Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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from it: 'ahovc it"?<br />

L.llr1 rrlr rvenas 272 the Prod~iction o/'Sonth /lI;-icail Hi~7torj,<br />

106<br />

l.eg~~s,siclc ond C;LE~I llf~~kie))<br />

popular culture is not straight-forwardly class conscious. It is main^^<br />

collstitutcd through colnmunity, regio~ial. ellrnic, local. gellder. or racial<br />

ca~egories, For acomplexvaricty of rcasons. only rarely does -class' fo1.m tlic<br />

significallt clelncnl in cultural formations .... black popular c~llL~>l-c tends to<br />

engender artd sustain ideologies of a nationalist. populist. 'lllo~hcl'ist'.<br />

racially-dcfined character (Bozzoli 1990a:239; see also Bozzoli 19x7).<br />

conscio~lsncss: set issues of 1nqnhil)~iz Basehenzr 1-27 ( 198 1-1 990)<br />

'1 T ] ~ R~~~~~~~ ~ ~ . ([')~)4: {()[j.f) crjticises Hozzoli's privileging oftlle concept of class in tile<br />

oftllis popular 'nationalist' culture.<br />


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