wager Bay, Nunavut


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<strong>Glacial</strong> <strong>history</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>dispersal</strong> <strong>patterns</strong><br />

<strong>north</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>, <strong>Nunavut</strong><br />

J. Campbell, I. McMartin,<br />

L. Dredge, D. Corrigan <strong>and</strong> D. Huntley<br />

Geological Survey <strong>of</strong> Canada<br />

<strong>Nunavut</strong> Mining Symposium<br />

April 9, 2013

20 km<br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Modified from Paul et al. (2002)<br />

• Archean supracrustal belts<br />

(Committee <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>and</strong> others)<br />

– Gold<br />

Surrounded<br />

by prospects<br />

– Ni-Cu , PGE, Ag, base metals<br />

– Emeralds<br />

• Paleoproterozoic<br />

supracrustal belt (Penrhyn<br />

Group)<br />

– Base metals Pb-Zn ± Co,<br />

Cu, Ni = SEDEX?<br />

– Au, Ag<br />

• Plutonic rocks<br />

– Cu <strong>and</strong> PGE<br />

– Mo, Sn, W, U <strong>and</strong><br />

REE metals<br />

• Diamonds

4<br />

Courtesy <strong>of</strong> Kerr <strong>and</strong> Eagles, GCS<br />

GKM Tri-T Surficial Project<br />

• 2010-2012, <strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong><br />

mainl<strong>and</strong> west <strong>of</strong> Repulse<br />

• <strong>Glacial</strong> l<strong>and</strong>scape features<br />

• Ice flow <strong>history</strong><br />

• Regional till geochemistry<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>dispersal</strong> <strong>patterns</strong><br />

• Metallogenic implications

110<br />

240<br />

20 km<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

From Prest et al. (1968)<br />

<strong>Glacial</strong> <strong>history</strong><br />

<strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> area<br />

What is known…<br />

• Competing ice sectors<br />

• Eastern extent <strong>of</strong> major ice<br />

divide in Keewatin<br />

• Superimposed flow<br />

directions<br />

• Converging ice-flow<br />

directions into Rae Isthmus<br />

• Different ice flow directions<br />

on either side <strong>of</strong> Chantrey<br />

Moraine<br />

• Abrupt beginning <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>north</strong>ward meltwater<br />

corridors<br />

• Decreasing marine limit<br />

elevations southward from<br />

240 m asl to 110 m asl<br />

(700’ to 360’ <strong>of</strong> Prest et al.)

625 m<br />

0 m<br />

Ukkusiksalik<br />

National Park<br />

Study<br />

area<br />

DEM generated from CDED 1:250K<br />

topography (courtesy <strong>of</strong> T. Skulski, GSC).<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Rae<br />

Isthmus<br />

25 km<br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Melville<br />

Peninsula<br />

Southampton<br />


25 km<br />

Study<br />

area<br />

Ukkusiksalik<br />

National Park<br />

Streamlined terrain<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Hill shaded DEM / LANDSAT 742<br />

Produced by MIB-Sherbrooke <strong>and</strong><br />

Louis Robertson (GSC-Ottawa)<br />

Predominant l<strong>and</strong>forms: crag-<strong>and</strong>-tails, drumlins, flutings,<br />

pre-crag ramparts<br />

Material (surface): silty s<strong>and</strong> till, boulders<br />

Composition: local provenance mainly (exotic carbonate train<br />

<strong>north</strong> <strong>and</strong> south <strong>of</strong> RB); sub-angular to sub-rounded clasts<br />

Structure: poorly sorted, massive, some layering <strong>of</strong> clayey<br />

diamict at a few sites<br />

Permafrost features: frost boils, sorted nets, some ice-wedge<br />

polygons<br />

Northward trending crag-<strong>and</strong>-tail l<strong>and</strong>forms<br />

bedrock<br />

crag<br />

2.5 km

Committee <strong>Bay</strong><br />

drainage basin<br />

• Early <strong>north</strong>ward<br />

flow<br />

• Previously mapped<br />

• Subglacial conduits<br />

to proglacial<br />

channels<br />

• Sediment–filled<br />

with ice-contact<br />

deposits (eskers,<br />

kames, transverse<br />

ridges, apron)<br />

• Transition to<br />

proglacial outwash<br />

downstream<br />

Meltwater Corridors<br />

Different sediment - l<strong>and</strong>form assemblages<br />

Committee <strong>Bay</strong><br />

drainage basin<br />

<strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong><br />

drainage basin Repulse <strong>Bay</strong><br />

drainage basin<br />

Aylsworth & Shilts 1989<br />

Repulse <strong>Bay</strong><br />

drainage basin<br />

• Late eastward<br />

flow<br />

• Subglacial conduit<br />

• Primarily erosional<br />

channels & other<br />

features<br />

• Variable sediment-<br />

l<strong>and</strong>form assem-<br />

blages<br />

• Some transition to<br />

proglacial<br />

•More bedrock

25 km<br />

Committee <strong>Bay</strong><br />

drainage basin<br />

Northward meltwater corridors<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Hill shaded DEM / LANDSAT 742<br />

