Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army

Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army


5–14. Psychiatric patients a. At MTFs that do not furnish specialized psychiatric care, the patient will be transferred to an MTF that furnishes the required care. This procedure will apply when most of the available clinical evidence indicates a military patient has a psychiatric condition and treatment, observation, or evaluation for a period of 7 days is indicated. The transfer will normally take place within 7 days of the date of admission. b. At MTFs designated as psychiatric STSs, patients with psychosis ordinarily will undergo prolonged periods of observation to determine the permanency of the disability. The patient’s response to treatment will be evaluated as soon as practicable after a definite diagnosis has been made. When treatment does not result in substantial improvement, disposition will be made as quickly as practicable. Usually intensive treatment for a period of under 90 days will be sufficient to establish the degree of disability and provide optimum improvement. (See para 5-15 for processing of psychiatric prisoner patients.) c. A commander is responsible for exercising all reasonable measures to protect the personal affairs of a psychiatric patient as well as other members of the command. Legal assistance officers will be contacted for counsel and advice. Psychiatric Soldiers, despite their mental illness, may be sufficiently competent to execute a legally acceptable power of attorney or other instrument authorizing another person to act on their behalf in personal matters. Mental incompetence may vary in degree and in relation to specific situations. Opinion as to competency will be obtained from a psychiatrist on specific situations that arise in the settlement of personal affairs. 5–15. Psychiatric prisoner patients When a prisoner suffering from psychosis is admitted to an MTF or local confinement facility, the MTF commander will ascertain whether the issue of insanity was raised at the time of trial or if there is anything in the record of trial that may support a reasonable doubt as to the patient’s sanity at the time of the offense or trial. If the information concerning the patient’s sanity is not in the patient’s available records, this information will be requested from HQDA (DAJA-CL), Washington, DC 20310-2200. When received, the information will be included with the patient’s ITR. (See para 7-6 for sanity board policy.) 5–16. Notification of release of criminal Army members a. A criminal Army member, as used in this paragraph, is a psychiatric patient who has a history of reported involvement in major crimes or antisocial behavior and is considered to have significant potential for recurrence of such behavior. Examples are crimes of violence such as murder, rape, or prolonged absences associated with threats of violent behavior. When such patients have been administratively cleared for medical separation from the Service, they will be reported by the Army MTF to OTSG (DASG-HSZ), 5109 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3258. Copies of the following documents will be included in the notification, if available: (1) Applicable criminal investigation activities, military police, and/or civilian police investigations. (2) Investigations under the provisions of The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), Article 32. (3) SJAs advice to the general courts-martial. (4) Record of trial. (5) Sanity board proceedings. (See para 7-6.) (6) MEB proceedings including a copy of the narrative summary (see para 7-24) prepared in lieu of sanity board proceedings or prepared separately. (7) Indictments, complaints, other investigative files, and court orders. (8) Proposed date, place, and basis of release from the MTF including identification of the receiving facility and estimated date of separation from the Service. b. Absence of any of the listed documents in a above must be explained. c. Reports required above will be dispatched no later than 72 hours before actual physical disposition (departure) of the patient from the MTF. d. If reporting as described in this paragraph is questionable, the case will be forwarded as prescribed in a above. e. Notifications prescribed by this paragraph are exempt from reports control under AR 335-15. 5–17. Final disposition procedures for military patients a. Patients who are fit for duty will be returned to duty as soon as possible. Attached military patients will be returned to their units of assignment. Those assigned to WTUs will be reported for reassignment per paragraphs 8-9 and 8-10 (see chap 7 for MEB requirements). b. Patients who are unfit for duty and are assigned to WTUs will be processed for separation by the transfer point which supports the MTF. Patients who are not assigned to the WTU will be returned to their units of assignment for separation action. The additional instructions in (1) through (5), below, apply. (1) Patients who are fit for retention but do not meet procurement medical fitness standards will be processed as provided in paragraph 5-3 and AR 635-200. (2) Patients who have been referred to PEBs and are approved for continuance on AD as provided in AR 635-40 will be processed according to instructions from the U.S. Army Physical Disability Agency (TAPD-PDB). 42 AR 40–400 27 January 2010

