Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army

Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army Patient Administration - Army Publishing Directorate - U.S. Army


Appendix C Management control evaluation checklists C–1. Third party collection program a. Purpose. The purpose of this checklist is to assist Army MTFs in evaluating the key management controls listed below. It is not intended to cover all controls. b. Instructions. Answers must be based on the actual testing of key management controls (for example, document analysis, direct observation, sampling, simulation, other). Answers which indicate deficiencies must be explained and corrective action indicated in supporting documentation. These management controls must be evaluated at least once every 5 years. Certification that this evaluation has been conducted must be accomplished on DA Form 11-2-R (Management Control Evaluation Certification Statement). A copy of DA Form 11-2-R is available on the APD Web site ( c. Test questions. (1) Are all billable beneficiaries (Family members, retirees, and Family members of retirees) that are admitted and that present for emergent and non-emergent outpatient care or ancillary services interviewed for billable insurance information by appropriate personnel? Are the results of all the interviews documented on DD Form 2569, and are the forms placed on the left side of the health/medical record? (2) Are all DD Forms 2569 indicating billable insurance reviewed and benefits/amount of coverage verified with the insurers and the results documented? (3) Are all DD Forms 2569 indicating no billable insurance reviewed and verified against all available databases, and are identified insurance benefits/amount of coverage verified with the insurers? Are the results documented? (4) Are procedures in place to ensure precertification/preauthorization? Is documentation and necessary information presented to the case manager on a daily basis? (5) Are procedures in place to ensure separation of duties (that is, that personnel performing billing functions are not also performing collection functions)? (6) Are all checks received processed, documented in a check log, stored in a safe, and deposited on a daily basis? Are all valid denials and refunds approved by the TPCP/UBO manager? (7) Are copies of all DD Forms 2569 indicating medical care associated with an accident (including AD) forwarded to the appropriate RJA office for pursuit of medical affirmative claims? (8) Are appropriate insurance files maintained after discharge to include DD Form 2569, assignment of benefits, and copies of the following: bills, checks received, correspondence and/or phone conversations, concurrent review and continued stay review documentation, and the explanation of benefits? Are claims files maintained for the time period and in the manner required in the UBO manual? (9) According to the UBO manual, is all billing current? This includes preparing and sending inpatient claims to the third party payer within 10 business days following completion of the medical record and preparing and sending outpatient claims within 7 days after the outpatient encounter information is obtained? Are all claims for which payment is delinquent (reimbursement not received after 30 days) entered into a suspense file to be called on and monitored? (10) Are clear and complete audit trails maintained on all claims and forwarded to the appropriate RJA office for pursuit of invalid denials and medical affirmative claims? d. Supersession. There was no previous checklist. e. Comments. Comments regarding this checklist should be addressed to the Commander, USAMEDCOM, ATTN: MCHO-CL-P, 2050 Worth Road, Suite 10, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6010. C–2. Medical Affirmative Claims Program, also known as the Federal Medical Care Recovery Act a. Purpose. The purpose of this checklist is to assist Army MTFs in evaluating the key management controls listed below. It is not intended to cover all controls. b. Instructions. Answers must be based on the actual testing of key management controls (for example, document analysis, direct observation, sampling, simulation, other). Answers which indicate deficiencies must be explained and corrective action indicated in supporting documentation. These management controls must be evaluated at least once every 5 years. Certification that this evaluation has been conducted must be accomplished on DA Form 11-2-R. c. Test questions. (1) Is there a system in place to identify and report to the appropriate RJA the following: (1) inpatient treatment, (2) outpatient treatment, (3) supplemental care payments or other payments for care provided by a civilian source, and/or (4) ancillary services ordered by an external provider that are associated with an accident/trauma related injury or illness (including AD beneficiaries) for pursuing potential or ongoing medical affirmative claims? (2) Are procedures in place to ensure the appropriate RJA is notified of information in (a) above, using a variety of sources including, but not limited to the following: the DD Form 2569, a list of admissions or copy of the admissions records, applicable ADS forms, and/or copies of clinic logs? 116 AR 40–400 27 January 2010

