Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army

Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army


determines that a patient is VSI, SI, SPECAT, changes from one category to the other, or subsequently recovers, dies, or is transferred to another MTF, he/she will prepare DA Form 2984 and forward it immediately to the patient administrator, administrative officer of the day, or other designated officer. The MTF commander establishes policy for notification of other persons. Information will be safeguarded against inappropriate disclosures (AR 360-5). All notifications are recorded on DA Form 2984. DA Form 2984 is available on the APD Web site ( (2) Roster of VSI, SI, SPECAT Patients (locally produced). The patient administrator will prepare-on a daily basis-a roster of VSI, SI, and SPECAT patients. When automated systems are not available, a manually prepared report should contain the name, grade or status, SSN or other ID number, ward, date first placed on the roster, and present condition. The format of the roster, the method of preparation, and the distribution will be locally determined. c. Notification procedures in CONUS. Whenever the person to be notified is present at the MTF, the notification will be made immediately by the attending physician (AR 600-8-1). (1) Upon classification as VSI or SI, the MTF commander will immediately notify the NOK or other person to be notified. A follow-up (progress report) should be sent at least every 5 days and immediately upon a significant deterioration in the patient’s condition. A final notification will be sent when the patient is removed from VSI/SI. (2) When the person to be notified resides in CONUS, notification will be direct by telephonic means. When the person to be notified is not located in CONUS, or notification of NOK is not within the capability of the responsible hospital commander, the casualty information will be relayed immediately to the responsible CAC (AR 600-8-1). (3) When Army personnel are hospitalized in nonmilitary hospitals, the commander of the MTF administratively responsible for the patient will be responsible for obtaining casualty information and for initiating notification procedures. (4) A SPECAT patient will be counseled concerning his or her condition and will be encouraged to write personally when physically and mentally able to do so. When a patient is unable to act in his or her own best interests and cannot communicate with the Family, the commander will notify the NOK. d. OCONUS MTFs. In OCONUS MTFs when the persons to be notified are not locally present, the information will be relayed immediately to the CAC (AR 600-8-1). Notification to the NOK will be accomplished as stated in c above. ITOs may be issued under special circumstances (AR 600-8-1). The OCONUS CAC responsible for the area will be provided casualty information required by AR 600-8-1 and also provided progress reports every 5 days until the casualty is released, recovers, or dies. This information will be used by the CAC to notify the NOK located beyond the hospital (that is, NOK located in another CAC area of responsibility). e. Notifications pursuant to international agreements. (1) In addition to all other notification requirements, when personnel of Armed Forces of Allied Nations or foreign national students are patients in CONUS, the MTF commander will provide the CAC information relevant to preparing a casualty report according to AR 600-8-1 and AR 12-15. (2) The agreement implemented by this paragraph is NATO STANAG 2132. 6–3. Hospitalization of special interest patients and enabling care policy a. Policy. Notifications will be made for admissions; changes in condition (such as major improvement or deterioration of condition, including SI and/or VSI changes); and disposition from inpatient status including return to duty (RTD), discharge, retirement, and death for the following categories of patients: (1) Very important persons (VIPs) including— (a) The President of the United States and dependents. (b) The Vice President of the United States and dependents. (c) Former Presidents of the United States and dependents. (d) Cabinet members. (e) United States Congress members. (f) United States Supreme Court Justices. (g) Secretaries of Defense, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force (h) Any former service Secretary (authorized care as a retired service member). (i) Former Chairmen, Joint Chiefs of Staff and former Chiefs of Staff of Services. (j) Any unplanned admission of AD generals or flag officers and persons designated to be general or flag officers. Special reporting requirements of AD GOs are addressed in paragraph b(4), below. (k) USAMEDCOM subordinate commanders and command sergeants major. (l) Foreign heads of states. (m) Foreign dignitaries. (n) Nationally known figures or celebrities and their dependents who, in the opinion of the MTF commander, could be expected to be of particular interest to the USAMEDCOM Commanding General or the news media. (o) Any military member assigned to a USAMEDCOM activity upon notification of his/her death. (p) Sergeant Major of the Army. 48 AR 40–400 27 January 2010

