Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army

Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army


OWCP Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs PAD patient administration division PARRTS Patient Accounting and Reporting Realtime Tracking System PASBA Patient Administration Systems and Biostatistics Activity PCE potentially compensable event PCM primary care manager PCS permanent change of station PDES Physical Disability Evaluation System PEB physical evaluation board PEBLO physical evaluation board liaison officer PHS Public Health Service POE port of embarkation POR preparation of replacements for overseas movement PPG personnel policy guidance PTF patients’ trust fund QSTAG quadripartite standardization agreement RC Reserve Component RCS report control symbol RCSO Regional Claims Settlement Office REFRAD release from active duty 124 AR 40–400 27 January 2010/RAR 15 September 2011

REP 63 Reserve Enlistment Program of 1963 RJA recovery judge advocate RMC regional medical commands ROTC Reserve Officers’ Training Corps RTD return to duty SADR standard ambulatory data record SCI spinal cord injury SDO staff duty officer SHCP Supplemental Health Care Program SI seriously ill SIDR standard inpatient data record SJA staff judge advocate SOFA status of forces agreement SOP standing operating procedure SPECAT special category SROTC Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps SS selective service SSA Social Security Administration SSN social security number STANAG standardization agreement AR 40–400 27 January 2010/RAR 15 September 2011 125

OWCP<br />

Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs<br />

PAD<br />

patient administration division<br />

PARRTS<br />

<strong>Patient</strong> Accounting and Reporting Realtime Tracking System<br />

PASBA<br />

<strong>Patient</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> Systems and Biostatistics Activity<br />

PCE<br />

potentially compensable event<br />

PCM<br />

primary care manager<br />

PCS<br />

permanent change of station<br />

PDES<br />

Physical Disability Evaluation System<br />

PEB<br />

physical evaluation board<br />

PEBLO<br />

physical evaluation board liaison officer<br />

PHS<br />

Public Health Service<br />

POE<br />

port of embarkation<br />

POR<br />

preparation of replacements for overseas movement<br />

PPG<br />

personnel policy guidance<br />

PTF<br />

patients’ trust fund<br />

QSTAG<br />

quadripartite standardization agreement<br />

RC<br />

Reserve Component<br />

RCS<br />

report control symbol<br />

RCSO<br />

Regional Claims Settlement Office<br />

REFRAD<br />

release from active duty<br />

124 AR 40–400 27 January 2010/RAR 15 September 2011

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