Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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Van I-teyningeii, Christina 1946i. Unpi~blisl~ed Review of The Posl,,zcrn Al14,a~.s Rings Tiu<br />

Pietermaritzburg Archives STP 2/21] ere be Dragons7:<br />

Van Heyningen, C1i1-istina 1947. Tlie Poets' Poet. 7'heoria 393- 109.<br />

Van Heyningen. CIII-istina 1948a. A Performance of 'Tile Flies' by ~ean-P~LII Sa~tre. stan allenging 'Liberal7<br />

3.1 :46-53.<br />

Van I leyningen, Christina 1948b. The Technique of Practical Cliticism. In Mackie, W. S (c nstructions of Prates<br />

S)/II~~OSI~LWI 011 Practical CrilIci~r12. Cape Town: Urliversity of Cape 'Town.<br />

Van Meyningen, Christina 1948~. Letter to Nell Marquard. 19 July. Pietermaritzburg<br />

STP 21713.<br />

Van I-lcyningen. Christina 1949. The Theatre in England. Stcrndpz~rzte 4.2:66-74, a Narismulu<br />

Williariis. Raymond 1958. Crrllrlre ai?i/Sociely: 1750-1950. London: Chatto and Windus.<br />

Willial~s, Rayiilond 197 1. 1,ileratul-e and Sociology: In Mernory of L~lcien Goldniann. Nelu<br />

Review 67:72-8 1.<br />

t Poetry<br />

ition to the apartheid State, the einergcnt culture of liberation had to contend with<br />

er hegelnonic formation, comprising white English-speaking intellectuals who<br />

a] interest in South African literature. Liberals have been highly influential in the<br />

on and reception of literature in English, through university English<br />

euts, literary journals and literary magazines, publishing houses, the English<br />

einy of South Africa, the Grahamstown Festival, the Market Theatre'. and most of<br />

nglish press. Despite their influence, the liberals have been a slnall group.<br />

ating that liberals comprise some 5% of South Africa's population, Petel- FIOIT<br />

a culturc catering to less tlian live percent of tlie population of a nalioi? is a<br />

limited cultllre and a limiting culture: it is time \vc saw through thc<br />

proposition that culturc is by nature only for the select f'exv.<br />

HOI-11's conclusion is important, the size of the iibel-als is hut a !;-::ction of his<br />

te. Further, although there bas been a tendency to refer to this gioui? ii~clusively<br />

erals, it has ranged from what may be designated as conservative jiberais to 1efi<br />

rals'. Altl~ough imprecise, the tenn 'conservative liberals' useiirlly rienotes those<br />

See Anne Fuchs' (1 990:1251-) critique of the role of the Market Tl~eatre bet~vee~? i 976 and<br />

'he IJrban Foundation's statislics suggest that whites as a wliolc comprised a littlc over 5<br />

people. i.c.. 12% of the population (Race Relations Srllevey 1993:24i). D~iriiig ilic 1087<br />

e elections 111ost Eliglish-speakers voteci for [lie National I'arty. to the cutcnl illat llie lihcrrrl<br />

ressivc Fedel-ai Party lost its positioil as official oppositioii io tlii: Conservative l'ar!y. Sonie<br />

lish-speakers have supported groups to the far rigllt of theNationai Party. Fiiially. ;iboul ilail'<br />

orn's tigure seems to colnprise cllildre~i , who arc not ~lsually included in SLICII a cour~i. Ldgc<br />

8: 109) refers to Martin Legassick's ilistinctio~~ bct~ee11 '\vi~ite groups priniarily coxlcer~iccl<br />

the saving of wlial they believed to be csisting clemocl-atic value.; aiid [lie natiounlisl<br />

ern with tlle ovel-all transSormatio~l ol'whitc lhscist domi~iatioii into democracy '.

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