Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army

Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army


e. All Service members who present to the MTF for medical evaluation or treatment from off-installation locations and who will be present more than 24 hours will be required to report to the WTU for accountability and control. For those Soldiers who are on medical TDY orders, the orders will specify that the Soldier is under the command and control of the WTU for all purposes, to include all administrative and disciplinary actions, while at the MTF. All Service members in a TDRL status will report to the WTU upon arrival at the MTF for tracking and case management only; they are not in an assigned or attached status unless they are anticipated to stay at the MTF for greater than 30 days (see para 8-3d). Examples of case management responsibilities for TDRL periodic reevaluation include— (1) Assisting member with obtaining all required appointments to accomplish the TDRL periodic examination. (2) Assisting member with obtaining travel advances, completion and filing of travel voucher, and resolving problems related to travel pay. 8–2. Eligibility criteria A Soldier will be eligible for warrior-in-transition status and may be assigned or attached to a WTU when, based on nomination from the Soldier’s commander and the treating provider, the MTF commander determines that the Soldier meets the criteria in paragraphs a through d below. (Note: Also see ineligibility criteria in para 8-3, below.) a. An Active Army Soldier— (1) Who requires a temporary profile of more than 6 months’ duration, and— (a) Whose duty limitations preclude the Soldier from contributing to, or otherwise interfere with accomplishment of the parent unit’s mission, or (b) Whose treatment plan requires the Soldier to spend most of his/her time receiving (and/or traveling to and from) medical treatment, or otherwise absent from parent unit. (2) Who requires an MEB. Soldiers in the MEB process will be assigned to the WTU unless an exception to policy is requested by the Unit Commander and granted by the MTF commander. Thus, the nominative process does not apply to Soldiers in the MEB process who, in the majority of circumstances, will be either assigned or attached to the WTU. Soldiers in the MEB process who live on an installation with a WTU must be assigned to the WTU unless the Soldier’s commander grants an exception to policy. Exceptions to assignment may be considered for Soldiers residing off the installation for whom attachment may not be prudent when considering the impact on Family members. Soldiers undergoing adverse administrative action (per para 8-3f) or UCMJ action may not transfer to the WTU until the action is resolved. (3) Whose profile limitations preclude deployment (AR 40-501, chap 5) within the next 60 days and whose unit is scheduled to deploy within 60 days, and— (a) Whose unit has no rear detachment, or (b) Whose rear detachment capabilities are insufficient to accommodate the Soldier’s physical limitations or mental health needs, or (c) Whose limitations prevent the Soldier from contributing to, or otherwise interfere with accomplishment of the rear detachment’s mission. b. An RC Soldier who qualifies for WTU according to current personnel policy guidance (PPG) including RC Soldiers on medical retention processing, medical retention processing 2, and active duty medical extension (ADME) orders. c. An Active Guard and Reserve Soldier (10 USC or 32 USC) who meets the WTU criteria of Active Army Soldiers (as in para 8-2a) is eligible for a WTU. d. An AD Soldier, regardless of component— (1) Who is an inpatient at any facility. (2) Who arrives at the MTF from a named operation, or arrives from an OCONUS location and, as determined by the MTF commander, meets the condition of continuation of attachment in paragraph 8-2a or assignment in accordance with paragraph 8-6. All inpatients/outpatients medically regulated from an area of operations to a receiving MTF will travel on temporary-change-of-station orders. Such patients will be attached and under the command and control of the receiving MTF’s WTU for all purposes to include command and control for all administrative and disciplinary actions. Soldiers will remain in attached status until dispositioned by the MTF, at which time Soldiers will be released from attachment. Soldiers will in-process into the WTU. At a minimum, personnel and finance in-processing will be accomplished as soon as the patient’s condition permits. Notification to the Soldier’s unit will be made within 24 hours of the Soldier’s arrival. (3) Who arrives at a CONUS MTF from an OCONUS location and, as determined by the MTF commander, is expected to remain away from his/her parent unit longer than 30 days. 8–3. Ineligibility criteria Under usual circumstances, the personnel in paragraphs a through g, below, are not eligible for attachment or assignment to a WTU. Exceptions may be made by the MTF commander, in consultation with the Soldier’s treating provider and unit commander, for valid clinical reasons. a. Soldiers with normal uncomplicated pregnancy. 62 AR 40–400 27 January 2010

. Soldiers who are in initial entry training, advanced individual training, or one station unit training. c. Soldiers whose permanent profiles require an MMRB. d. Soldiers in TDRL status who are anticipated to stay at the MTF

. Soldiers who are in initial entry training, advanced individual training, or one station unit training.<br />

c. Soldiers whose permanent profiles require an MMRB.<br />

d. Soldiers in TDRL status who are anticipated to stay at the MTF

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