(3) Is there a procedure in place to identify and report health care services for a non-Federal employment related injury or illness (commonly referred to as worker’s compensation) to the appropriate RJA? (4) Are procedures in place to identify patients with concurrent TPCP and medical affirmative claims, and to notify the appropriate RJA, in a timely manner, that a TPCP health insurance payment or denial is received on a concurrent medical affirmative claim? (5) Does the MTF receive a monthly report from the appropriate RJA listing medical affirmative claims closed without recovery and claims transferred to another RJA jurisdiction? (6) Does the MTF receive and maintain a monthly report listing the patient’s name, sponsor’s SSN, and amount(s) deposited to the MTFs account by the RJA, or a copy of deposit voucher(s) reflecting deposits to the MTFs account by the RJA? (7) Are procedures in place to ensure medical affirmative claims forms are accurately completed by the MTF and provided to the RJA, with copies of pertinent medical records, in a timely manner? (8) Does the MTF maintain documentation supporting medical affirmative claims, including, but not limited to UB- 92 forms, encounter forms, and DD Forms 2569 after treatment or discharge as addressed in DOD 6010.15-M regarding internal controls? (9) Are procedures in place to ensure all requests for attorneys, insurance companies, and patients are screened for potential or ongoing medical affirmative claims and these requests are forwarded to the RJA for release or approval for release? (10) Are procedures in place to ensure separation of duties, that is, that MTF personnel performing medical affirmative claims related billing functions are not also performing medical related claims related collection/deposit functions as addressed in DOD 6010.15-M regarding internal controls? d. Supersession. There was no previous checklist. e. Comments. Comments regarding this checklist should be addressed to the Commander, USAMEDCOM, ATTN: MCHO-CL-P, 2050 Worth Road, Suite 10, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6010. C–3. Medical services account a. Purpose. The purpose of this checklist is to assist Army MTFs in evaluating the key management controls listed below. It is not intended to cover all controls. b. Instructions. Answers must be based on the actual testing of key management controls (for example, document analysis, direct observation, sampling, simulation, other). Answers which indicate deficiencies must be explained and corrective action indicated in supporting documentation. These management controls must be evaluated at least once every 5 years. Certification that this evaluation has been conducted must be accomplished on DA Form 11-2-R. c. Test questions. (1) Are rates charged eligible beneficiaries for medical, dental, and veterinary care in Army MTFs current? (2) Is the MSAO appointed by written order of the MTF commander? (3) Are deputy MSAO/assistant MSAOs, if required, appointed in writing by the MTF commander? Are current procedures established for transfer of MSA accountability? (4) Is the MSAO not accountable for another appropriated fund or other Government property? (5) Are current SOPs established for daily operation of the MSA office? (6) Has the MSAO designated separate accounting technicians and cashiers? (7) Is the organizational arrangement (separation of duties of accounting technician, cashier, etc.) adequate to protect cash receipts? (8) Is there a separate drawer or box with a separate key for each cashier, if more than one cashier? (9) Is the automated CHCS being used to manage accounts receivable? Is CHCS being used to maintain the invoice and receipt (DA Form 3154) control listing? Are invoices and receipts being printed from CHCS as necessary? (10) Are there procedures to ensure that MTF activities notify the MSAO when chargeable items are provided to the patient and the rate to be charged? (11) Is the original CHCS-printed copy of the invoice and receipt presented to the patient or sponsor? (12) Are DD Forms 7 and 7A prepared monthly? (13) Are charges for subsistence furnished to enlisted personnel inpatients billed to the Military Personnel Army appropriation on an SF 1080? (14) Are outpatient charges collected in advance of treatment except in case of an emergency? (15) When outpatient charges are not collected in advance, does the MSAO approve extension of payment period? (16) Are procedures established to collect on a cash basis at the time veterinary service is provided? (17) Is DA Form 3154 prepared, receipted, and annotated for veterinary care? (18) Does the MSAO report delinquent medical bills to the MTF commander for review, as required by AR 37-103? (19) Does the MSAO have established followup procedures for collecting delinquent accounts, and are all required collection efforts completed within the proper time limits before transferring accounts to FAO? AR 40–400 27 January 2010 117

(3) Is there a procedure in place to identify and report health care services for a non-Federal employment related<br />

injury or illness (commonly referred to as worker’s compensation) to the appropriate RJA?<br />