Produced by MIB-Sherbrooke <strong>and</strong><br />

Louis Robertson (GSC-Ottawa)<br />

Location: bounded by Committee <strong>Bay</strong> drainage basin, filling<br />

topographic lows<br />

Predominant l<strong>and</strong>forms: pro-glacial outwash plains, deltas,<br />

esker ridges, channels, end moraines, hummocks, crevasse-filled<br />

ridges, trimlines, kettles <strong>and</strong> knobs<br />

Material (surface): abundant s<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> gravel, boulders,<br />

eroded tills, glacial diamictons, glacial lake sediments<br />

North-flowing meltwater corridors<br />

1.5 km<br />

Kettled outwash plain

25 km<br />

<strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong><br />

drainage basin<br />

Repulse <strong>Bay</strong><br />

drainage basin<br />

Eastward meltwater corridors<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Hill shaded DEM / LANDSAT 742<br />

Produced by MIB-Sherbrooke <strong>and</strong><br />

Louis Robertson (GSC-Ottawa)<br />

Location: bounded primarily by Repulse <strong>Bay</strong> drainage basin,<br />

Predominant l<strong>and</strong>forms: shallow channels, sharp scarps,<br />

hummocks, transverse ridges, kettles <strong>and</strong> knobs, minor esker<br />

ridges, channels, end moraines, crevasse-fill ridges<br />

Material (surface): eroded till, boulders, glacial diamictons,<br />

s<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> gravel<br />

46L<br />

46E<br />

SPOT 10m / LANDSAT 742<br />

North-flowing meltwater corridors<br />

1 km<br />

2km<br />

Shallow, well-defined subglacial conduits

25 km<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Hill shaded DEM / LANDSAT 742<br />

Produced by MIB-Sherbrooke <strong>and</strong><br />

Louis Robertson (GSC-Ottawa)<br />

Upl<strong>and</strong>s with glacial troughs (U-shaped valleys)<br />

Location: valleys<br />

Surface characteristics: deeply incised U-shaped valleys,<br />

striated bedrock<br />

Evidence for reverse flow direction: glacially eroded<br />

trough, striations, some eskers indicate flow into <strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong><br />

Material (surface): till veneer, lake/marine sediments, esker<br />

sediment, colluvium<br />

<strong>Glacial</strong> troughs (U-valley)<br />

1 km<br />

U-shaped valley

25 km<br />

Relict weathered terrain<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Hill shaded DEM / LANDSAT 742<br />

Produced by MIB-Sherbrooke <strong>and</strong><br />

Louis Robertson (GSC-Ottawa)<br />

Location: upl<strong>and</strong> bedrock plateau<br />

Surface characteristics: subdued topography, subtle to no<br />

evidence <strong>of</strong> glacial scouring, no patterned ground, few lakes<br />

Material (surface): extensive to patchy weathered bedrock,<br />

weathered blocky till (angular to sub-rounded, granitic to gneissic<br />

rock fragments in a stony, granular s<strong>and</strong> matrix), coarse residuum<br />

(regolith), some erratics (weathered)<br />

Pre-Late Wisconsinan relict terrain<br />

- A product <strong>of</strong> cold-based glaciation?<br />

Weathered bedrock<br />

Weathered till

08˚(1)<br />

122˚ (2)<br />

Older striations preserved on faceted surface<br />

Mapping<br />

ice-flow sequences<br />

<strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> area<br />

• Erosional indicators on bedrock<br />

• Sense indicators<br />

• Multiple directions with crosscutting<br />

relationships<br />

• Various subglacial l<strong>and</strong>forms –<br />

some intersecting<br />

Roches moutonnées <strong>and</strong> whaleback forms<br />

on gabbro dykes Reversed nailhead striae

Superimposed streamlined l<strong>and</strong>forms<br />

N 1<br />

2<br />

0 1<br />

2<br />


15 km<br />

Striation<br />

map<br />

Chantrey<br />

moraine<br />

system<br />

Hill shaded DEM from CDED 1:250K<br />

Produced by Louis Robertson<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Melville<br />

moraine<br />

Repulse<br />


Ice-flow<br />

sequence<br />

15 km<br />

Chantrey<br />

moraine<br />

system<br />

Hill shaded DEM from CDED 1:250K<br />

Produced by Louis Robertson<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Melville<br />

moraine<br />

Repulse<br />


Regional-scale drift sampling<br />

<strong>Nunavut</strong> Mining Symposium<br />

April 9, 2013

Till sample<br />

location map<br />

15 km<br />

Legend<br />

2010 n = 46<br />

2011 n = 114<br />

2012 n = 146<br />

Total = 306<br />

Hill shaded DEM from CDED 1:250K<br />

Produced by Louis Robertson<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Repulse<br />


