Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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./OI(I.MLI( 35.November.<br />

(- 1117~e111 ~ ? ~ M L / /?I ~ T the Prodrr,lion oj Solllh /l)ican FIistory Martin Legassick and Gary Minkley<br />

I loi'meyr. 1 1993. M.i. Sj~endozir Bars as ir Tale tho/ is lbld': Oral ilistoriral Nnrrat,ve in n ,So~ltl~<br />

,4/tictrrr C~hiqfilo~rl. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand Ilniversity Press.<br />

Ilofi~~eyi-. 1 1994. 'Wailing for Purity'--Oral Studies in Southern Akican Studies. JSAS 20t<br />

Annivcrsa~y Confere~lce. University ol'Yol.k, 9- 1 I Septerubcr.<br />

Ilofinepr, 1 1995. Reading Oral l'cxts: New Methodological Directions. SACFJ Seminar, IIWC,<br />

Octobcl-.<br />

Jones, Dl 192 1. Cornrnzmism in South Afilcn.<br />

Jubber. K 1907. Reviclv essay in Afiicon So~iological Review 1.2: 156- 170.<br />

Kecgan, 7' 1996. Colonial 5'021th /Ifuico crud [he Origi11s of the Rircinl Order. Cape Town and<br />

Johannesburg.<br />

l,egassick, M 199 1. TheNecessity of Socialism. Cor~gress Militant 23.5.<br />

Leroke. W 1994. 'Koze, Kube Nini?': The Violence of Representation and the Politics of Social<br />

Research in South ASrica. Wits History Workshop paper, 13-1 5 July 1994.<br />

Lodge. T 1990. Charters from the Past: The ANC and its Historiographic Traditions. Raciical<br />

Histor7~Iievie1~~ 46,7: 16 1- 188.<br />

Mafe,jc. A 197 1. The Ideology of Tribalism. .ioz~rnalofil/or(crn.4fiica1zStuc(ies 9.2:253-261.<br />

Mafc,je. A 1988. Anthropology and lndepelldent Africans: Suicide or End of an Era'? Africa,<br />

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Magubanc. I3 1971. A Critical Look at Indices Used in the Study of Social Change in Africa<br />

Clrrr~nf ,4nthropolog)l 12.4 19-445.<br />

Majeko. Nosiplio (Dora Taylor) [1952]1983. The Role of fhe hfissionaries in Conqlle<br />

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Marndani. M 1997. Makgoba was aVictim of the 'Racialised Power' entrenched at Wits. H+ekly<br />

MailandGzlurdian 5- 1 1 :9.<br />

Marks. S 1996. Rewlritirzg Sozrth Ajrican History: or The ffz!zlnt for Hintsa's Head. Conference on<br />

rethinking African history, Edinburgh. May 1996.<br />

Maylam, P 1995. Tensions within the Practice of History. Sollrlz Africnn Ifistorical Jorlrnal<br />

33.November :3-12<br />

Mbeki, Thabo 1978. Donlcstic and Foreign Policies of a New South Africa. Re~riell~ ofAfrican<br />

Political Econonz)~ 11.Jan-April:6-16. Also published as 'The Historical Tnjustice. in Selected<br />

Writings or2 [he Frcedonz Charter. Sechaba Commemorative I'ublication, ANC, London.<br />

1985:36-5 3 .<br />

Minkley. G 1986. Re-examining Experience: TheNew South African Historiography. History) in<br />

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'Mnguni', (Hosea Jaffe) 1952. Three H~ir~dred Years: A fZistoly ofSollthAfiica. Cape To\vn:New<br />

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Murray, Martin 1994. The Revol~rfion Deferred The Paitfill Birth qf Post-apartlleid Sot!zltlz<br />

Afiica. London: Verso.<br />

Mzala. Comrade 1988. Revol~ltionary Thcory on the National Question in Soutll Africa. In Van<br />

Diepen. M (ed): The Nalionnl Qncsfion inSolith Africa. London: Zed Rooks.<br />

Naidoo, Jay 1986. The Significance of COSATU. Soicth Afiicnn Labozlr Bzllletirz 1 I. 5:33-39.<br />