(3) Patients who are being or have been processed through the physical disability system and who do not require active inpatient medical supervision will be processed as indicated in (a) through (c) below. Assigned duties will be restricted to the degree required by profile. The narrative summary (SF 502) of such patients processed on an outpatient basis should show in detail the level of duties that the patient is able to perform. (a) Assigned patients will be placed on duty with a nearby unit or with the MTF WTU as set forth in paragraph 8-6. (b) Patients being processed on an outpatient basis will remain on duty with the assigned organization. (c) Patients will be processed as directed by HQDA. (4) If eligible, those patients who are being or have been processed through the physical disability system and require continued active medical supervision will be transferred to a VA treatment facility as soon as possible to await final processing. (See para 5-18.) (5) Patients who are being or have been processed through the physical disability system and who require continued active medical supervision, but are not eligible for transfer to a VA treatment facility will be processed as soon as possible. (See para 5-18c.) Separation will take place within 72 hours of receipt of instructions from the U.S. Army Physical Disability Agency (TAPD-PDB) and will not be delayed for completion of disposition arrangements. c. Procedures for retention of patients whose period of AD will expire while needing medical or dental care are contained in AR 135-200, AR 600-8-24, and AR 635-200. 5–18. Military patients requiring continued hospitalization or nursing home care after separation When it is determined that a patient will not be able to continue active service, the MTF commander will begin action as follows: a. Transfer to a VA treatment facility. Except for those with a dishonorable discharge, a request will be sent to GPMRC, Scott AFB, IL 62225-5300, requesting a bed designation in a VA treatment facility. When it is anticipated that a patient’s hospitalization will be completed before the effective date of retirement or separation, the patient will not be processed for transfer to a VA treatment facility. (1) A member being transferred from an Army MTF to a VA treatment facility for further hospitalization or nursing home care following PEB action will be ordered on PCS to such MTF as provided in (3), below. AD patients transferred on PCS to a VA treatment facility will be assigned to the WTU of the MEDDAC in whose geographic area of responsibility (GAR) the VA treatment facility is located. Appropriate notifications will be completed according to this regulation. A patient transferred on PCS to a VA treatment facility will not be charged leave during the period of such care. The patient will be entitled to transfer of Family members and shipment of household goods under provisions of the JFTR. Direct communication between Army MTF commanders and officials of the VA treatment facility is authorized in accomplishing patient transfers to VA treatment facilities. (2) All requests for bed designations will be made at the earliest date which will allow completion of processing prior to the bed availability date. This date is usually within 2 weeks from the request. On receipt of a VA bed designation, the MTF commander will promptly send a copy to the PEB which is processing the member’s case. If any condition should arise that will prevent completion of the patient’s processing or transfer within the dates specified, immediate action will be taken to cancel or extend the VA bed designation through GPMRC. (3) Before transfer of a patient to a VA treatment facility— (a) Counseling will be accomplished according to AR 635-40. For mentally incompetent patients, the individuals acting in their behalf will be counseled. (b) Appropriate separation certificates will be prepared according to AR 635-5 and AR 635-10. (c) DD Form 214 will be prepared for all personnel according to AR 635-5. If it is impracticable to secure the member’s signature in item 34, the item will be left blank. No notation of any kind will be placed on the copy of DD Form 214 or any other separation document presented to the member to indicate that he or she is mentally or otherwise incompetent to sign. (d) Before moving a patient to a VA treatment facility, coordination will be made with GPMRC for a bed designation. (4) The patient will be transferred to the designated hospital or nursing home upon receipt of the notification from GPMRC of a bed assignment in a VA treatment facility. (a) Except for mentally incompetent patients, the transfer to a VA treatment facility will be accomplished at the earliest practicable date after the announcement of PEB findings that the patient will be permanently retired, placed on the TDRL, or discharged. To ensure timely processing, counseling for these patients will be completed as prescribed in paragraph 7-22. MEB results will be referred to the PEB promptly after transfer of the patient. Mentally incompetent patients will be transferred after completion of MEB action. See (c) below for special provisions for transferring spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. (b) The following patients being evacuated from overseas may be transferred directly from the overseas MTF to a VA treatment facility in CONUS: severe brain injury patients, as soon as the MEB is completed; alcohol or other drugdependent patients who meet the criteria outlined in AR 600-85; or those whose normal expiration-term-of-service date will not permit sufficient time in the local program to determine rehabilitation success or failure and who will have between 15 and 30 days remaining until discharge after arrival at the VA treatment facility. AR 40–400 27 January 2010 43

(3) <strong>Patient</strong>s who are being or have been processed through the physical disability system and who do not require<br />

active inpatient medical supervision will be processed as indicated in (a) through (c) below. Assigned duties will be<br />

restricted to the degree required by profile. The narrative summary (SF 502) of such patients processed on an<br />

outpatient basis should show in detail the level of duties that the patient is able to perform.<br />

(a) Assigned patients will be placed on duty with a nearby unit or with the MTF WTU as set forth in paragraph 8-6.<br />

(b) <strong>Patient</strong>s being processed on an outpatient basis will remain on duty with the assigned organization.<br />