Cy-horizon till samples<br />

• Turbic <strong>and</strong> static cryosols<br />

• h<strong>and</strong> dug pits from mudboils<br />

• least-weathered<br />

• average depth 30 cm<br />

3 & 10 kg samples<br />

3 kg<br />

Analytical scheme<br />

Major & trace element till geochemistry <strong>of</strong>

Till sample<br />

location map<br />

Total magnetic<br />

field map<br />

15 km<br />

Hill shaded DEM from CDED 1:250K<br />

Produced by Louis Robertson<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

From Skulski et al. (in prep)

PHg<br />

Amgn<br />

Amgn<br />

Agu<br />

Ferromagnetic Supracrustal clasts fraction in till<br />

(% <strong>of</strong> 200 pebbles; 8-30 mm)<br />

(grams /10 kg table feed)<br />

0.9-4.5 0<br />

4.6-6.9 0.1-2.7<br />

7.0-9.0<br />

2.8-5.3<br />

9.1-12.9<br />

5.4-12.0<br />

13.0-19.0<br />

12.1-25<br />

19.1-30.0<br />

Amgn<br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Multi-element<br />

anomaly:<br />

Co-Cu-Ga<br />

Cr 2O 3-Fe 2O 3<br />

Mgt-Si-BIF<br />

Amgn<br />

Carbonate-rich<br />

till<br />

4 km

Till sample<br />

location map<br />

Total magnetic<br />

field map<br />

15 km<br />

Ford Lake<br />

Hill shaded DEM from CDED 1:250K<br />

Produced by Louis Robertson<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

From Skulski et al. (in prep)

10 km<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Geology from Skulski et al. (in prep)<br />

No. Fluorite grains<br />

in till (/10 kg table feed)<br />

0<br />

0 -1<br />

1. -3.9<br />

3.9-20.7<br />

20.7-39.5<br />

39.5-100<br />

Multi-element<br />

geochemical<br />

association<br />

U,(Th),<br />

Hf-HREEs<br />


Cr-Ni-Co<br />

Till sample<br />

location map<br />

15 km<br />

Hill shaded DEM from CDED 1:250K<br />

Produced by Louis Robertson<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

Repulse<br />

<strong>Bay</strong><br />

From Skulski et al. (in prep)

1 2 3<br />

2<br />

5 km<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Walker<br />

Lake 2<br />

1<br />

Amgn<br />

2<br />

APW<br />

1<br />

56J-N<br />

56J-S<br />

56I<br />

? From McMartin et al. (2003)<br />

Multi-element <strong>dispersal</strong> train:<br />

Ni-Cr-Co-Cu IM: chromite & forsterite<br />

Mg±Fe<br />

grains<br />

Agu<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Ni (ppm) in till<br />

in < 0.063 mm; ICP-AES,<br />

aqua regia digestion<br />

1-11<br />

12-23<br />

24-41<br />

42-68<br />

69-119<br />

119-326<br />

Samples<br />

CB 2003<br />

<strong>Wager</strong> 2012

Summary<br />

Extensive streamlined terrain related to dominant early <strong>north</strong>ward<br />

flow – not latest deglacial flow to the Chantrey Moraine<br />

Late ice streaming <strong>and</strong> flow reversal into <strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong><br />

Eastward flow: last flow from eastern end <strong>of</strong> remnant ice mass<br />

Areas <strong>of</strong> cold vs. warm based ice<br />

Various meltwater corridor types <strong>and</strong> associated sediments &<br />

l<strong>and</strong>forms; bounded by drainage basins<br />

Various meltwater corridor types <strong>and</strong> associated sediments &<br />

l<strong>and</strong>forms; bounded by drainage basins<br />

Dispersal trains parallel to predominant NNE flow <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>forms –<br />

not so much deglacial flows<br />

Complexity <strong>of</strong> surficial geology demonstrates the need for<br />

establishing the Quaternary framework for successful mineral<br />

exploration in the area<br />

Till clasts <strong>and</strong> geochemistry indicate umapped supracrustal <strong>and</strong><br />

ultramafic (soapstone) & ?1.75 Ga Nueltin? granite sources<br />

<strong>Nunavut</strong> Mining Symposium<br />

April 9, 2013

27<br />

Up-coming publications: Spring 2013<br />

<strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Surficial Geology Activity<br />