(2) Enabling care (EC). AD patients who are admitted with a potentially disabling injury or illness in one of the medical specialties listed below: (a) Burns. (b) Amputations. (c) Spinal cord injuries. (d) Traumatic head injuries. (e) Eye injuries. (f) Post traumatic stress disorder. (3) MASCAL. Any number of casualties produced in a relatively short period of time that challenge medical and logistical support capabilities of the facility. (4) Stability Operations and Support Operations. Patients generated from Stability Operations and Support Operations, such as deployment to hostile or potentially hostile locations and who are hospitalized within an area of operations and subsequently transferred/evacuated into supporting MTFs (both field and/or fixed facilities), are reportable at each MTF. (5) Others. Other special interest patients at the request of higher headquarters. b. Procedures. MTF personnel who have been designated to report an admission, change in status, or disposition of a person in a special category will notify the USAMEDCOM within 2 hours after such occurrence or as soon thereafter as practicable. (1) VIP admissions, changes in status, and dispositions. (a) Notification procedures— 1. MTF personnel will notify the USAMEDCOM Patient Administration Division (PAD) electronically at https:// during duty hours (0730-1630, Central Time (CT)). After duty hours, the USAMEDCOM staff duty officer (SDO) will be notified at DSN 471-8445. Commercial area code and prefix is (210) 221-8445. 2. After duty hours, the USAMEDCOM SDO will contact the OTSG/OPSCENTER 21 Desk Officer (DSN) 761- 8052/5095 for extremely time sensitive information regarding VIPs that would warrant placement in TSG/USAMED- COM commanding general’s morning briefing or immediate notification of TSG. Other less sensitive information received after duty hours will be provided to the USAMEDCOM PAD at for appropriate notifications the following duty day. (b) Active duty VIP reporting. The data below will be provided in an executive summary when reporting VIP patient information for active duty. This is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act-protected information and will be reported strictly on a need-to-know basis. USAMEDCOM PAD will prepare and disseminate executive summaries on VIPs as required. 1. Patient’s full name, sex, and social security number. 2. Grade/position/status. 3. Unit. 4. Admitting MTF, date/time admitted, complete MTF mailing address, ward, and ward telephone number. 5. Brief medical diagnosis in nontechnical language; brief description of injury or illness, date and location; overall condition, and changes. 6. Prognosis, anticipated length of hospitalization, and changes. 7. Name and telephone number of person giving report and date reported. (c) Changes in status. Notification of VIP patient changes in status will include— 1. Information in paragraph b(1)(b)1–7, above. 2. Date/time. 3. Specific change(s) in the patient’s condition, to include changes to SI/VSI and removal from SI/VSI. (d) Patient disposition. Notification of VIP patient disposition will include— 1. Information in paragraph b(1)(b)1–7, above. 2. Final diagnosis and condition upon completion of hospitalization. 3. Nature of disposition (that is, duty, discharge, death, or transfer to (name and address of MTF)). (e) Non-active duty VIP reporting. The information reported in the executive summary for non-active duty VIP patients will be limited to the following: 1. Full name. 2. Patient location. 3 . M e d i c a l c o n d i t i o n i n g e n e r a l t e r m s ( t h a t i s , s t a b l e , g o o d , f a i r , s e r i o u s , c r i t i c a l , c o n s c i o u s , s e m i c o n s c i o u s , unconscious). (2) EC patient admissions, changes in status, and dispositions. (a) Notification procedures. MTF personnel will also furnish the information in (b), below, (to the Patient Administration Systems and Biostatistics Activity (PASBA) within 24 hours of patient admission, change in status, or disposition. For information on methods of reporting, contact the PASBA at 210-221-1102. AR 40–400 27 January 2010 49