(c) <strong>Patient</strong>s will be processed as directed by HQDA.<br />

(4) If eligible, those patients who are being or have been processed through the physical disability system and<br />

require continued active medical supervision will be transferred to a VA treatment facility as soon as possible to await<br />

final processing. (See para 5-18.)<br />

(5) <strong>Patient</strong>s who are being or have been processed through the physical disability system and who require continued<br />

active medical supervision, but are not eligible for transfer to a VA treatment facility will be processed as soon as<br />

possible. (See para 5-18c.) Separation will take place within 72 hours of receipt of instructions from the U.S. <strong>Army</strong><br />

Physical Disability Agency (TAPD-PDB) and will not be delayed for completion of disposition arrangements.<br />

c. Procedures for retention of patients whose period of AD will expire while needing medical or dental care are<br />

contained in AR 135-200, AR 600-8-24, and AR 635-200.<br />

5–18. Military patients requiring continued hospitalization or nursing home care after separation<br />

When it is determined that a patient will not be able to continue active service, the MTF commander will begin action<br />

as follows:<br />

a. Transfer to a VA treatment facility. Except for those with a dishonorable discharge, a request will be sent to<br />

GPMRC, Scott AFB, IL 62225-5300, requesting a bed designation in a VA treatment facility. When it is anticipated<br />

that a patient’s hospitalization will be completed before the effective date of retirement or separation, the patient will<br />

not be processed for transfer to a VA treatment facility.<br />

(1) A member being transferred from an <strong>Army</strong> MTF to a VA treatment facility for further hospitalization or nursing<br />

home care following PEB action will be ordered on PCS to such MTF as provided in (3), below. AD patients<br />

transferred on PCS to a VA treatment facility will be assigned to the WTU of the MEDDAC in whose geographic area<br />

of responsibility (GAR) the VA treatment facility is located. Appropriate notifications will be completed according to<br />

this regulation. A patient transferred on PCS to a VA treatment facility will not be charged leave during the period of<br />

such care. The patient will be entitled to transfer of Family members and shipment of household goods under<br />

provisions of the JFTR. Direct communication between <strong>Army</strong> MTF commanders and officials of the VA treatment<br />

facility is authorized in accomplishing patient transfers to VA treatment facilities.<br />

(2) All requests for bed designations will be made at the earliest date which will allow completion of processing<br />

prior to the bed availability date. This date is usually within 2 weeks from the request. On receipt of a VA bed<br />

designation, the MTF commander will promptly send a copy to the PEB which is processing the member’s case. If any<br />

condition should arise that will prevent completion of the patient’s processing or transfer within the dates specified,<br />

immediate action will be taken to cancel or extend the VA bed designation through GPMRC.<br />

(3) Before transfer of a patient to a VA treatment facility—<br />

(a) Counseling will be accomplished according to AR 635-40. For mentally incompetent patients, the individuals<br />

acting in their behalf will be counseled.<br />

(b) Appropriate separation certificates will be prepared according to AR 635-5 and AR 635-10.<br />

(c) DD Form 214 will be prepared for all personnel according to AR 635-5. If it is impracticable to secure the<br />

member’s signature in item 34, the item will be left blank. No notation of any kind will be placed on the copy of DD<br />

Form 214 or any other separation document presented to the member to indicate that he or she is mentally or otherwise<br />

incompetent to sign.<br />

(d) Before moving a patient to a VA treatment facility, coordination will be made with GPMRC for a bed<br />

designation.<br />

(4) The patient will be transferred to the designated hospital or nursing home upon receipt of the notification from<br />

GPMRC of a bed assignment in a VA treatment facility.<br />

(a) Except for mentally incompetent patients, the transfer to a VA treatment facility will be accomplished at the<br />

earliest practicable date after the announcement of PEB findings that the patient will be permanently retired, placed on<br />

the TDRL, or discharged. To ensure timely processing, counseling for these patients will be completed as prescribed in<br />

paragraph 7-22. MEB results will be referred to the PEB promptly after transfer of the patient. Mentally incompetent<br />

patients will be transferred after completion of MEB action. See (c) below for special provisions for transferring spinal<br />

cord injury (SCI) patients.<br />

(b) The following patients being evacuated from overseas may be transferred directly from the overseas MTF to a<br />

VA treatment facility in CONUS: severe brain injury patients, as soon as the MEB is completed; alcohol or other drugdependent<br />

patients who meet the criteria outlined in AR 600-85; or those whose normal expiration-term-of-service date<br />

will not permit sufficient time in the local program to determine rehabilitation success or failure and who will have<br />

between 15 and 30 days remaining until discharge after arrival at the VA treatment facility.<br />

AR 40–400 27 January 2010<br />


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