Nasson, B 1996. A Slrarecropper's Li fc. So~ithern Afiican Xevielv of Books 42:2-4.<br />

Nkadimeng, Malete & Georgina Rclly 1983. Kas Maine: The Story ofa Black Soutll African<br />

Agricultarist. In Rozzoli. B (ed): 7bwn nnd Corintq~side in the T,-msvaal. .Jollannesburg:<br />

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Nkomo. Susan 1994. 1,ocating Self in Distorted Realities (or learning researcll in South African<br />

institutions). Paper Lo CENMIJT worksl~op, 2516 March. tTSRC.<br />

Orkin. Mat-k 1986. L)i.sinvesir~leili, the Stvilggle antithe Frrtrire: PYlint RltrckS(~~rth/~/r~~clns Reczlb<br />

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Pampallis, J 1991. Foundations ofthe New 5'011th Afiica. Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman.<br />

Prakash, Gyan (ed) 1995. A$er Colonialism: Imperial Histories and Postcolonial<br />

Displacements. Princet0n.N.J.: Princeton Univeristy Press.<br />

Ranger, T 1991. Audiences and Alliances. SozlthernAfrican Review ofRooks4,3, i9:4f.<br />

Ranger, T 1997. Review of Theseedis Mine. JSAS23,2:383f.<br />

Rassool, C 1997. Local Resistance. Collective Identities and Ordinary Experience: Social<br />

History and tlle Production ofLives in South Atiica. Unpublished paper.<br />

Rassool. C 1997a. The Individual, Biography and Resistance in South Africa Public History.<br />

SACH Seminar. UWC, 7 October.<br />

Rousseau, N 1994. Popular History in South Africa in the 1980s: The Politics of Production.<br />

M.A. U.W.C.<br />

Rousseau, N 1995. 'Unpalatable Truths' and 'Popular Hunger': Reflections on Popular History<br />

in the 1980s. SACHS, Seminar Paper, University of the Western Cape (UWC).<br />

Roux, Edward 1948. Time Longer than Rope: A Histog, of the Black Man's Struggle<br />

for Freedom in South Africa. London: Victor Gollancz.<br />

Simons, J & R Simons 1983. Class andColotcr in South Africa. IDAF.<br />

Van Onselen. C 1976. Chibaro: Afiican Mine Labour in So~outhern Rhodesia, 1900-1933.<br />

London: Pluto.<br />

Van Onselen, C 1990. Race and Class in the South African Countryside: Cultural Osmosis and<br />

Social Relations in the Sharecropping Economy of the South-Western Transvaal. 1900-1 950.<br />

American Historical Review 95.1 :99- 123.<br />

Van Onselen, C 1992. The Social and Economic Underpinnings of Paternalism and Violence on<br />

the Maize Farms of the South-Western Transvaal. 1 900-1 950. Jotlrnal of Historical Sociology<br />

5,2:127-160.<br />

Van Onselen, C 1993. TheReconstruction of aRural Life from Oral Testimony: CriticalNotes on<br />

the Methodology Employed in the Study of a Black South African Sharecropper. <strong>Journal</strong> of<br />

Peasant Studies 20,3:494-5 14.<br />

Van Onselen, C 1996. The Seed is Mine: The L@ of Kas Maine, a Sozlth African Sharecropper,<br />

1894-1985. CapeTown: David Philip.<br />

Witz, L & C Hamilton 1991. Reaping the Whirlwind: The Reader's Digest Jllustrated History of<br />

South Africa and Changing Popular Perceptions of History. Solrth African Historical Jolrrnal<br />

24: 185-202.<br />

Witz, L & C Rassool 1992. The Dog, the Rabbit and the Reluctant Historian. Sozlth Afiican<br />

Historical Jot~rnal27,November:238-242.<br />

Wolpe, H 1972. Capitalism and Cheap Labour-power: From Segregation to Apartheid. Ecconorny<br />

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Wolpe, H 1988. Race, Class andthe Apartheid State. London: James Currey.<br />

Worger, W 1991. White Radical Elistory in South Africa. South African Historical Jot~rnal<br />

24: 145-153.

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