Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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LI(IIEPZI ~reilus zn the Prodzlcllon oJSo~lth /lj~*~c.an Ff~story<br />

Island, or that Biko and Sobukwe represent different political traditions, is forgotten<br />

through the promotion of this kind of national unity. It is a unity, a national reinterpretation<br />

and national agency frained by national reconciliation. l'his version of<br />

past and heritage of struggle lays emphasis on perpetrators and victims in the prison of<br />

apartheid, and draws lines between good and evil as sylnbolically contained and<br />

'experienced' in the new figures of power. The leaders areido represent the people/ the<br />

majority, their experiences those of the majority, their prison that of apartheid, and their<br />

sense of the forgiven past and reconciled present encapsulating the 'new democracy'<br />

and as the markers ofcitizenship and the new nation.<br />

At the same time it is these official knowledges and memorialisations-in a<br />

new sense of occupancy and definition of 'the public'-that are being marked as the<br />

'real' place of 'black history' as against 'the kind ofheritage that glorifiedmainly white<br />

and colonial hi~tory"~. In this respect, this public history speaks for the 'innocent<br />

majority, unable to speak English and unversed in the language of politicsy5' as well as<br />

for the histories and participants in apartheid resistance and conflict. It is a history<br />

reliant much more on a public rewriting than it is on an academic one. And this is so<br />

despite the role ofsuch key institutions as the Mayibuye Centre for History and Culture.<br />

Set up to focus on 'all aspects of apartheid, resistance, social life and culture in South<br />

Africa' at the University of the Western Cape in 1991, and incorporating the visual and<br />

archival holdings of IDAF (International Defence and Aid Fund), it has subsequently<br />

played a central role in the planning and implementation ofthe Robben Island Museum<br />

as well as in various formats of historical production in the 'new' South Africa5>. This<br />

production, though meant to focus on hidden histories, and recover hidden pasts of<br />

resistance and subaltern agency, has tended to disavow academic history production as<br />

marginal and to significantly facilitate the generation of a new official national history<br />

along the lines elaborated above.<br />

Department of History<br />

University of the Western Cape<br />

"<br />

Nelson Mandela, Heritage Day spcech. Ckpe Times25 Septernber(1997).<br />

"<br />

l'he pl11-asc is taken from a TIiC hearing 1-eport,.4lgzrs 4-5 May ( 1996).<br />

017 CNIM~ZIS. UWC, Vo1 3, NO 19. 21-27 July (1995): Mayihuye Centre ilrznlltrl Reports<br />

1995: 1906 See in paulicula~.Rassool( 1997~5-7) for acritical context.<br />

Mart~n Legassick and Gilu)) Mlnkley<br />

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