(2) Enabling care (EC). AD patients who are admitted with a potentially disabling injury or illness in one of the<br />

medical specialties listed below:<br />

(a) Burns.<br />

(b) Amputations.<br />

(c) Spinal cord injuries.<br />

(d) Traumatic head injuries.<br />

(e) Eye injuries.<br />

(f) Post traumatic stress disorder.<br />

(3) MASCAL. Any number of casualties produced in a relatively short period of time that challenge medical and<br />

logistical support capabilities of the facility.<br />

(4) Stability Operations and Support Operations. <strong>Patient</strong>s generated from Stability Operations and Support Operations,<br />

such as deployment to hostile or potentially hostile locations and who are hospitalized within an area of<br />

operations and subsequently transferred/evacuated into supporting MTFs (both field and/or fixed facilities), are reportable<br />

at each MTF.<br />

(5) Others. Other special interest patients at the request of higher headquarters.<br />

b. Procedures. MTF personnel who have been designated to report an admission, change in status, or disposition of<br />

a person in a special category will notify the USAMEDCOM within 2 hours after such occurrence or as soon thereafter<br />

as practicable.<br />

(1) VIP admissions, changes in status, and dispositions.<br />

(a) Notification procedures—<br />

1. MTF personnel will notify the USAMEDCOM <strong>Patient</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> Division (PAD) electronically at https://<br /> during duty hours (0730-1630, Central Time (CT)). After duty hours, the USAMEDCOM staff<br />

duty officer (SDO) will be notified at DSN 471-8445. Commercial area code and prefix is (210) 221-8445.<br />

2. After duty hours, the USAMEDCOM SDO will contact the OTSG/OPSCENTER 21 Desk Officer (DSN) 761-<br />

8052/5095 for extremely time sensitive information regarding VIPs that would warrant placement in TSG/USAMED-<br />

COM commanding general’s morning briefing or immediate notification of TSG. Other less sensitive information<br />

received after duty hours will be provided to the USAMEDCOM PAD at for<br />

appropriate notifications the following duty day.<br />

(b) Active duty VIP reporting. The data below will be provided in an executive summary when reporting VIP patient<br />

information for active duty. This is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act-protected information and will<br />

be reported strictly on a need-to-know basis. USAMEDCOM PAD will prepare and disseminate executive summaries<br />

on VIPs as required.<br />

1. <strong>Patient</strong>’s full name, sex, and social security number.<br />

2. Grade/position/status.<br />

3. Unit.<br />

4. Admitting MTF, date/time admitted, complete MTF mailing address, ward, and ward telephone number.<br />

5. Brief medical diagnosis in nontechnical language; brief description of injury or illness, date and location; overall<br />

condition, and changes.<br />

6. Prognosis, anticipated length of hospitalization, and changes.<br />

7. Name and telephone number of person giving report and date reported.<br />

(c) Changes in status. Notification of VIP patient changes in status will include—<br />

1. Information in paragraph b(1)(b)1–7, above.<br />

2. Date/time.<br />

3. Specific change(s) in the patient’s condition, to include changes to SI/VSI and removal from SI/VSI.<br />

(d) <strong>Patient</strong> disposition. Notification of VIP patient disposition will include—<br />

1. Information in paragraph b(1)(b)1–7, above.<br />

2. Final diagnosis and condition upon completion of hospitalization.<br />

3. Nature of disposition (that is, duty, discharge, death, or transfer to (name and address of MTF)).<br />

(e) Non-active duty VIP reporting. The information reported in the executive summary for non-active duty VIP<br />

patients will be limited to the following:<br />

1. Full name.<br />

2. <strong>Patient</strong> location.<br />

3 . M e d i c a l c o n d i t i o n i n g e n e r a l t e r m s ( t h a t i s , s t a b l e , g o o d , f a i r , s e r i o u s , c r i t i c a l , c o n s c i o u s , s e m i c o n s c i o u s ,<br />

unconscious).<br />

(2) EC patient admissions, changes in status, and dispositions.<br />

(a) Notification procedures. MTF personnel will also furnish the information in (b), below, (to the <strong>Patient</strong> <strong>Administration</strong><br />

Systems and Biostatistics Activity (PASBA) within 24 hours of patient admission, change in status, or<br />

disposition. For information on methods of reporting, contact the PASBA at 210-221-1102.<br />

AR 40–400 27 January 2010<br />


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