Geological Survey <strong>of</strong> Canada Open File Reports:<br />

In press: McMartin, I., Campbell, J.E., Dredge, L.A.., <strong>and</strong> McCurdy, M.W.<br />

Till composition <strong>and</strong> ice-flow indicators west <strong>of</strong> Repulse <strong>Bay</strong>: 2010 <strong>and</strong> 2011<br />

results from the GEM <strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Surficial Geology Activity. Open File Report 7288,<br />

Geological Survey <strong>of</strong> Canada.<br />

In press: Wityk, U., Harris, J. McMartin, I., Campbell, J.E., <strong>and</strong> Ross, M. <strong>and</strong> Grunsky,E.<br />

Remote predictive mapping <strong>of</strong> surficial materials west <strong>of</strong> Repulse <strong>Bay</strong>, <strong>Nunavut</strong>.<br />

Open File Report 7357, Geological Survey <strong>of</strong> Canada.<br />

In prep: Huntley, D., Campbell, J.E., McMartin, I., Wityk, U., Harris, J. <strong>and</strong> Chow, W.<br />

Remote predictive mapping <strong>of</strong> surficial materials: <strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> North area, <strong>Nunavut</strong>.<br />

Open File Report 7118, Geological Survey <strong>of</strong> Canada.<br />


Up-coming publications:<br />

April 2013<br />

<strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Surficial Geology Activity<br />

Geological Survey <strong>of</strong> Canada CGM maps:<br />

Campbell, J.E., Little, E.C, Utting, D., <strong>and</strong> McMartin, I. 2013<br />

Surficial geology, Nunuraqtalik Lake, <strong>Nunavut</strong>. CGM-P60,<br />

Geological Survey <strong>of</strong> Canada; 1: 50 000 scale.<br />

NTS 56P-South – 4-50k sheets<br />

Campbell, J.E., Little, E.C, Utting, D., <strong>and</strong> McMartin, I. 2013.<br />

Surficial geology, Kinngalugjuaq Mountain, <strong>Nunavut</strong>. CGM-P61,<br />

Geological Survey <strong>of</strong> Canada; 1: 50 000 scale.<br />

Campbell, J.E., Little, E.C, Utting, D., <strong>and</strong> McMartin, I. 2013.<br />

Surficial geology, Atorquait River, <strong>Nunavut</strong>. CGM-P62,<br />

Geological Survey <strong>of</strong> Canada; 1: 50 000 scale.<br />

Campbell, J.E., Little, E.C, Utting, D., <strong>and</strong> McMartin, I. 2013.<br />

Surficial geology, Curtis River, <strong>Nunavut</strong>. CGM-P63,<br />

Geological Survey <strong>of</strong> Canada; 1: 50 000 scale.

Thanks to:<br />

GSC colleagues: S. Madore & sed lab team, J. Harris, E. Grunsky, L. Robertson, G. Buller<br />

Field assistants: Fiona Humber, Kerry Robillard, Sarah Hashmi<br />

Academia: University <strong>of</strong> Waterloo - MSc. C<strong>and</strong>idate U. Wityk <strong>and</strong> Dr M. Ross<br />

Hunting for shells…<br />

PCSP, Natural Resources Canada Research Affiliate Program<br />

Hamlet <strong>of</strong> Repulse <strong>Bay</strong> & Arviq Hunters <strong>and</strong> Trappers Organization<br />

Naujat Coop <strong>and</strong> Hotel manager: John Kaufmann<br />

Parks Canada <strong>and</strong> RCMP Offices<br />

Industry: Stornoway Diamond <strong>and</strong> North Country Gold

<strong>Wager</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Surficial Geology Activity<br />

2012<br />

2010<br />

2011<br />

46L<br />

Project framework<br />

3 field seasons in GEM-1<br />

2010-2011-2012 : 31,000 km 2<br />

GSC led activity; within GEM<br />

Multiple Metals Melville Peninsula<br />

Project - CNGO collaboration<br />

Logistics out <strong>of</strong> Repulse <strong>Bay</strong>;<br />

10,500 km 2 within National Park<br />

Objectives:<br />

Provide improved underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

<strong>of</strong> Quaternary <strong>history</strong>; distribution<br />

<strong>and</strong> nature <strong>of</strong> Quaternary sediments<br />

(surficial geology maps at 1:100K);<br />

chronology <strong>and</strong> extent <strong>of</strong> ice-flow<br />

sequences; age <strong>and</strong> elevation <strong>of</strong><br />

post-glacial marine limit<br />

Acquire regional-scale drift<br />

composition datasets; till<br />

geochemistry <strong>and</strong> potential indicator<br />

minerals; glacial <strong>dispersal</strong> trends<br />

<strong>and</strong> scales.

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