Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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nces and Selected Bibliography<br />

horizons at the heginning of capitalism ('\\that a piece of work is nian')<br />

aciiie\led ~riucli. RLI~ it is nolhilig coinpared wit11 that individualism \vIiich er, Neville 1990. Edl~cation and the Stvirggie for Ntrtiovznl Liberation in .Soziti~ .4/>icir<br />

nil1 blosson~ wlielr the forces of socialism at-c planting tile clescl.ts \\,it11 corn<br />

cl?,.sarzd.SpeecheLs, 1985-1989. Braat~ifontein: Skotaville.<br />

and conq~lcl-ing nature to rnan's needs. .l'liis is all Ihc iuore importanl to<br />

cli~plrasise hecausc tlrcre is a coilimon arid tlccp-rootcd hogcy fro111 nrrogan!<br />

poets iikc lioy Cariiphcll do\\nwards tliroiipli llic irlllcaverlcd mass of<br />

pcople. flint socinlisnr will produce adead level of-equality' and destroy llle<br />

int1ividu;rl (28 Iaiiuary 1952).<br />

conclusion<br />

iiotli 'lkylor and Van tieyningen share anxieties about the rise ofFascisln in the<br />

and 1940s, and arguc for the need for a Inore critical and indepertde~~t South A<br />

public sphere. They are both rcliaiit on the critical approach of influenti<br />

Iiernisphere thiniters, a~ld work out their critical practice in close collaboration wi<br />

charismatic n~ale colleagues. Neither of them, it seems to me, brings a distinct<br />

feminist perspec,tive to bear in their work, and instcad lerld their considerable talents<br />

elaboratitlg the discoursi' they appropriated and were appropriated by.<br />

Perhaps Inore striking than their silnilarities are the differences between the<br />

MIliilc Van Fleyninget~ remains committeci to the gradualist methods of libe<br />

refonnism, Taylor consistently advances the need for vadical political an<br />

change. With regard to the question of literature's social ft~nction, Taylor's insisten<br />

on the primacy of politics over literature means that she assigns literatu<br />

function in the attainment ofpolitical ends, and is critical ofRomantic individualis<br />

addition, her desire to reveal the connections between literature and its social<br />

allows her to offer penetrating social and political critique that sees the liberation o<br />

South African oppressed as part of the global narrative of anti-capitalist rev<br />

contrast, Van Heyningen's hopes that a democratic citizenry will emerge th<br />

reading of exemplary literary texts, and her elevation of abstract moral and<br />

categories amount to an evasion of politics and an endorsement of the st<br />

Finally, in relation to the South African context, Van Heyningen focuses exc<br />

an all-white caste of writers, and her discourse of liberal patenialism, which endor<br />

colonial-metropolitan hierarchies, is in marked contrast to Taylor's commitment<br />

more inclusive definition of community, which is registered, in part, by the criti<br />

attention she gives to the work of black writers. The disappearance ofthe kin<br />

~iity Movement, 1943-1 986. Transfort~zafion 15: 1-24.<br />

Rolfus Robert n.d. An Africcrn Tragedy: A Novel iw English ~ J a J Zl~lil Writer<br />

social co~nlnentary offered by critics like Taylor, and the rapid institution<br />

South African English Departments of the fonnalist, de-historicised method<br />

om 1983. Blackpolitics inSol~thAfricasince 1935. Johannesburg: Ravan.<br />

Nosipho (Dora Taylor) [1952]1983. The Role of the Missionaries in Conqilest.<br />

practical criticism coincided with an increasingly repressive state policy towards b erwood: APDUSA.<br />

South Africans, which culminated in the triumph of Afrikaner nationalism in the 1<br />

es, David 1979. L,eft Review andLeft Litel.aiy Theory. In Clark, Jon. Margot Heinernam.<br />

elections and the ilnple~nentation of apartheid rule.<br />

Margolies & Carole Snec (eds): Cultrlre and C'visis irz Bvitnirl in the Thiv1ie.v. J,ondon:<br />

rence and Wishart.<br />

Karl [1859]1992. Preface to a Contribution to the Culture of Political Econon~y. In<br />

olletti. ~ucio (cd): Knvl Mnl,.x: Earl,) JVr.Vings. Harmons\~ortli: Penguin.<br />

Ihern. Francis 1974. The Marxist Aesthetics of Christopher Caudwell. New CeJ Revietv

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