Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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The realism of thc bourgeois's 'prodigal sons' was a critical realism. But<br />

whilc exposing the cankers of' society ... critical realisrn could not show<br />

people the way out of this thraldom. It was easy to critisise everything. but<br />

there was nothing to assert except the obvious senselcssness ofsucll social<br />

existence and 'lifc in general' (Gorky 1988:303):'.<br />

litel-ary men to^; Gorky, is known to be a leading exponent.<br />

My argument is that if there is any convergence between La Guma's aestheti<br />

realism and that of Lukacs this has a lot to do wit11 La Gurna's absorption of Gor<br />

historia11 and an ideologue, produced La Gulna's realist aesthetics.<br />

At one level, then, La Guma's aesthetics draws extensively on what Robi<br />

conlent over foml'.<br />

ns, Cecil 1985..41t.xlcr G~~rna. Boston: Twayne.<br />

Department of English<br />

University of Durban-Westville<br />

ams' [Alex la Guma] 1971. Why I Joined the Commuiiist Party. Africolz Cor~~mzr~zisl<br />

eve 1979. I Write IVhati Like. London: Heinemann.<br />

George 1978. Marslst Models of Literor)) Realisriz. New Yosk: Columbia University<br />

rnst, G Lukkcs et alL977. Aesthetics and Politics. Idondon: Verso.<br />

n 1975. Moses Kotane: Soztth African Revoltttionary. London: Inkoluleko<br />

986. Tribute. Rixaka3: 16-1 8.<br />

an. Balasubrama~lyam 1992. A Stzrdy in Trans-Etlznicity in ibfocie~n So~ith .A~%cu:<br />


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