Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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as L,a Gu~iia hirnself later realises, lies in the development of a 'PI-oletariarl class<br />

consciousness' amongst workers themselves. The Marxist-Leninist underpinnings of<br />

1,a Guma's politics is clear h-om the following account of his relationship with fellow<br />

workers:<br />

indignity as second class people in their own Motherland. 1 could do tnorc<br />

nryself('Arnolcl Admis' 1971:h I).<br />

One may, of course, argue that, given his home background, it was inevitable<br />

at La Gu~na should join the Communist Party. La Guma himself indicates that his<br />

At l~~~icli tinic I found myselftalking to the\vorkers. I seemed to have become<br />

mily background had a great deal to do with this move: 'perhaps I was influenced<br />

a great lalker. I talked about lots of things, I retne~nber. International news,<br />

ithin the circle of our family---certainly that had something to do with it' ('Gala'<br />

South African politics. Ihc colour-bar. Some oftlie workers viewed me with<br />

825 1). 'On the other hand', La Guma continues to point out, 'there were [other]<br />

curiosity. They asked nie wlretlier 1 was a communist. Certainly 1 was a<br />

endeiit experiences which made me as an individual more and more aware of the<br />

ti?ciiiber of the trade union. Was I a communist? 1 111ust have been telling<br />

them Llrings. explaining siluations. in tlie manner of a coni~nunist (.Arnold<br />

sity to change the face of our country' ('Aimo1d Adams' 197 1 :57). Some of the<br />

Adams' 197 1 :GO).<br />

lvations for joining the Communist Party which La Gutna cites include the<br />

palling conditions of life under which the predominantly working class coinmuiiity<br />

L,a Guma here was (perhaps subconsciously) not only identifying the 'proletariat as a District Six lived; his ow11 reading ofworking class literature which sensitized him to<br />

redeemel-' of its own situation within the capitalist system but also instilling in the e plight of the workers in other parts of the world as well as the potential revolutionary<br />

workers a self-consciousness that Lukacs identifies as the fil-st step towards<br />

that could result in workers changing their situation; his experiences as a worker<br />

overcomingreification (see Zitta 1964: 1759.<br />

ch provided him with a first hand practical encounter with the conditions of the<br />

As a member of the trade union committee at the Metal Box Company, La<br />

king class in his own country; lastly, the working class inte~nationalism<br />

Guma was in the forefront in the organisation of a strike for better wages and better ernonstrated by the Party during the war when it interpreted fascism as a threat to the<br />

working conditions. He recalls 'a somewhat juvenile talk [he] gave on the meaning of orking class all over the world and gave its full backing to the soviet ~nion"'. Having<br />

class struggle' during the course of the strike ('Gala' 1982:51). As a result of his ned the Young Co~n~nunist League, La Guina began getting some lectures from his<br />

involvement in this strike action, La Guma lost his job. Although La Gums later her 'on the honour and importance of being known as a Communist' (La Guma<br />

'realised' that the situation was 'much more complicated' than he saw it (La Guina 93: 168). Joining the Young Co~nmuilist League (YCL) also provided La Guma with<br />

1954:7 I), this experience was, nonetheless, significant in his development. After his e opportunity to delve deep into the theories of Marxist-Leninism. La Guma tells how<br />

dis~riissal from the Metal Box Company, La Gums found work in the art department of<br />

members of the YCL they 'read Lenin's works and debated youthfully and<br />

Caltex Oil Conipany in Cape Tolvn. Rlariche La Gutna, his wife, tells us that it was rvently'. Two years after La Gulna had joined the CPSA, however, the 01-ganisation<br />

while La Gulna was working for Caltex that 'he took a correspondence course in ad to disband, pre-empting the banning of the Party by the government. The<br />

journalism which was to serve him well in tlie future' (La Guma 1991:7\. It was also ationalist government, nonetheless, declared it an illegal organisation in 1950 and La<br />

while hc was working at Caltex that La Guma started recruiti~~g inembers for the<br />

Communist Party and, interestingly, this (apparently spontaneous) recruitment drive<br />

preceded La Guma's official rnernbership of the party. The young La Gulna finally<br />

joined the Young Comniunist League in 1947 and became a member of District 20 of even before the Soviet Union became involved in the war.<br />

the Communist Party by 1948: ief that the war was only the concern of the inipcrialists.<br />

orse this initial party position. According lo Ales la<br />

One cia)/ I ~.ealised that \\ llile 1 liad been encouraging ~ny lllales to take more cond World War was an antifascist war being \vaged<br />

interest in tliosc things \~.liicll \yere keeping them in tllat position of t Hitler alrd Mussoli~li who were not only 'iniplementing inrperialist ambitions. but were<br />

urope and its vanguard'. 'Internationalism deniandcd tliat<br />

ed' concluded Jarnes IaGuina (L.aGulua 'A biograpliy' n.t1.:67).<br />

-<br />

his father had a bearing on La Guma's interest (at ~lic age of<br />

cll as on his consciousness about tllc need for international<br />

tllc inli~~eiliacy of his csistei-rce' (1.ukics 1971 :165: see nlso.lolinson 1984). I,ukbcs (197 1: 172) olidarity \vitIl the working class: 'Nazism was overrunning Europe. I knew ahout tile stupid<br />

goi:s oil to point out: 'tile process by ivllich llic \vorltcr is rciticd and beco~ircs a commodity ysteln that turned rn), ow11 people into strangel-s in their country. LVc were co~itinually rcniintlcd<br />

tlcliuninnises hitn and cripples arid atropliies his "soul"--as long :is he tloes not consciously rebel at wc "Non-Europcalis Only": in Europe tiicy Tvcrc l~~ltchcring Jel-rs aiid gypsies. and<br />

against ili. It is iinpol-tant to note 1x1-c tlixt Lukkcs latcr renounced this .messianic' role ;Ieeordcii itlcr us "subli~imaiis". We wcrc all one, because we \verc all being persecuteti. nild lliey<br />

Ll?c pi-oIt.lnl-iat as ;I \\.;I!. oicoii~itig to tci-111s \vitli Lcr~inist tlico~y (scc L~ik;l~~'~<br />

1 967 pl-elkce to ght tlicNazis. but \vhcn 1 leit homc io join tlic armed hi-ccs<br />

I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ - ~ ~ L I I (,~ii~~.s~ioi~.s~~e,r,s:No~~ack<br />

~ L I ~ I L I S S 1978: 1201': Jones 1977:501'). el-\vciglit and too skinny' ('Arnold Adanis' 1971 -59).

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