(4) Are procedures in place to identify patients with concurrent TPCP and medical affirmative claims, and to notify<br />

the appropriate RJA, in a timely manner, that a TPCP health insurance payment or denial is received on a concurrent<br />

medical affirmative claim?<br />

(5) Does the MTF receive a monthly report from the appropriate RJA listing medical affirmative claims closed<br />

without recovery and claims transferred to another RJA jurisdiction?<br />

(6) Does the MTF receive and maintain a monthly report listing the patient’s name, sponsor’s SSN, and amount(s)<br />

deposited to the MTFs account by the RJA, or a copy of deposit voucher(s) reflecting deposits to the MTFs account by<br />

the RJA?<br />

(7) Are procedures in place to ensure medical affirmative claims forms are accurately completed by the MTF and<br />

provided to the RJA, with copies of pertinent medical records, in a timely manner?<br />

(8) Does the MTF maintain documentation supporting medical affirmative claims, including, but not limited to UB-<br />

92 forms, encounter forms, and DD Forms 2569 after treatment or discharge as addressed in DOD 6010.15-M<br />

regarding internal controls?<br />

(9) Are procedures in place to ensure all requests for attorneys, insurance companies, and patients are screened for<br />

potential or ongoing medical affirmative claims and these requests are forwarded to the RJA for release or approval for<br />

release?<br />

(10) Are procedures in place to ensure separation of duties, that is, that MTF personnel performing medical<br />

affirmative claims related billing functions are not also performing medical related claims related collection/deposit<br />

functions as addressed in DOD 6010.15-M regarding internal controls?<br />

d. Supersession. There was no previous checklist.<br />

e. Comments. Comments regarding this checklist should be addressed to the Commander, USAMEDCOM, ATTN:<br />

MCHO-CL-P, 2050 Worth Road, Suite 10, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6010.<br />

C–3. Medical services account<br />

a. Purpose. The purpose of this checklist is to assist <strong>Army</strong> MTFs in evaluating the key management controls listed<br />

below. It is not intended to cover all controls.<br />

b. Instructions. Answers must be based on the actual testing of key management controls (for example, document<br />

analysis, direct observation, sampling, simulation, other). Answers which indicate deficiencies must be explained and<br />

corrective action indicated in supporting documentation. These management controls must be evaluated at least once<br />

every 5 years. Certification that this evaluation has been conducted must be accomplished on DA Form 11-2-R.<br />

c. Test questions.<br />

(1) Are rates charged eligible beneficiaries for medical, dental, and veterinary care in <strong>Army</strong> MTFs current?<br />

(2) Is the MSAO appointed by written order of the MTF commander?<br />

(3) Are deputy MSAO/assistant MSAOs, if required, appointed in writing by the MTF commander? Are current<br />

procedures established for transfer of MSA accountability?<br />

(4) Is the MSAO not accountable for another appropriated fund or other Government property?<br />

(5) Are current SOPs established for daily operation of the MSA office?<br />

(6) Has the MSAO designated separate accounting technicians and cashiers?<br />

(7) Is the organizational arrangement (separation of duties of accounting technician, cashier, etc.) adequate to protect<br />

cash receipts?<br />

(8) Is there a separate drawer or box with a separate key for each cashier, if more than one cashier?<br />

(9) Is the automated CHCS being used to manage accounts receivable? Is CHCS being used to maintain the invoice<br />

and receipt (DA Form 3154) control listing? Are invoices and receipts being printed from CHCS as necessary?<br />

(10) Are there procedures to ensure that MTF activities notify the MSAO when chargeable items are provided to the<br />

patient and the rate to be charged?<br />

(11) Is the original CHCS-printed copy of the invoice and receipt presented to the patient or sponsor?<br />

(12) Are DD Forms 7 and 7A prepared monthly?<br />

(13) Are charges for subsistence furnished to enlisted personnel inpatients billed to the Military Personnel <strong>Army</strong><br />

appropriation on an SF 1080?<br />

(14) Are outpatient charges collected in advance of treatment except in case of an emergency?<br />

(15) When outpatient charges are not collected in advance, does the MSAO approve extension of payment period?<br />

(16) Are procedures established to collect on a cash basis at the time veterinary service is provided?<br />

(17) Is DA Form 3154 prepared, receipted, and annotated for veterinary care?<br />

(18) Does the MSAO report delinquent medical bills to the MTF commander for review, as required by AR 37-103?<br />

(19) Does the MSAO have established followup procedures for collecting delinquent accounts, and are all required<br />

collection efforts completed within the proper time limits before transferring accounts to FAO?<br />

AR 40–400 27 January 2010<br />


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